How and how to treat cracks on the heels and between the toes? Useful Tips

Well-groomed legs are not only an impeccable and fashionable pedicure, which includes mandatory nail polish, but also soft, smooth heels without cracks and roughness. What to do if the skin in this area is roughened and difficult to treat? What are the causes and is it possible to eliminate them? This article describes how to treat cracks on the heels and between the toes. It is best to comprehensively combine several of the recommendations below.

how to treat cracks on the heels

Do you have any kind of illness? Cracks in the heels or between the toes may be the first manifestations of a health problem.

Not always increased dryness of the feet, itching and burning can be the result of adverse external factors - cold in winter, weathering due to high temperatures in summer. Sometimes cracks on the heels and between the fingers appear for the following reasons:

- skin diseases;

- sweating;

- diabetes;

- problems with the digestive system;

- vitamin deficiency.

If the broken skin of the feet does not respond to treatment in the simplest ways, it is better to consult a doctor. After examination and passing certain tests, the diagnosis will be accurately established. Perhaps, after eliminating the cause, which, for example, lies in diseases of the internal organs, the symptoms will go away on their own. If you do not do this on time, disastrous consequences are possible. Dry skin will continue to burst, becoming an additional focus of possible infection.

heel crack disease

How and how to treat cracks on the heels and between the fingers? Associated Events

Regardless of the cause of the problem, try to exclude additional adverse factors:

- lack of hygienic measures that increase the risk of introducing bacteria into affected areas;

- the use of synthetic socks that are not able to absorb sweat well;

- wearing tight shoes, and in the summer - closed, obstructing the free circulation of air.

In addition, you need to carry out disinfecting treatment of shoes. To do this, wipe with a cotton swab dipped abundantly in formidron (medicinal fluid sold at the pharmacy), wipe the inside of the shoes or sandals. Then put the shoes in a plastic bag for a day. After that, wait until it dries completely. After carrying out preventive work, you can start treatment. In the initial stage, with minor cracks or roughness of the heels, you can try alternative methods. Perhaps, after the examination, the doctor has already been diagnosed. Then, as a complex therapy, drugs are connected in the form of pharmacy ointments.

How to treat cracks on the heels: the first method is the use of medications

We list some ointments for the treatment of rough skin of the feet:

- cream "Dardia" for moisturizing;

- "Shostakovsky balm" for application in the form of compresses;

- gel "Lamisil" to combat fungal infection.

cracked heels alternative treatment

How to treat cracks on the heels: the second way - folk recipes

A different approach to solving this problem is possible. Is it mandatory to use artificial medicines to prevent cracks in the heels? Alternative treatment, based on the use of natural remedies, very often has no worse effect. Try the following recipes:

- rub sesame oil overnight in cracked heels ;

- twice a week, make baths of two liters of water and juice of one lemon;

- Use compresses of melted paraffin and coconut oil, applying them for six to eight hours, and then rinsing with water.

Take care of the beauty of your legs in time!

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