What documents are needed for a driving school? Full list

Nowadays, many men and women prefer to travel by private means of transport, for the management of which you need to have a special driver's license of a certain category. In order to get it, you need to finish special courses and pass an exam in the traffic police. That is why many citizens are confronted with what documents are needed for a driving school in order to enter there faster and learn how to drive a vehicle. We will talk about this in the article.


So, in order to become a full-fledged motorist, you need not only to have your own vehicle, but also to be trained in a driving school and pass exams at the traffic police, and then get a driver's license of a certain category. There are quite a lot of educational institutions of this profile, and people are trying to choose the best. After all, quality training is the guarantee of the future of safe and proper driving.

In addition, many citizens are interested in the question: what documents are needed for a driving school. The fact is that educational institutions have different requirements for future students. But most often the list looks like this:

  • copies of the first and second pages of the passport;
  • photos (color can be used), format 3 x 4 cm;
  • You will also need to conclude an agreement with a driving school and pay for training by providing a receipt for payment;
  • Before the practical part (driving a vehicle) you need to go through a medical commission and provide a certificate;
  • men under twenty-seven years of age must present a military ID.


So, if a citizen firmly decided to get a driverā€™s license in order to drive his personal vehicle, he first needs to finish a driving school and after passing the tests in it (in terms of theoretical and practical training) pass the exam in the traffic police.

But in order to do all this, you first need to know what documents are needed for a driving school. So, first of all, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement, which indicates information about yourself: place of work or study and level of education. And before signing this document, you need to carefully study it. It is also necessary to have a passport with you, because you will need to make copies of it. And young people under 27 years of age, as already mentioned, should have a military ID with them.

After the contract is concluded and payment for the courses on driving training is made, you can safely proceed to theoretical studies. In the future, it will be necessary to go through a medical commission and provide a certificate of the possibility of transport management. Please note that without this document, you simply will not be allowed to a practical training course.

To know what documents are needed for a driving school, it is necessary in order to prepare all the papers in advance and to start driving training classes without any problems.

Commission passage

They pass a medical commission in order to receive a certificate and begin practical training, i.e., transport management. To do this, you need to visit a small circle of specialists, and the main one is a psychiatrist and narcologist. Without their conclusion, the therapist will never sign a medical certificate. In addition, if a person has ever abused alcohol or drugs, he must be deregistered by a specialist, otherwise the path to obtaining a driverā€™s license is closed for him.

The cost of such a medical commission is different, in a private clinic it will cost more than in a state one.

By the way, it is necessary to clarify in advance with the secretary what documents are needed for entering a driving school, because some educational institutions of this profile require a medical certificate during the theoretical classes, and some only before practice.


Photographs are necessary for the studentā€™s personal file and for completing documents on graduation. They should have a size of 3 x 4 (especially for documents), and whether they are colored or black and white does not really matter.

One of the photographs provided will need to be taken with you to the clinic for attaching to a medical certificate.

We repeat that before entering this educational institution, it is necessary to clarify in advance what documents are needed at a driving school in order to immediately prepare all the papers and make copies. This will save time and get started faster.

ID confirmation

Speaking about what documents are needed for training at a driving school, we emphasized that a passport will be needed to verify identity. If it is lost or is being replaced, due to a change in data or for other reasons, you can provide a temporary certificate to the educational institution. This is a special certificate, which is issued in the passport office. Although itā€™s better to wait until you receive a new passport so as not to redo the documents at the driving school, because these data are entered into the contract with the educational institution.

Copies of the first two pages of the passport can be made independently (U-turn with photo and registration).


After passing the theory and practice in the driving school exams are passed. They consist of two stages:

  • testing;
  • driving a transport (depending on the category).

Only after successfully passing the tests does a citizen receive a certificate of completion of a driverā€™s course. After that, exams are passed at the traffic police at the place of residence.

Now you know what documents are needed to study at a driving school and why they are needed. The main and important ones are a passport, a medical certificate and a photo for documents. A certificate stating that the person never had a driverā€™s license is not needed, as the traffic police will check all the information already.

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