The sectors of economic specialization play a key role in the development of the structure of the production complex of states and regions. They determine their position in the territorial division of labor. In this regard, they are also called profiling, with international and interregional significance. Let us further consider the Russian specialization industries.
General information
The specialization sectors of an economic region are determined by the ability to produce certain products on a specific territory in a volume significantly exceeding the needs of a given area. Such an indicator is achieved due to the historical, natural and other conditions existing in the region. Moreover, the production of such quantities is carried out at relatively low labor costs.
Thus, specialization industries are sectors that produce competitive goods in the foreign market, focused on export. Their main feature is the large volumes and efficiency of production capacities, participation in territorial trade. Specialization industries play a key role not only in the process of production and export. They affect the distribution of productive forces. They are the core to which the service, auxiliary and other complementary sectors are attracted.
Specialization industries are formed primarily taking into account the regionβs ability to produce mass products β a product that, at its low cost, would make up a significant share in the total volume. Cheaper production is carried out due to favorable conditions. Of particular importance are the main areas of specialization. They act as region-forming sectors and give maximum effect.
Each subject of the Russian Federation is characterized by its own specialization. It is a complex of specific industries, through which not only the own needs of the territory are met, but also the needs of other regions of the country. In some cases, the production scale is so wide that the products are supplied to foreign markets. It should be noted that specialization industries are not the only option for the region to participate in the territorial division of labor resources. At the same time, relations between administrative units are also of great importance.
Branches of specialization: types
The classification of production sectors is carried out according to different criteria. For example, there is a separation of industries in the following areas:
- Production infrastructure (communications, transport, construction).
- Social sphere (housing and communal services, sports, culture, healthcare, education, etc.).
- Market infrastructure (insurance organizations, banks, exchanges, trade, and so on).
In addition, there are local branches of industry and agricultural specialization. In various territories they are of local importance. Such industries satisfy economically justified needs.
Territorial division of labor
In this area, a certain pattern is noted. With the development of productive forces, the number of regions producing products of the same name is increasing. At the same time, the share of territories producing these goods for a long time usually decreases with a continuous increase in output.
When considering the significance of natural conditions and resources in the division of labor, two aspects must be taken into account. First of all, some reserves are far from universally present. The second aspect is that many natural resources are present in many areas, but effective development is only possible in certain areas. A number of extractive spheres can develop exclusively in those areas where there are large reserves available for use in the current state of productive forces, communications, transport, and so on.
For example, huge coal deposits in the Tunguska basin are practically not used due to the inaccessibility of the deposit for development. But for the development of the agricultural sector of specialization of the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Chernozem region, all conditions are created. Therefore, there is so developed the cultivation of sunflower and sugar beets.
Historical aspect
It is also of great importance in the territorial distribution of labor. So, for example, the old specialization industries of the Central region and a number of other areas have huge production assets of mechanical engineering, textile enterprises, and highly qualified personnel. This objectively necessitates the establishment of interregional cooperation, mutual exchange of products.
Division into groups
It is present in every district complex. In total, three groups are distinguished for each region.
The first category includes agricultural sectors. They play a leading role in the development of the production sphere. Regions specialize in these sectors on a national scale. Due to more favorable conditions of a specific territory in these sectors, maximum productivity is achieved at the same level of scientific and technical progress with other administrative units.
The second group includes specialization sectors that determine the structure of the economy and the employment of citizens. The category of conjugated sectors is directly dependent on them. However, this does not mean at all that in every region there should be a whole range of industries that ensure the development of the directions of the first group. In most cases this is not practical. For example, for industries such as tank building, robotics, instrument-making and electronic industries, and auto-building, interregional cooperation and cooperation are more rational.
In the third group there are areas that produce products for local consumption. Moreover, in production, as a rule, internal resources are used.
Development features
The above groups are interconnected in the industrial complexes of the regions. However, their ratio varies in accordance with the level of productive forces. For each of them their own proportions between groups are established. With the appearance of imbalance, losses occur, the pace of economic development decreases. This, in turn, negatively affects the degree of use of labor resources.
The development of productive forces contributes to the strengthening of territorial ties. The distribution of labor leads to an increase in the production potential of individual regions. Thus, Siberian specialization industries in 1965 accounted for 6.5% of the total country's output. In 2000, this indicator reached 14.7%.
Production infrastructure
It can be classified according to various criteria. The most relevant today is the separation of functions. Transport is a complex of communications, automobiles of all kinds, technical devices, structures and structures that provide the movement of goods for various purposes and people. The energy sector acts as a set of networks through which electricity is supplied to consumers. This complex includes self-service units, power substations, power lines. Information communications include:
- Email message.
