Self-image - what is it? Meaning of the word, synonyms

Self-image - what is it? The meaning of this word for many people remains a mystery. If you are one of them, then do not worry! Especially for you, we have compiled a publication, after reading which you will receive all the answers to your questions related to this topic!

Meaning of the word "conceit"

What does the word "conceit" mean? In fact, the interpretation of this concept is simple, like 5 cents. Self-conceit is an overstated opinion of one’s personality.

Excessive conceit is dangerous


What is the main reason for high conceit? In 2012, psychologists from the University of California at Berkeley asked this question. Specialists conducted a series of studies, from which it was found that the main reason for excessive self-conceit is the pursuit of social status. People’s desire to appear to be what they really are not makes them take risks, despite the great likelihood of posing as a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

Self-esteem and self-esteem. What is the difference?

It so happened that many people often confuse concepts such as "self-esteem" and "self-esteem." In their understanding, self-esteem is as unhealthy self-love as self-esteem. In fact, these people make a big mistake. Self-esteem has little to do with conceit. Moreover, in contrast to self-conceit, self-esteem is a very useful trait of character for a human person! Let's take a closer look at each of these concepts.

Self-conceit is the desire to convince everyone around you of your own importance. Self-esteem is an adequate self-confidence and a belief in one’s importance for oneself (for oneself, and not for others). Increased self-conceit is essentially an aggressive translation of one’s beloved, while self-esteem does not touch other people's personal boundaries.

Meaning of the word "conceit"

There is also a concept called self-esteem. Some people also perceive it as a synonym for the word "conceit." In fact, self-esteem (or self-esteem) is a combination of opinions about one’s personality and an adequate assessment of one’s strengths and weaknesses.

The formation of self-esteem and self-esteem occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • own sense of self;
  • the opinions of relatives and those whom a person considers authority;
  • peer opinion (friends, classmates, classmates, etc.);
  • the cultural environment in which the person grew up and his education;
  • worldview views;
  • disabilities or injuries that set a person apart from other people;
  • social status.
Synonyms of the word "conceit"

Adequate self-esteem

In medical practice, two cases are common when a person needs the help of a psychologist:

  1. He feels above the people around him and is confident in his own exclusivity. According to such an individual, the main cause of his problems is the evil envious, not himself.
  2. He considers himself a loser without any positive qualities. Such a person is often engaged in self-flagellation and constantly regrets the mistakes of the past. He considers even positive comments in his favor to be undeserved.
Low conceit is also dangerous

These two examples are extremes that need to be eliminated. But between them is just a sense of self-esteem and self-esteem.

What are the benefits of healthy self-esteem?

Low self-esteem can be just as dangerous as high self-esteem. That is why it is always important that your self-esteem and self-esteem be balanced. Adequate self-esteem positively affects many aspects of a person’s life, inspires him with optimism in his views, and also gives the necessary life comfort. If a person has a healthy self-esteem, then he:

  • confident in his decisions and actions;
  • able to build relationships on honesty and mutual respect, and not on the desire to receive benefits;
  • rationally evaluates his strengths and capabilities;
  • possesses immunity to stress and normally refers to someone else's point of view;
  • rarely feels shame or guilt;
  • convincing in his point of view and needs;
  • Mentally balanced and rarely depressed.
Self-conceit harms

How to increase self-esteem?

Sometimes it happens that the owners of low conceit do not want to recognize themselves as such and continue to live to their own detriment. The reason for this is simple: they like to feel like a victim, because it is safe and relieves them of any responsibility.

What needs to be done in order to get rid of the status of an eternal sacrifice and become self-confident:

  1. Find your calling in this world and start moving in this direction. To realize yourself in life, you need to develop the skills and abilities in yourself and use them as intended. When in a certain area you feel like a fish in water, this will significantly increase your self-esteem.
  2. Read good books. It can be not only fiction. It also includes self-study textbooks or books in which authoritative people share the secrets of their success. In short, the selected literature should contribute to your self-development.
  3. Listen to wise and experienced people. Communication with such personalities inspires new achievements and helps to avoid serious mistakes in the future.
  4. Do not be afraid of failure. Very often, fear of failure does not allow people to achieve their desired goal.
  5. Try to be positive. When you give people positive emotions, they begin to answer you the same.
  6. Connect with the right people. Make friends who will share your views and worldview and who will support you in your endeavors. Frequent communication with such people will positively affect your attitude and self-esteem.
  7. Do something for others. The main problem of many people is that they like to consume and do not like to give anything in return. It is also necessary to get rid of this negative trait.
  8. Make a list of your positive qualities. As mentioned earlier, a person with a healthy self-esteem is always aware of the good and bad aspects of his character. Awareness of their positive qualities help a person avoid depression and spleen.
  9. Take the example of lucky losers. This refers to people who were at the very bottom of society, but at the same time continued to fight and achieve their goals. Such examples are very inspiring.
  10. Try to protect yourself from negativity. Do not get hung up on bad news from the media and other stories that negatively affect your mood.
Low self esteem harms

Self-conceit: synonyms for the word


  • pride;
  • pride;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • pride;
  • puffiness;
  • vanity.

Self-image - what is it? We hope that we have managed to give a detailed answer to this question, and you have learned a lot of useful information from this article!

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