Dandruff is one of the common problems of men and women. The modern market offers a lot of tools to deal with this cosmetic defect. It is possible to remove the fungus that causes seborrhea in various ways. One of the most enjoyable and effective is the use of essential oils.
What is dandruff?
Dandruff is a painful condition of the scalp, accompanied by exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. The crust formed under the hair is showered in the form of white flakes. Usually the appearance of dandruff provokes a fungus. The situation worsens due to disruption of the glands of external secretion and metabolism, weakening of the body's immune system.
Therefore, all effective anti-dandruff products necessarily contain components that eliminate the fungus and relieve inflammation.
The benefits of hair oil
Essential oils against dandruff have a positive effect on the hair shaft, heal the epidermis. The tool helps to get rid of dandruff, kills pathogenic microorganisms, normalizes the secretion, enhances blood circulation, nourishes the bulbs.
Esters contribute to better hair growth, fight inflammation, have a tonic effect.
In this case, you need to learn how to choose the right oil for your skin type. The healing extract of each plant has unique properties.
How to use esters for treatment?
To get rid of white flakes on the scalp, women often use essential oils. These tools can be used in several ways:
- carry out aroma combing;
- add to shampoos;
- make homemade hair masks.
Rules for the use of oils
Before applying the essential oil for dandruff, you need to familiarize yourself with tips that will help to avoid many problems:
- Compliance with dosage. Plant ethers are always highly concentrated, so their excess can lead to irritation of the scalp or an allergic reaction.
- Testing. Before the full use of the oil, you need to apply a small amount of it to the inside of the elbow or wrist. If itching and redness do not appear 15 minutes after the test, the product can be used for scalp.
- If during the procedure there is a strong burning sensation, immediately wash off the concentrate from the skin.
- You can use either one or several essential oils to treat dandruff.
Now, consider what essential oils helps with dandruff.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
The composition of eucalyptus oil contains aldehydes, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids. All of them help get rid of dandruff, restore hair health and volume, eliminate brittleness.
In its pure form, the product is included in the composition of rinsing agents and shampoos. A few drops of it are added to masks, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants. It is also recommended to rub a small amount of oil into the scalp an hour before washing.
Juniper oil
Juniper oil has a powerful healing effect. It normalizes the sebaceous glands. Since the product cannot be used in concentrated form, it is added to the base oils - burdock, castor, olive. You should not use this tool during pregnancy, as well as people suffering from diseases of the urinary system.
Fir oil
Fir oil is rich in carotene, tannins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, oleic, caproic, lauric acids, phytoncides.
In the reviews they write that fir dandruff is used in two ways against dandruff:
- Need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of green or blue cosmetic clay and dilute it with water until gruel. Add 2 drops of fir ether to the mixture. Mix. The resulting mass is applied parting on the hair roots. Wash off with shampoo after 20 minutes.
- In 2 tbsp. l base oil (burdock or olive) add 2 drops of fir. Stir and apply the composition on the skin. Wrap the head with cling film and insulate with a towel. After an hour, wash your hair in the usual way. You may need some shampooing your hair.
The same effect will give the essential oil of spruce dandruff.
To obtain a good result, any of these procedures should be carried out in a course of one month. You can use the funds 2-3 times a week.
Rosemary oil
With the constant use of oil, blood circulation in the scalp normalizes, dryness and peeling go away. An extract from a medicinal plant has a healing effect, perfectly relieves inflammation.
This oil is ideal for rinsing hair. In 200 ml of boiled water (or a decoction of herbs) you need to add 8 drops of essential oil. Rinse the curls after washing.
Rosemary is also widely used for aroma combing. It gives excellent results in home masks, for example, when used in combination with burdock oil.
Lavender oil
Lavender essential oil is an antiseptic, has a healing effect, relieves inflammation. The remedy is often used for dry dandruff. You can use oil for aroma combing, as well as add to store balms or shampoos. Also, in its pure form, it is recommended to be applied to the scalp at night or included in the composition of home masks.
This essential oil is used for dandruff and hair loss.
