Autohemotherapy is the introduction of one’s own blood to a person. This is done either intravenously or intramuscularly. Autohemotherapy is used in cosmetology and is also done for medical reasons. There is an opinion of doctors that various diseases can be treated with blood. Now we will tell you exactly how. The essence of this method is that the blood has a memory and when it is reintroduced into the body, it finds the source of the disease and eliminates it.
Autohemotherapy is currently widely used in cosmetology. But it is also believed that through it it is possible to treat the inflammatory processes of the body and use it for medical purposes. It is believed that the introduction of their blood into the body increases the human immunity. Due to this, chronic inflammatory processes go away.
Positive impact
Who is prescribed autohemotherapy? Indications may be different, but each patient will notice a positive effect.
You should know that autohemotherapy does not have any negative consequences. Patients who used this method noticed that autohemotherapy:
- Increases the health of the body.
- It has a positive effect on the healing of any wounds.
- The work of the immune system increases.
How is autohemotherapy performed? The scheme of its implementation is simple. It lies in the fact that in each subsequent procedure, the volume of injected blood increases by several milliliters. The course consists of 10 or 12 sessions. On the first person inject 1-2 milliliters. And at the last volume increases to 10 milliliters. Blood is injected intramuscularly with a sterile syringe.
What is a step autohemotherapy? Indications for the use of this method are the same as for the usual procedure.
This alternative method consists in adding homeopathic remedies to the blood, shaking the solution and also injecting it intramuscularly into a person. The course of procedures is reduced. 7-10 sessions will be enough.
Small autohemotherapy with ozonation
There is a large and small autohemotherapy. Indications for a particular species are determined by the doctor. Now let's talk about each species more specifically.
How is small ozone autohemotherapy performed? The scheme for conducting it is usual with an increase in the volume of input. The difference is that substances containing ozone and oxygen are added to the blood. It can be administered either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Autohemotherapy with ozone has a positive effect on the activation of the body's immune system. Therefore, this method is used not only in cosmetology, but also in gynecology and urology. Autohemotherapy allows you to get rid of chronic and infectious diseases of the patient by raising his immunity.
Also, an indication for the procedure in gynecology and urology is the presence of diseases that are sexually transmitted. This method activates the body's metabolic processes, removes fatigue and restores tone.
Large ozone autohemotherapy
In addition to small autohemotherapy with ozone, there is a large ozone autohemotherapy. Indications for this procedure are determined individually. There are several ways to carry out the procedure. Namely, this composition can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, intraarticular and subcutaneous. The essence of a large autohemotherapy is that a patient takes blood from a vein and mixes it in a special container with a solution containing ozone. A feature of this method is that the dose of the latter is calculated individually for each patient.
This method allows you to provide a more effective effect on certain tissues of the body.
Autohemotherapy with antibiotic supplementation
Autohemotherapy is prescribed for furunculosis and people with problem skin. And if they have an infectious nature. In this situation, autohemotherapy with an antibiotic will provide a quicker way out of this ailment. But it is necessary that the doctor prescribe the drug after a thorough examination and taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.
The essence of this method is that the patient takes venous blood. Then, in its pure form, or with the addition of homeopathic remedies, it is introduced into pain points. This method allows you to speed up the treatment process.
Autoblood method
With this method, the blood is exposed to ultraviolet radiation or cold. It is then introduced into the human body. This method also contributes to a speedy recovery from various ailments.
Autohemotherapy will help in the fight against acne. Indications and contraindications
When a person has acne on his skin, autohemotherapy is prescribed quite often. In order to get rid of problems, it is necessary to activate the immune system. Autohemotherapy cope with this task as well as possible.
Where is autohemotherapy done? Indications and contraindications to the procedure we will consider below. Now let's talk about the venue. The course of autohemotherapy is carried out in beauty salons. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist who will determine according to what scheme the treatment will be. During the procedure, the principle of eight is used. It consists in the fact that the blood sampling taken from the hand is inserted into the opposite buttock. In order for the procedure to be less painful, everything is done slowly. A person who is injected with blood, it is better to try to relax as much as possible. Since if the muscles are tense, then the pain will be stronger.
When should this procedure not be done?
Despite the fact that the procedure is considered gentle and does not leave side effects, there are a number of contraindications. These include:
- Myocardial infarction.
