Actress Olesya Vlasova: biography, career, filmography, personal life

What can you say about actress Oles Vlasova? What started her career on the stage and in the cinema? What successful films has the artist starred in? What is known about the personal life of Olesya Vlasova? All this will be discussed in our publication.

early years

Olesya Vlasova actress

So, we will begin our conversation about the work and biography of Olesya Vlasova. The future actress was born on September 14, 1974 in the suburbs. When the girl was several years old, her parents decided to return to their historical homeland, moving to live in the city of Odessa. Here our heroine graduated from the most ordinary high school, after which she began to seriously think about her acting career.

When the girl reached adulthood, parents began to insist that she connect fate with medicine, having mastered the profession of a doctor. However, fate decreed otherwise. Once Olesya noticed an ad in which she reported on the recruitment of contestants in a theater studio. In pursuit of a childhood dream, Vlasova signed up for the casting and successfully passed the selection. Soon, all the free time of the girl began to take up the comprehension of stage skills. So the novice actress Olesya Vlasova began to work her way into a big movie.

A few years later, the girl got a leading role on the central Odessa television channel. Once, on the way home from work, the future actress Olesya Vlasova quite by chance met an old friend on the street. She informed our heroine of her intention to enter the theater institute and invited her friend with her. Thus, Olesya was a university student. It was at the Kiev Theater Institute that the girl finally realized that she wanted to connect her future life with performing on stage and filming a movie.

Theater work

olesya vlasova movies

Immediately after graduation, actress Olesya Vlasova received an offer to join the troupe of the Kiev Drama Theater. Almost from the first days, the young artist began to trust leading roles in popular productions. Among the most successful performances with the participation of our heroine, it is worth noting such plays as: “Harlequin. The Servant of Two Masters ”,“ The Master and Margarita ”,“ Five Pelevin's Tales ”,“ The Law of Tango ”,“ Suite for Foreigners ”.

For outstanding talent demonstrated on the stage, in 2003, actress Olesya Vlasova was awarded the prestigious award at the Kiev Pectoral Award. The young artist won the nomination for "Best Main Actor" for her participation in the production of the Warsaw Melody.

Movie debut

olesya vlasova personal life

Olesya Vlasova began acting in films in 1998. The first work of the young artist in this field was the main role in the dramatic film "Victim" of the famous Ukrainian director Yuri Odinokiy. The tape, like the Vlasova game itself, was highly praised by critics. Since that time, the beginning artist began to predict a great future in the world of cinema. Indeed, in the future, her life was filled with filming in the most numerous films, an impressive amount of which was popular with the domestic audience.

Career development

In 2001, Olesya Vlasova received an invitation to star in the television series Trail of the Werewolf. Despite the fact that the actress got a small secondary role, thanks to her participation in the popular project, she managed to attract the attention of respected directors to her own person.

Another film by Olesya Vlasova was the Russian film “European Convoy”. Here she appeared on the screen in the image of one of the main characters - a girl named Theresa.

Then followed a number of famous works of the artist. Her roles in such films as “The Fourth Group”, “Grandfather of My Dreams-2”, “Strange Christmas”, “Golden Guys-2”, “Witching Love”, “Female Doctor” became successful for her.

Personal life

Olesya Vlasova biography

Successfully for the famous Ukrainian actress, not only a career develops, but also life outside the set. In 2012, while participating in the series "Female Doctor", the artist began a romantic relationship with her colleague Igor Rubashkin. Soon, young people decided to marry life. Then, not one, but two whole replenishment took place in the family. The daughters of artists who were named Barbara and Polina were born.


At the moment, the account of the popular actress Olesya Vlasova lists shooting in the following films:

  • The Werewolf Trail.
  • "Lady Mayor."
  • "The right to defense."
  • "Under the roofs of a big city."
  • "The spirit of the earth."
  • "European convoy."
  • "Circumstantial evidence".
  • The Ashes of the Phoenix.
  • "Bankers."
  • "Happy Birthday, Queen!"
  • "The Return of Mukhtar-2."
  • "The myth of the ideal man."
  • "The fourth group."
  • "Female doctor".
  • "Strange Christmas."
  • Golden Guys 2.
  • "All inclusive".
  • "Kill the snake."
  • "Grandfather of my dreams-2."
  • "I love you to death."
  • "Psycho."
  • "Sign of fate".
  • "Year of the Golden Fish."
  • "Witching love."
  • "I will never give you away to somebody".
  • "Million to Heaven."
  • "Grass under the snow."
  • "Witness."
  • "Dark waters."
  • "Ambulance".
  • “When the dawn comes.”
  • "Paradise place."
  • "Black flower".
  • "Ask the fall."
  • "Bad good cop."
  • "Major and magic."
  • "When we are at home."

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