Sexual abuse of children. Article 134 of the Criminal Code. Sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under the age of sixteen

How to protect children from sexual abuse? This is one of the main questions that many parents are currently asking. When talking about sexual abuse of children, most people imagine evil maniacs and pedophiles who overtake young citizens in dark alleys and use physical force to them to satisfy their needs. This is actually not the case. The greatest number of such crimes is committed most often at home by senior members of the child's family or close friends and acquaintances. More about all this will be discussed in this article.

general characteristics

girl was sexually abused

It should immediately be said here that sexual abuse of children is a crime punishable by criminal law. The largest number of such acts is carried out by senior members of the child's family. In most cases, such crimes are committed by males (stepfathers, fathers, uncles). As a rule, people who commit sexual abuse of children cannot be called mentally healthy. This is contrary to all norms of law and morality.

Sexual abuse of a child can take many forms. For example, the stepfather spies on the stepdaughter, when the girl washes in the bathroom, he can begin to stroke her body, smoothly moving on to touch the genitals. At the same time, the rapist tells the child to relax, he will be fine. Sexual violence perpetrated against children should not be understood only as sexual intercourse with a minor.

Nevertheless, the psyche of the child is seriously affected by certain actions. In certain cases, such an injury persecutes an already matured person all his life.

How to recognize

the child is very frightened

So, sexual abuse of children is the real scourge of our modern society. Over the past 15-20 years, the number of such crimes has increased several times. Most often, children of preschool age become victims of rape. Such kids still don’t understand anything, it’s easier to intimidate them and say that they don’t tell anyone about what is happening.

What should the mother of a child pay attention to if she has noticed significant changes in the behavior of the baby? As a rule, children are in no hurry to tell their close relatives about what happened. However, if the mother lives with a man who is not the father of the child, then she needs to pay attention to the relationship of the stepfather and her daughter or son.

The kid who has been the victim of rape becomes the most withdrawn. At the sight of his offender, his expression can greatly change, fear will appear in his eyes. Moreover, the child can try to tell the mother about what happened to him in his own language. Due to age, children sometimes cannot accurately describe the fact that a stepfather or someone else from adult men showed them their genitals, stroked in intimate places and performed other sexual acts. You need to know about this.

The whole danger of what usually happens is that the mother does not believe the words of her own child, thereby the latter becomes a real victim of sexual violence in the family. Moreover, often this leads to the death of a minor.

Who can commit

scared baby

Statistics show that children under 14 years of age experience sexual abuse. In most cases, these are just girls, but also boys often fall into this category. As a rule, in 75% of cases, rapists are familiar to children. And only 25% of them are just strangers. Moreover, 45% of such crimes are committed in the family by one of the close relatives. In 30% of cases, the child is sexually abused in the family by the lover of his mother, grandmother or another brother.

child is afraid of the offender

Among relatives, violence is most often perpetrated by a father, stepfather or guardian. Therefore, if the child is very afraid of one of the members of his family (for example, the stepdaughter avoids the stepfather), then the mother should pay special attention to this. It is likely that he commits sexual abuse of the girl. A child can remain silent about this even for several years.

In addition

Most often, sexual abuse of children is committed by precisely those citizens who themselves became victims of such a terrible crime at a young age. It is normal for such people to see their child as their sexual partner.

In most cases, rapists belong to the category of older people. But more often these are males about 40 years old. More often, younger people do not have this tendency. Nevertheless, there are also male persons who commit such a terrible crime at the age of 30.

There is a certain opinion that a rapist is a mentally unhealthy person. Most often, it is simply impossible to explain the fact of rape by an adult man of a small child. At the same time, practice shows that only 10% of such criminals are completely unhealthy people with persistent mental deviations. It turns out that all the other rapists are ordinary people who live among us and are no different from others. Moreover, sometimes men with a passion for children hide it in every way. Nevertheless, it is still impossible to call such people normal.

A little about the main thing

So, as already mentioned earlier, adolescent sexual abuse occurs precisely in the family. As a rule, in such cells of society, adults do not have the concept that sexual acts and any other similar actions should be performed only between adult partners who are husband and wife, cohabitants or lovers. The main thing is that children should not be a means of satisfying one's needs and lust. Nevertheless, according to the stories of people who survived violence in childhood, sometimes it happens that not only the stepfather or mother’s lover claims for the child’s sexual integrity, but also the father or older brother.

To the above

What is incest? This is incest, more precisely, sexual relations between blood relatives. This category includes not only parents and children, but even siblings. For most people, this is not only terrible, but also immoral. It’s even hard for a normal person to imagine that a father can engage in sexual pleasures with his daughter, and a mother with a son. Nevertheless, practice shows that this often happens. Moreover, most of these sexual acts occur under duress.

Incest is not only a terrible sin, but also a criminal act if sexual intercourse occurs with a child (for example, a father forces a daughter who is not 16 years old to have intimate relationships with him) or without the mutual consent of the other party with the threat of violence.

Moreover, women who have experienced incest in childhood believe that men who become fathers pose a serious danger to their children. However, this is not so. Just a strong psychological trauma resulting from rape in childhood prevents such women from living normally and creating their own families. In such a situation, you must definitely contact a specialist psychologist.