- Terrestrial and space communications, including wired, optical, radio communications.
Sewerage and water supply are represented by a combination of pipelines and special facilities through which industries and the public receive water. The development of the entire infrastructure is very fast. In the manufacturing sector, special zones are distinguished:
- Free trade.
- Technical and production.
- Industrial implementation.
- Integrated.
- Service.
- Innovative and so on.
Social infrastructure
Industry specialization is formed by:
- Exchange and distribution (insurance, lending, trade).
- Consumer services (housing and communal services, passenger transport, consumer services, communications for the population).
- Health protection (social security, sanatorium and resort services, healthcare, public support of citizens).
- The formation of a scientific worldview and public consciousness (education, training, education, religion, art).
- Law enforcement (public administration, defense, public organizations).
In the social infrastructure there is a fairly large number of diverse industries. Therefore, in this area there is the problem of their complex development. The social infrastructure, as in other areas, has its own territorial structure. Its elements are represented by levels:
Characterization of elements
Trade - the national economic sector, which provides goods turnover, the movement of products from production to the consumer sphere. This is done at different levels. Trade can be domestic, foreign and international. Housing and communal services is a complex of enterprises, housing, farms and services that provide services to the population. In some regions, housing and communal services is involved in servicing industries, supplying them with gas, water, and electricity. Health care includes social, state, economic and medical measures that are carried out by society and are aimed at improving and protecting the health of citizens. The infrastructure functions are: treatment and prevention of diseases, maintenance of working capacity. In a general sense, private, insurance and public health systems are distinguished. The tasks of the infrastructure of education include: pre-school education, education (primary, secondary and higher), advanced training and retraining. Military support includes: the use of weapons, combat planning, mobilization of troops and forces. The infrastructure of this industry applies to both manufacturing and social sectors. Scientific support is presented in the form of material and technical base for the development of practical and theoretical activities.
This infrastructure includes:
- Logistics and wholesale. They are represented by a complex of institutions for the sale, purchase, storage and accumulation of goods and funds. It includes: wholesale markets, marketing organizations, refrigerators, warehouses, food exchanges, sales and supply offices and bases, etc.
- The financial sector. It is formed by banks and other institutions engaged in the circulation of funds, providing loans. This area includes public and private organizations. Between these institutions should be an operational exchange of information.
- Sports and tourism. This industry includes hotels, travel agencies, boarding houses, camp sites, sports facilities, transportation of domestic routes, cultural and entertainment organizations.
- Recreational areas - regions that provide comprehensive tourism services.
European part of the country
Currently, there are significant differences in the development of the productive forces of the Western and Eastern territories. So, about 80% of manufacturing enterprises are concentrated in the European part. At the same time, the specialization sectors of the Northern Economic Region and the eastern part include about 63% of mining plants. This ratio indicates that European regions are characterized by favorable conditions for increasing production capacities and technical re-equipment. Improvement of any specialization industry in the Central region can occur with minimal investment. Existing sectors will not be subject to major changes. The importance of the European zone should increase due to the priority development of nuclear energy, engineering and other areas that determine the technological progress of the entire economic system of the country. Production growth should occur only due to an increase in productivity with a relative decrease in the consumption of raw materials, fuel, water, materials, and electricity.
In the specialization industry of the Urals, it is impractical to allow the expansion of existing and placement of new water and energy-intensive industries. Such enterprises in the region are needed to eliminate imbalances and implement structural changes. This will stabilize the fuel and energy balance. Today, the specialization industries of the Urals and the Far East annually send about 1 billion standard fuel to the European part.
Eastern zone
Its importance for the economy today is very great. In the future, the role of the eastern industries will only increase. This is due to the large reserves of forest, gas, oil, coal and other resources, the priority development of water and energy-intensive manufacturing industries. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the engineering complex in the eastern part of the country. In territorial ties, a disproportion in the distribution of productive forces is revealed. If, for example, the specialization sectors of the Urals exchange within their own zone, then in the eastern regions external exchange with other zones prevails. In the total export of engineering products within the European territory, deliveries abroad are about 18%, and import - about 25%. In the eastern territories, there is a significant discrepancy between the nomenclature of the produced machinery and equipment of the regional economy. Enterprises in the eastern part are distinguished by narrow profile. In this regard, only 25% of engineering products are consumed within the zone. 75% is supplied outside its borders, including 72% in the specialization industry of the Volga region, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan.