Infertile marriage: causes and methods of treatment

Barren marriage, according to official terminology, implies a situation where a married couple, regularly practicing unprotected sex, can not conceive a child. There are several reasons: the impossibility of conception, due to the characteristics of the body of a woman, man, both partners. According to statistics, fertilization problems are caused by women's health in 45% of cases, the cause is five percent less likely in men. Up to 15% of couples suffering from infertility find themselves in this situation due to health problems of both partners at the same time. As can be seen from statistical studies, the average level of families suffering from infertility is 16%, and the problem is more characteristic of residents of large cities.

sterile marriage clinical recommendations

Relevance of the problem

Such a high rate of infertility has an extremely negative effect on demography; it is a problem not only at the personal level, but also at the federal level. At present, infertility, barren marriage is a topic that is occupied by numerous institutes, research centers throughout the country. Different approaches to the situation are developed by specialists in scientific fields - gynecological, uro-, andro-, reproductive medicine. There are already several techniques that are quite extensively applied in practice, nevertheless, the results are still not good enough, and the technologies require significant improvement.

family planning barren marriage

Although the question itself has long attracted the attention of scientists, the causes of barren marriage have been little studied. This is especially surprising against the background of numerous works devoted to solving the problem. Many experts agree that the percentage of childless couples is increasing due to the increasing spread of STIs. Many of our fellow citizens, unaware of this, are carriers of viruses. Ecology is considered equally important, the conditions in which people live, the diseases they suffer from, the anomalies caused by the development in the mother’s womb. If you understand by virtue of what factor in a particular case the couple cannot have a baby, you can find a method to solve this complexity.

Causes of the problem: which are possible?

If you visit specialized rooms of barren marriage, specialists will first conduct a survey of patients with the aim of initially identifying the area in which the problem lies. It is known that the impossibility of pregnancy is often associated with too early marriage. If the family is unsettled, and living conditions are unstable, raising a baby would be unfavorable, the probability of conception is reduced. This leads to unwillingness to have a child at least one of the partners - a person can use a variety of tricks to prevent pregnancy, and to do this secretly from the second spouse.

The causes and problems of barren marriage are overtaken by families if spouses are forced to live away from each other for a long time. Sometimes it is impossible to form a full-fledged family due to the work of one of the participants in the marriage or both. However, most often the situation is caused by health problems. Such can be found in the husband and wife, and both at the same time. Previous abortions, improper use of hormonal contraceptives, bad habits can lead to the risk of a lack of a desired pregnancy. Doctors are convinced that a variety of factors can exert their influence, even those whose connection with the institution of offspring is not obvious. This can be quite predictable health problems, inherited from birth, and the internal psychological barriers of one of the married.

Danger lies in wait

It is known that infertile marriage in Kamensk-Uralsky has recently become an extremely urgent problem, and the percentage of childless couples is higher than the national average. This fact attracts the attention of specialists against the background of the suggested assumption regarding the influence of ecology and lifestyle on the possibility of having a child. Indeed, living conditions are extremely important, and studies of families in which pregnancy does not succeed fully support such ideas. The external environment has a significant impact on human health, and we are not only talking about adverse environmental conditions, climate, industrial emissions. Urbanization, the use of junk food, addiction to alcohol have a negative effect. A variety of reasons, actively and diversely affecting the human body in reproductive age, provoke the problem of infertility.

assisting in barren marriage

As confirmed by the specialists of the infertile marriage cabinet in Kamensk-Uralsky, more often people who are forced to live in conditions of constant stress turn to them. The stronger the external impact of various problems, the more difficult it is for a couple to have offspring. The most widely encountered financial difficulties, lack of housing, domestic aspects that do not allow you to organize a normal life for yourself. Responsible people understand that when the baby appears, the problems will be the same, exacerbations are possible, and this creates insurmountable barriers to conception. Studies show that often solving problems that prevented the conception of a child does not lead to an early pregnancy - too severe mental and physical consequences are stress for people.

What I need?

As experts in the Orsk’s office of barren marriage in Orsk say in recommendations for young families, it is now especially important to comply with generally accepted standards. Professionals of the international level have developed the conditions necessary for a successful conception, pregnancy, and offspring education. If the life of a particular family corresponds to them, there can be no doubt in the success of the whole event, while parents and children will have everything necessary for everyday life. No need to fear for the future. However, as experts pay attention, it is not necessary to exclude from the field of view dysfunctional families in which wonderful children are born and raised. Poor conditions turn out to be an insignificant obstacle if you manage to avoid stress and raise children in peace and harmony.

Often, the root cause of a barren marriage is the individual beliefs of one of the married or both at once. Many people think that a career is more important than the future of children, or prefer social success, leave pregnancy to the future, designating themselves as a starting point some kind of life accident (for example, the achievement of a certain position). Unfortunately, this weakly fits with natural rhythms, and the favorable moment is missed. Subsequently, when the couple realizes that they need a child, conception turns into a real problem, which can not only negatively affect the mental state of people, but also lead to the destruction of the social cell. It is known that for infertile couples the risk of divorces is higher.

barren marriage gynecology

How is this dangerous for me?

Rendering help in a barren marriage is considered unnecessary by some ordinary people; many people like to recall the old floorboard pro litter, which is not intended to be taken out of the hut. Psychologists, however, have long proved that such an opinion is categorically incorrect, and you should contact your doctor as soon as you feel a problem. The fact is that for families without children, the risk of divorce is significantly higher. In such conditions, separation is more often observed. Statistics confirm that lawsuits against each other are not uncommon. Without offspring, people are faced with a difficult psychological situation at home, and all problems are perceived more acutely, they are harder to tolerate and exacerbate infertility.

One of the goals defined by man by nature is to procreate. The inability to realize oneself in this regard leads to dissatisfaction, which becomes a factor in reducing activity in society. Infertile marriage can cause poor performance. In fact, the best way to ensure a full life for yourself is the timely conception of offspring, even if at some point doubts concern about the correctness of such a development of events. If you are unsure of your abilities, you should visit a family therapist, and come to the reception together. The doctor will help to understand the situation, relieve fears.

How to overcome a problem?

If the family realizes that the situation requires adjustment, it is reasonable to seek the help of a professional. Currently, several methods for treating infertile marriage have been developed. Many services are provided completely free of charge, since the situation itself significantly affects the demographic qualities of the area. Children are not only the future of the family, but also of the nation as a whole, so the problem of infertility has long become the complexity of not just a single person, but the whole community. Many of our compatriots are not ready to share their difficulties with others, and this significantly aggravates the situation.

Approaches to solving the problem of infertility are being developed by doctors in various fields. The early stages require the collaboration of gynecologists, andrologists, reproductologists. If the problem progresses, psychotherapists, some other doctors, join the therapy of infertile marriage - this is determined by the peculiarity of a particular situation. The joint work of professionals allows you to influence the family situation, to turn the circumstances for the better.

barren marriage causes and problems

If you do not start to solve the problem of barren marriage in a timely manner, over time it will provoke numerous other violations. Often, in the absence of the desired offspring, depressive disorders, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction develop. People in a difficult situation do not find the strength to look for the reasons for its formation, take measures to improve the situation. Experts urge to pay attention: often physiological reasons are due to psychological. To cope with a barren marriage, you will have to work with psychotherapists and other doctors as fruitfully as possible, trusting them and obeying the recommendations of professionals.

Problem: what happens?

As statistics show, female infertility is observed more often than other causes. If there is no pregnancy in the medical history, they talk about primary infertility. The secondary is fixed if one child has already been born. A situation is possible when physiological causes do not allow conception. This is the basis for the diagnosis of absolute infertility. Relative is revealed if obstacles are detected and can be corrected.

The most difficult cause of barren marriage is the one that provokes absolute infertility. This diagnosis is made if there are physiological reasons that do not allow you to become pregnant and have a baby. Perhaps the absence of the organs of the reproductive system necessary for this is possible - some survive operations to remove them even in childhood. The reason may be in the anomalous structure of the reproductive female system. But relative infertility is a situation where the current marriage cannot lead to conception, but not because of the specific characteristics of a woman, but because of the structure of the male body.

Continuing the topic

As can be seen from the statistics of family planning specialists, infertility is most often caused by primary infertility - up to 60% of all cases. The remaining 40% is in the secondary. The first is often provoked by previous gynecological, infectious diseases or problems in the functioning of the immune system. Secondary infertility in most cases is provoked by tubal, peritoneal factors. Initiated a problem can be previous abortions (spontaneous, medical), improper use of hormonal contraceptives, surgical interventions that affected the pelvis.

Based on the reason, in gynecology infertile marriage can be divided into several main types. The woman’s inferiority is possible due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, due to infertility of the uterus, improper functioning of the endocrine system. In the first case, adhesions can provoke the phenomenon, the second option considers hyperplasia, the influence of malignant neoplasms. Doctors check a woman for the presence of polyps, pathologies of the uterus, tubes, evaluate cervical factors. Finally, endocrine is a violation of the hormonal background, the absence of ovulation, pathology that does not allow the glands to work normally. Immunity can cause infertility if there is an allergic reaction to male genital discharge. In practice, this is rare, eliminated quite easily.

In the theory of barren marriage, female infertility is divided into temporary, permanent, physiological. The causes of this condition allow us to attribute it to congenital, acquired. The forecast is possible one of two things: relative infertility, absolute.

barren marriage problems

Preventative measures

As a rule, rendering assistance in a barren marriage begins with psychological work with partners. A favorable attitude is the first factor necessary for success. Both spouses should have a positive attitude towards conception, be prepared for the process of bearing a child, his birth and upbringing, and providing everything necessary. In order to prevent infertility, it is necessary to regularly undergo medical checks, to eliminate any pathologies in time. Early factors that can provoke infertility are easy to identify. If the cause is a disease acquired due to various factors, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate them. For maximum success, it makes sense to go through a consultation with a family psychologist in order to finally “dot all i” inside a married couple.

Do not forget that in modern gynecology, barren marriage is a problem that occupies the first place. Up to one hundred million families on our planet want, but can not have offspring, which leads to considerable suffering.

The problems are diverse and numerous.

In recent years, the number of people infected with HIV has increased significantly. Spontaneous abortions are quite common, women's health simply does not allow bearing a child. Experts predict that in the near future the situation will become even worse. The prevalence of bad habits, including dependence on toxic substances, plays its role. At the same time, a high mortality rate for women in childbirth and for infants is alarming. Many sociologists, family planning specialists draw attention to the problem of abortion. At the same time, analytics shows: if a sterile couple tries all available measures, the probability of conception is up to 40%.

barren marriage treatment

Statistics prove that adherence to clinical guidelines for barren marriage in some countries where this problem is solved at the state level has led to a reduction in the percentage of such families, and the trend continues from year to year. In Russia, recently, the percentage of couples without a child is gradually increasing. Now experts say about 15%. World-wide studies in 1993 showed that 15% infertility and higher rates had a much more serious effect on the demographic position within the powers than infant mortality and spontaneous abortion.

Do not confuse the concept!

There are two terms, for the layman very similar: childlessness, infertility. They reflect the same phenomenon - the absence of children in the family, but indicate completely different reasons for such circumstances. Childlessness is possible on a voluntary basis if the spouses do not want to have a child or do not want to. Forced childlessness can be triggered by the inability to become pregnant, bear a child. Sometimes the reason is stillborn children, abandonment of offspring for fear of passing the genetic disease to the heir. The absence of intimate life leads to childlessness.

Infertility is a term that applies strictly to a couple who cannot have a baby. In the past, families were considered barren, having lived together for four years, but never having given birth to offspring. After some time, the period decreased by a year, then by another year. Nowadays, such a marriage is considered fruitless when sexual intercourse occurs at least four times a month without protective equipment, but does not occur during the year of conception.

Diagnostic and treatment technologies

To identify the causes of infertility, the most effective, accurate, informative methods are used.Doctors are able to decipher how the woman’s endocrine system works by tracking the menstrual cycle, using endoscopic techniques to determine the form of infertility and eliminate the problem. It is impossible to lose sight of IVF - in vitro fertilization. Hormonal drugs, ultrasound, endoscopy made it possible to take a significant step forward in the treatment of infertility. The main task is to identify the cause of this condition and, based on this, choose the optimal treatment strategy from all possible ways.

barren marriage

Treatment is possible through surgery, conservative methods, auxiliary methods. Conservative are used most often - these are stimulant regimens effective in ovulatory infertility. These will help if the tubes of the uterus are passable, the sperm of the man is fertile. If this approach fails, surgical methods can be used. Three most effective options are known - ovarian drilling, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy. Sometimes it is necessary to make a myomectomy, if infertility occurs against the background of uterine fibroids. To study the characteristics of the male body, a testicular biopsy is taken. Finally, varicocelectomy is a surgical technique that allows you to fight varicocele, one of the common causes of male infertility.

Additional technologies include insemination with donor sperm, IVF, injective injection of sperm into the egg cell cytoplasm, donation of female germ cells, embryonic freezing, surrogacy, use of sperm bank capabilities.

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