Lavender can cope with seborrhea in 2 months of use. You can not use the drug to people who take drugs containing iron and iodine.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree esters are widely used as an antifungal agent. In hair care forums, it is often called the best anti-dandruff product. Oil is used as a component of masks. In their reviews, women note that it will not only cleanse the skin of white flakes, but also strengthen the hair, stop their excessive loss.
Among the useful properties are the following:
- stops hair fragility;
- prevents falling out;
- normalizes the function of endocrine glands;
- treats inflammation on the epidermis;
- kills the fungus that causes seborrhea.
Tea tree oil for dandruff helps perfectly. It contains useful components such as terpenes, pinene, terpineol, sabinen, cimol, allylhexanoate.
Effective Seborrhea Recipes
To get rid of dandruff, you can use these popular recipes:
- This mask not only helps to cure seborrhea, but also removes its unpleasant symptom such as itching. Need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of jojoba oil, preheated in a water bath, add 3 drops of essential oils of lavender, juniper, geranium and sandalwood to it. The resulting mixture must be applied to the hair roots with neat massaging movements. The head should be wrapped with cling film and insulated. After 2 hours, the oil mask is washed off with shampoo.
- Need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and alcohol, add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil. The solution must be mixed and treated with scalp. Rinse it off is not necessary.
- For 30 ml of any base oil (olive, burdock), take 5 drops of eucalyptus ether, thyme, rosemary, add 15 ml of cognac. The resulting mixture must be applied to the hair roots. Wrap the head with cellophane and insulate. Wash off after 2 hours.
- For 1 cup of decoction of medicinal chamomile, take 25 ml of lemon juice, add 3 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, patchouli and tea tree. Add the resulting solution to a basin of water at a comfortable temperature. After washing your hair, rinse your hair in it.
Contraindications and Precautions
Despite the great benefits that can be obtained through the use of oils, they have contraindications for use.
For example, cypress oil can not be used by pregnant women, as well as people with blood diseases and oncology. Patchouli esters can impair appetite and the condition of a person with a stomach ulcer. Tea tree oil often causes irritation to the skin.
Eucalyptus is contraindicated for use during child bearing, lactation, children under 6 years of age, the elderly. An extract of a plant can adversely affect the nervous system of this category of persons.
An essential oil of dandruff (for example, rosemary) used without the consent of a doctor can even provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, since it has an abortive effect. Sage ester in excess of dosage can cause uterine bleeding.
Use oil to treat seborrhea with extreme caution. It is necessary to stop your choice on a specific product after a careful study of its properties. You should choose not only your favorite fragrance. It should be based on the individual characteristics of the skin, the presence of contraindications.
To avoid allergic reactions, a small amount should be applied to the wrist before using the oil. The extract can be used if, after 5 minutes, itching or redness does not appear on the skin.
Base oils
As a rule, esters are not used in pure form. They are mixed with base oils. Only some extracts can be used without diluting, as described in the instructions for use.
As for the base oils, for the treatment of dandruff, according to numerous reviews, it is best to choose burdock or sea buckthorn oil. It is these funds that contain substances that help fight seborrhea:
- Tannins - kill the fungus that provokes the appearance of white flakes on the scalp. These substances have a pronounced bactericidal effect, relieve itching and eliminate inflammation. The results are visible after the first use of burdock oil.
- Omega-3 acids nourish the epidermis, increase its resistance to aggressive external factors, and improve the immune properties of tissues.
- Vitamins and minerals make up for the deficiency of nutrients in the skin cells, help to get rid of peeling and dryness in the shortest possible time.
You should familiarize yourself with the rules for using sea buckthorn oil and its properties immediately before buying it, in order to eliminate contraindications and possible side reactions.
Where to buy quality essential oils?
You need to purchase products only from trusted manufacturers, otherwise you can become the owner of low-quality oil. Today you can buy plant esters in pharmacies, specialty stores and online sites. It should be noted that natural oil cannot be cheap. Its receipt, as a rule, requires considerable labor and material costs.
Among the manufacturers can be identified:
- Mirrolla.
- Aspera.
- "Oleos".
- Bergland-Pharma.
- Lekus.
- Botanika.
- Karel Hadek.
Oils for hair from dandruff and other purposes of these brands have a rich assortment, natural composition and high quality.