- Mental disorders.
- Arrhythmia.
- Cancerous diseases.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation.
- Menopause and postmenopause.
- Herpes in various manifestations.
- Inflammatory processes of female organs, namely appendages.
- Papillomas.
If a person uses antibiotics, then this procedure is contraindicated for him.
Discomfort after the procedure
A feature of autohemotherapy is the slow absorption of blood into the muscles. This is due to its structure. Blood has a dense composition, so it takes a long time to assimilate it. Also, due to the composition of the blood, there may remain seals in the puncture sites that cause pain and last a long time. A cosmetologist must warn the patient about such consequences so that the person is ready for this. Sometimes the pain at the puncture sites intensifies after a few days. In order for the pain syndrome and seals to pass faster, you can wipe these places with an alcohol solution or iodine. It is also recommended to make compresses using cabbage leaf.
You need to know that you should not exceed the permissible dose of blood, as a large volume can lead to fever. An increase in body temperature can begin due to an inflammatory process in places of punctures.
Application in gynecology
Autohemotherapy is used in gynecology to treat women with impaired reproductive function. Indications for this procedure may be different. These include:
- Menopause period.
- Commissures.
- Failures in the reproductive system.
- Inflammation of the female organs.
- Chronic diseases
Autohemotherapy for infertility is also prescribed.
To take the course or not, determines the attending physician. If the patient receives a complex of autohemotherapy, then at the end of it, an improvement in the protective functions of the body is observed due to the raising of the immune system. The skin condition improves, if there were any problems with the epidermis, then they go away.
How to understand that the method helps?
In order to verify the effectiveness of autohemotherapy, it is recommended to take a blood test before and after the procedure. As a rule, a course of autohemotherapy increases the level of leukocytes, which indicates a beneficial effect on the body and increased immunity. Autohemotherapy for allergies also has a beneficial effect on the body.
History of the emergence and development of the procedure
The history of autohemotherapy is a thing of the past. The application of the method begins when medicine arose. Scientists have always sought to study blood. There is evidence from the Bible that it was used as a medicine. There are also records on the Egyptian papyrus, which indicate that the pharaohs took baths with blood. Also used it as a medicine.
There are also historical records that in the Vatican, Pope Innocent 8 drank the blood of infants for healing.
It is known that in the Middle Ages transfused the blood of animals with the aim of rejuvenating the body. The healing properties of this method have not been established. But it was believed that such a procedure gives a person supernatural abilities. But these experiments were fatal. Therefore, bans on such procedures appeared in several European countries at once. Despite this, humanity has not abandoned the thought of the healing properties of blood.
In the early 19th century, Bündel carried out the world's first transfusion of blood from person to person. So the scientist saved the woman after childbirth. Before making this transfusion, he conducted many experiments with animals. He also described symptoms when transfusion should be stopped.
Further, many scientists began to study this method. Initially, this procedure was done to women who lost a lot of it during childbirth. Then they began to use blood transfusion on the battlefields. A great contribution to the development of autohemotherapy was made by the German scientist Beer. He created artificial hematomas through blood to treat fractures.
During the Russo-Japanese War at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian surgeon Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky used autohemotherapy. The purpose of the application is the treatment of soldiers. In his work "Essays on Purulent Surgery" he described therapies. He used autohemotherapy as an adjunct in the treatment of various sluggish human diseases. This method was widely used before the advent of antibiotics.
All scientists who studied autohemotherapy noted an increase in the body's working capacity, tone, the appearance of vitality and, most importantly, human immunity was strengthened.
Tips before the procedure
To date, autohemotherapy is mainly used in cosmetology, this method is especially effective in combating problem skin. In medicine, the procedure is used as an adjuvant in combination with other treatment methods. For example, autohemotherapy for psoriasis is often prescribed. Before you start a course of blood injection procedures, you should definitely make sure that there are no contraindications, and consult a doctor. If a person is registered with a specialist, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using this treatment method.
When choosing a cosmetology salon, you should study customer reviews about the work of specialists, and also find out whether such services have been provided there for a long time, and whether the cosmetologist has relevant experience and education in this field.
Now you know how the blood treatment goes and to whom it is prescribed (autohemotherapy). We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.