A visit to the solarium is a great solution if you need to give your skin a beautiful bronze tan in a short time. To maintain the resulting skin color in the future, you will need to look into the tanning bed about once or twice a week.
You should know that the indications for visiting the tanning bed are different for everyone. This primarily depends on the type of skin. Four types of appearance are distinguished, each of which has a certain color of hair, eyes, and skin. Depending on these indicators, the time and number of visits for a particular person is determined.
1. The Celtic type has very light blue, gray, green eyes. Hair is often red or honey, almost white. The skin is pinkish, translucent, very light. As a rule, a person is the owner of a large number of freckles.
Unfortunately, people of the Celtic type are not recommended to sunbathe in the solarium. Under the influence of artificial sun, the skin gets severe burns. Even a long visit to the solarium does not give visible results.
2. A representative of the type of fair-skinned European has the same eye color as Celtic (possibly not so light). The hair is light brown, the skin is fair. Sensitivity to burns is also present, but not so painful.
The first visit to the tanning bed should last no more than five minutes, after which you need to take a break for several days. Then you should come no more than three times a week, gradually increasing the sessions to 10 minutes.
3. A type of dark-skinned European successfully tans under a tanning lamp. The owner of gray or brown eyes, brown or dark brown hair can easily receive ultraviolet light for 15 minutes with interruptions for one or two days.
4. The Mediterranean type , with dark skin, dark brown or black eyes, dark hair, reaches the desired tan in four or five sessions of 15 minutes.
What needs to be done before going to the solarium?
The rules for visiting a tanning salon recommend a visit to the doctor in order to make sure that you have no contraindications to this. There is a list of diseases in which a visit to the solarium is contraindicated. These include: diabetes mellitus, frequent asthma attacks, liver and kidney diseases, tumors of various etiologies, recent surgery and others. It is also advisable to postpone the campaign during the menstrual cycle, taking antibiotics, laxatives, diuretics, tranquilizers.
A visit to the solarium is possible only two weeks after the use of masks with retinol, chemical peeling, hair removal, laser resurfacing and other similar cosmetic procedures.
Ask a salon employee about the life of the lamps. Remember that their valid life is 540 hours.
Going to the Solarium
The rules of the visit do not recommend the day before visiting a sauna or bath, as well as washing with soap. Thus, you wash away the natural fat film on the skin. You can not apply perfume before the session.
Take care of the purchase of special cosmetics. It is necessary to use a lotion or other tanning agent, which will protect the skin from overheating and harmful rays, and will also contribute to the appearance of a persistent tan.
After the procedure, you will need cosmetics that will help moisturize and soothe the skin, fix the tan.
Such funds can be bought directly in the cabin. You should also know that they are not suitable for use on the beach, as they are not intended for sunlight.
The rules for visiting the tanning salon provide for the mandatory use of goggles and caps (will help protect hair from brittleness and dryness).
For women, it is also necessary to have a nipple cover.
Before the session
1. The rules for visiting a solarium recommend removing all jewelry and removing contact lenses from the eyes.
2. If you have moles, cover them with a band-aid. Such a measure will prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
3. Smear your lips with cream - balm with a UV filter. (Lips do not produce melanin.)
4. Cover the tattoo, if you have one, to avoid an allergic reaction.
It is important to remember that the rules for visiting a solarium do not recommend sunbathing under lamps more than twice a year for 10 to 20 sessions.