What are the rights of the buyer

Buyer rights are a special legal category. Controversial or conflict situations between participants in sales transactions is a pretty thing

buyer's rights
common and, by the way, very unpleasant. Each of the parties is trying, by hook or by crook, to prove its own right. The seller in this case is in a better situation. He has already received the money. The buyer needs to prove the fact that the service was rendered to him poorly or not in full. It is regrettable, but the majority of the inhabitants are completely ignorant of their rights in this or that case. This is what the conversation will be about. We learn and learn to defend our rights as a buyer.

To begin with, when purchasing a specific product, it is advisable to verify on the spot its functionality, suitability and compliance with all available requirements. It will not be superfluous to additionally clarify with the seller the features of operation (if any). Especially alert should be the extremely low price. The product may be defective or in repair. It may happen that when you buy it, you “lose” the buyer's right to return the goods (this is what we are notified about in the sales departments). Enterprising sellers of household appliances or furniture often offer such products, “forgetting” to mention this subtlety of the transaction.

buyer's right to return goods
However, if you bought a discounted product, the buyer's rights guarantee the ability to file a claim with the seller if other defects are discovered. In other words, if you purchased a microwave oven with a bent side wall, and after a few days the grill stopped working in it, you can safely go to the store and demand a gratuitous correction of this defect. Do not forget to demand from the seller a mandatory written description of the defect, due to which its price was reduced. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to prove their case.

Often, sellers try to distort the buyer’s rights when returning goods, forcing them to present a packing box a few months after the purchase. Such a requirement is unlawful. If you sold goods of inadequate quality, which is proved by its inoperability, then the presence of packaging is not necessary at all (paragraph 3 of article 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The situation is a little different in a situation where you simply did not like the product, and you want to return it.

buyer's rights when returning goods

Do not forget your buyer's rights during the warranty period. If everything is clear with electronics, then often questions arise during the operation of furniture. For example, you bought a kitchen set, and a week later you poured water on a countertop or door, as a result of which the wooden element was deformed or swollen. If the seller will say that this is the result of misuse, you can make him a fully justified claim. The fact is that there are certain standards and regulations according to which furniture for the kitchen or bathroom should have certain (in this case - waterproof) qualities. And furniture must maintain such characteristics throughout the entire warranty period.

There are a lot of similar nuances regarding any buyer's right. Feel free to study them and enjoy those, albeit small, privileges that the law gives us.

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