What does the rule of law mean?

legal punishment

If an adult has sexual intercourse with a person who is not 16 years old, then he commits a criminal act, the punishment for which is contained in Art. 134 of the Criminal Code. It is impossible to disagree with the comments on this article. Moreover, the punishment in this norm of the law is provided not only for those who have had sexual intercourse with a minor, but also for those intruders who committed other sexual acts (for example, sodomy or lesbianism) against a minor who is not 16 years old. )

One more important point should be noted here. For the rape of minors, the rapist may not be held accountable under Art. 134 of the Criminal Code. The comments indicate that if a person who first committed this act marries the victim, he will be released from punishment by the court. Because the culprit is no longer socially dangerous. That is the law.

It's a disease

a man talking to a girl

So what is pedophilia? This is a certain mental disorder that occurs mainly in males, more precisely, in adult males. Less commonly, teenage boys and young people suffer from pedophilia. This mental disorder manifests itself in the fact that a man begins to experience sexual attraction to children. Most often, pedophiles become little girls until about 11 years of age. A person with a given mental disorder can get rid of this ailment if he turns to a specialist in time. In most cases, pedophilia is a congenital pathology. Less commonly, this mental disorder appears in adult men who have received serious brain injuries.

So, once again it is necessary to return to the question of what pedophilia is. This is a disorder of sexual preference when an adult man begins to experience an interest not in a young beautiful woman, but in a little girl with pigtails. At the same time, the pedophile can constantly think about children, desire sexual contact with them. Very often this happens when the fantasies of a sick person take over, and he begins to act.

Honestly, in legal practice there have not yet been such cases when a man himself wanted to be cured of sexual attraction to children. At the same time, people suffering from such an ailment are attracted not only by girls, but also by boys.

Very often pedophiles watch over children near the school, offer sweets, chocolates, movies or watch cartoons. If the guys agree to the proposal of an adult male, then everything can end very badly. Therefore, teachers and parents should often talk with children so that they never engage in conversations with strangers and do not go anywhere with them. This must be remembered.

Who is most often abused

mother and baby

In this case, we will again talk about violence committed against children. As a rule, the victims of someone’s criminal acts are usually mentally or physically retarded children, possibly those with disabilities. Also unloved and unwanted, adopted children are subjected to violence. The latter most often suffer from the hands of adoptive parents. Many children for a long time suffer not only beating, but even sexual violence by their adoptive father. It also happens that the wife of the latter knows that her husband is sexually attracted to an adopted child, and simply inactive, while the baby feels completely alone and defenseless. That is how the psyche of children who once experienced sexual harassment and violence by adults breaks down most often. The consequences of their nightmare remain forever in memory.

What could be an alarm

So, it is necessary to say here that a child who has been abused by an adult can be very depressed and closed. Moreover, if the baby does not like active games, does not fight with peers, then the appearance of bruises and abrasions on his body can be a serious signal.

A child can be very intimidated and say nothing for a long time. If the baby’s mother felt that something strange was happening with the child, then she should pay attention to him, surround her with affection and slaughter. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will not tell anything.

Many women wonder how to protect their child from sexual abuse. First of all, mom should not make random connections on the side and not bring a casual acquaintance into the house. Moreover, if a woman brought a stranger to the house of a man, then she must monitor how the stepfather develops relations with her son or daughter. If the latter shows aggression towards the child, then this is an alarming signal that he can commit a terrible crime against him.

Mom needs to be a friend to her baby and have a trusting relationship with him, then the child will try to share the most secret with her.


Sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature with a person under the age of sixteen are prohibited by law. Responsibility for the deed is prescribed in the Criminal Code.

Nevertheless, the law does not prohibit adults from engaging in voluntary sexual relations with minors who have already reached the age of 16 years. Moreover, they can even marry if the girl or boy’s parents give their consent.

In this situation, one cannot talk about sexual violence. Because there are no coercion and threats.

Based on examples of judicial practice, it sometimes happens that an adult young man, having sexual intercourse with a minor girl who was not at that time 16 years old, simply did not know about her age. Nevertheless, this does not relieve the man of responsibility for the deed, because such actions of the latter are considered a crime.

What could be the consequences

As practice shows, people who are victims of sexual violence can no longer be full and healthy citizens. For most of them, this is a serious psychological trauma that cannot be cured. Adult women who have been abused in childhood by adult men (fathers, stepfathers) almost always remain single and do not start their own family. For them, people of the opposite sex become enemies. Girls are afraid for the life of their unborn children, and therefore do not give birth.

Forcing a child to acts of a sexual nature is punished quite strictly in our country. Nevertheless, children affected by adult violence do not feel any better.

In some cases, only a specialist can help a child get rid of this psychological trauma. Also, the baby needs moral support from the mother.


The consequences of sexual abuse can be the worst. Up to the point that the child can repeatedly attempt suicide. Severe psychological trauma becomes a serious obstacle to a growing teenager. Especially if he was repeatedly subjected to sexual violence in childhood.

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