Estel thermokeratin: reviews of hairdressers and clients

What is the Estel Thermokeratin cosmetic procedure? Reviews of some girls who have tested it may give the impression that this is a panacea that solves all conceivable and unimaginable problems with hair. But is this really so, after all, many representatives of the fair sex claim that keratinization is no different from lamination, except for the price.

estel thermokeatin reviews

Where is the truth? Let's understand the nature of thermokeratination as such and consider its pros and cons.

Thermokeratin: a substitute for natural keratin

As you know, the main element that forms the hair and provides its firmness, elasticity and strength is keratin. Frequent styling, coloring, exposure to aggressive environmental factors - all this leads to its destruction in the hair structure. As a result, there is a problem of split ends, brittle and dull hair. You can solve the problem radically by cutting, or you can try to restore the hair to a healthy look with Estel Thermokeratin. Reviews of the procedure indicate that after it the hair becomes smooth and shiny. But let's see how the claimed effect is achieved.

Estel Thermokeratin: reviews and effects

The reason for the rave reviews is in the mechanism of action of keratinization. Artificial keratin in the composition of the product envelops the hair from the outside, giving it smoothness and silkiness due to the smoothing of the hair shaft scales. This is its resemblance to lamination.

estel thermokeatin procedure reviews

Further, under the influence of high temperatures, thermokeratin is embedded in the hair itself due to its high penetrating ability. In other words, curls are strengthened not only from the outside, but also become stronger from the inside. The procedure from Estel Thermokeratin, reviews of which are one better than the other, has a cumulative effect. The more often it is done, the better and healthier the curls ultimately look. This is achieved due to the ability of keratin to accumulate in the deep layers of the hair and stay there. In addition, smoothed hair flakes β€œsolder” with each other, so that the effect after thermokeratinization lasts much longer than after simple lamination.

Features of the use of thermokeratin

This is a salon procedure for the care of weak and damaged hair, but it can also be done at home using the Estel Thermokeratin kit. Testimonials indicate that when you follow all the instructions, the effect of home use is no worse than that of the salon procedure performed by the master. At home, the first procedure is not recommended, and the sets are mainly designed to maintain the effect achieved after the procedure in the cabin. Like any chemical, thermokeratin can cause allergies.

estel thermokeratin kit reviews

Therefore, before starting work, conduct a small test on the bend of the elbow, applying a little money and waiting 25-30 minutes. Here, delicate and thin skin, which instantly reacts with redness and itching if the product is not suitable for you.

What is included in the kit for thermokeratinization?

The composition includes a hair mask, activator, directly keratin solution, fixing agent, gloves for applying the agent, fixing balm. The procedure is performed on clean hair. To wash, use the shampoo that is included in the kit. It prepares hair for further exposure to thermokeratin and fixing agents. The next stage is a mask that saturates curls with active substances. After the mask - a keratin solution, acting only at high temperatures. The heating effect is provided by the thermal activator, which is applied in the next step. Then everything is washed away, and a keratin film remains on the hair. For the best effect, it is recommended to dry your hair with a hot hairdryer. This will be the equivalent of hair straightening in a salon. After keratin water is applied, which helps to maintain a saturated color after staining. Please note that Estel Thermokeratin cannot be applied to the hair roots. Reviews confirm this fact.

What do you need to remember?

Like any procedure, keratinization has its pros and cons.

estel thermokeratin procedure kit reviews

The Estel Thermokeratin procedure kit, the reviews of which are the best, has a number of disadvantages that the fashionistas either did not manage to encounter or did not pay due attention to. Firstly, the hair after the procedure quickly becomes untidy. The keratin film is more sticky than sebum, so dust and dirt stick to it more actively. This is the main reason why you can not apply thermokeratin to the roots. Secondly, the hair becomes heavier and can begin to fall out under its own weight, because the hair bulb can not cope with the load. That is, keratinization does not solve the problem of hair loss completely.

The next drawback of the Estel Thermokeratin procedure, which is not easy to find reviews, is its short duration. Due to rapid contamination, the head has to be washed much more often, and moisture, as you know, destroys the keratin layer. For the same reason, keratinization is not recommended in autumn and winter, since increased air humidity adversely affects the protective keratin layer. Finally, the toxicity of the composition. This will not stop many, but it is still necessary to do a test for allergic reactions before application.

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