British comedies - a demonstration of British specific humor

A truly funny comedy in the modern film industry is a piece phenomenon. The current comedians, without further ado, driven by a thirst for profit, put on the conveyor production black and the so-called “sailor's” humor. Such comedy projects in the vast majority pay off at the box office, but are instantly forgotten by the viewer. Fortunately, there are rare exceptions, for example, British comedies, which have the main component of success - they are funny, and the degree of humor in them is increasing.

"Gentleman of Fortune"

Enumerating British comedy films without mentioning practically the national film character, Mr. Bean, is at least incorrect.

A viewer familiar with the English television series The Thin Blue Line about Mr. Bean’s misadventures is unnecessary to introduce comedian Rowan Atkinson. The popularity of this rustic and extremely pedantic Briton, with an enviable frequency falling into ridiculous situations, has long spread beyond the Foggy Albion. And after Mel Smith's comedy film “Mr. Bean” (IMDb: 6.40) was released in 1997, the proper name mentioned in the title was transformed into a common noun. The picture is a hilarious cocktail of the famous British and characteristic American humor, which makes it extremely funny. The humor in it is definitely not intellectual, but not dressing.

british comedies

The British comedies about Mr. Bean in 2007 were replenished with an unassuming tape for the whole family, Mr. Bean on Vacation (MDb: 6.30). This comedy is a standard comic story based on one comedic hero. The talent of the unsurpassed Rowan Atkinson, fortunately, is enough to keep the audience's attention. In addition to him, there is another bright performer in the tape - Willem Dafoe, together they composed a wonderful acting duet.

"English, Johnny English ..."

Of course, Peter Howitt’s “Agent Johnny English” (IMDb: 6.10) is worthy of being featured in a publication listing British comedies. The picture with Rowan Atkinson in the title role was shot as a parody of the Bondinian. The film is not devoid of frankly vulgar situations, but, watching how the unpresentable loser Johnny English (contrary to logic) cleverly deals with the enemy, it is impossible to resist attacks of homeric laughter. The viewer receives a tremendous charge of good mood and life-giving optimism while watching. By the way, the Best British Comedies category also contains the spy comedy Agent Johnny English: Reloading (IMDb: 6.30), in which the indefatigable Rowan Atkinson scoffs at Elizabeth II, fights with old women and lusciously declines the Russian surname Pudovkin.

the best british comedies of recent years

On the edge between comedy and romance

The romantic melodramatic comedy “The Bridget Jones Diary” (IMDb: 6.70) is a completely fictional film story of the debutant directed by Sharon Maguire, it indirectly affects almost all social spheres without exception, somewhat suffering from the presence of feminist pathos. However, since the tape was successful in film distribution and became a great hit in the UK, the authors certainly couldn’t get away from continuing this film story, so Bridget Jones: Edge of the Reason (IMDb: 5.90) ​​and Bridget Jones-3 (IMDb: 7.40) appeared ), which are positioned by filmmakers as the best British comedies of recent years.

The best of the best

The specifics of British humor are known to all. The British sometimes make fun of everything that can cause a smile, including what is considered sacred: the government, the royal people, and even the funeral rite. Director Frank Oz showed such courage by filming the comedy Death at a Funeral (IMDb: 7.40). Of course, there are components in the tape that you can find fault with. Firstly, a huge number of gags from famous British sitcoms migrated to the film. Secondly, the performer of one of the main roles Alan Tudyk is clearly replaying. But if we drop the tediousness, then we can admit that Frank Oz created an almost perfect comedy with a pronounced English accent and theatrical chamber.

best british comedies

Director Robert B. Weide, who brought in the work on his project hilarious Simon Pegg, charming Megan Fox, sullen Jeff Bridges and clever Kirsten Dunst, created a brilliant and funny comedy "How to lose friends and make everyone hate you" (IMDb: 6.50). The film can be used as a model, explaining to the ignorant what real British comedies are.

british comedy films

The most successful comedy films produced by British filmmakers also include the project of Irish Irresistible Tamara (IMDb: 6.20) and the black comedy about Irish customs by John Michael MacDon “Once Upon a Time in Ireland” (IMDb: 7.30).

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