Immigration to Sweden: procedures, programs for immigrants, the necessary documents, the pros and cons of moving

Sweden is one of the most developed and prosperous countries in Europe. The standard of living of the population is high, in addition, the country attracts with beautiful landscapes, unlimited possibilities. The health care system in this country is of high quality and efficiency - Sweden is among the ten countries with good medicine. According to the data for 2018, approximately twenty percent of the population are foreigners, which indicates a high level of immigration. Is it easy to do this? What programs for immigrants are there? What are the pros and cons of living in the state? All these and many other questions will be answered in the article, as well as consider feedback on moving to Sweden. The stories of real people are always more interesting than a dry theory.

The advantages of living in the state

If you are planning on moving to Sweden, pay attention to the climate. This state is located far from the south of Europe, which means that the north of the city, the more severe the climatic conditions. The most common cities for immigration are Stockholm, Solna, Umea, Gothenburg, as well as Malmö. Looking at the reviews of immigration to Sweden from Russia, one can observe the following positive aspects of living in the Kingdom:

  1. High standard of living of the population, stable, effective and well-developed social protection system for citizens.
  2. A stable economy, which is characterized by tremendous potential - excellent prospects open up for the development of your own business. There are also conditions for the development of a professional career.
  3. Most of the population speaks English, which for many years has been very popular. This suggests that the foreigner will not have problems with mastering the language, because even higher education is often received here in English.
  4. The authorities care about the ecological well-being of their country, and the street is also clean.
  5. Medicine is at a very high level. It is not only high-quality and effective, but also affordable for every citizen.
  6. There is a stereotype that Swedes are evil, gloomy, alienated. In fact, this is not so, at the first acquaintance you can understand that the population is very open, kind, responsive and cheerful. This suggests that the integration process will take place without complications.

Cons of life in the country

When planning a move to Sweden, of course, you need to consider all aspects, including cons. As in any state, Sweden has its negative aspects:

  1. Fairly expensive life - high prices for food, utilities, clothing. Traveling around the country is also not cheap.
  2. As previously noted, the Kingdom is a northern state, which means that even in the southernmost settlements there is a lack of solar heat and light. Winter days are very short, while summer days are excessively long.
  3. Despite the good nature of the local population, there are cases of irritation towards migrants. This is due to the increased migration flow to Sweden in recent years.
  4. In the real estate purchase market, prices are quite high, the same problems with rental housing. For example, renting a one-room apartment in Stockholm averages 8,000 kroons, which is 775 euros per month.
  5. Taxes are notable for higher rates, especially for wealthy people who have real estate. For example, the municipal income tax is 32.12%, and the national 25%.
Nature in Sweden

Opinions of foreigners

Of course, theory is good, but listening to immigration to Sweden from real people is much more interesting. That is why the video below is presented, which tells about the customs of the Swedes, which may be incomprehensible to the Slavs. For example, in the country they like to eat meat dishes with jam, which is difficult for Russians to get used to.

What else can you learn from our compatriots from their feedback on moving to Sweden for permanent residence? People recommend enrolling in a special language school where migrants from all over the world study the official language of Sweden.

Is citizenship mandatory?

In order to stay legally in Sweden for a long time, a foreign citizen can receive one of three statuses:

  1. Temporary residence permit, the so-called residence permit.
  2. Permanent residence permit, this is permanent residence.
  3. Citizenship.
Foreigners in Sweden

These statuses are a kind of ladder of immigration to Sweden. That is, having arrived on the territory of the state with a visa, a foreigner can get a residence permit. Its validity period is 1-2 years with the possibility of extension. After 5 years, a foreigner can apply for permanent residence. After another 5 years, it is already possible to obtain citizenship. This is a general procedure for obtaining citizenship, it is called naturalization. Immigration to Sweden involves not only obtaining citizenship, but also any legal stay in the state for a long time. There are several immigration programs in the state. Let's consider each separately.

Refugee status

In connection with the events of the last decade, this program turned out to be quite relevant. This method is quite lengthy, the process of submitting documents and their consideration may take more than a year, while it is not a fact that the decision will be positive. However, there is such a method, which means that you should know about it:

  1. First of all, you need to file a petition, for this you need to contact the Department of Migration or the police station. The application must be accompanied by a document that certifies the identity of the applicant, it is better to submit a national passport.
  2. After submitting the petition, a fingerprinting procedure must be carried out - a fingerprint is taken from the applicant. A person is checked against the databases, after which an interview is scheduled. If necessary, a translator is provided. In the course of the interview, it would be desirable to submit documents confirming the applicant's words.
  3. After the initial procedures, the person and his family are placed in a temporary camp - within 2 weeks, the authorities prepare everything necessary for placement in a permanent camp. On its basis, children are sent to school, adults are provided with work, and benefits are paid.
  4. During the year, the authorities decide on the petition. During this period, all documents are checked - passports, birth certificates, other documents attesting to the deplorable situation of refugees. If a positive decision is made, the refugee can stay in Sweden, if not, he is obliged to leave it in the near future.

Recall that this method of immigration to Sweden is not the most favorable. The applicant should try to prove the need for asylum and obtaining refugee status, otherwise he will be forced to leave the state.

Education-based immigration

Student Life in Sweden

For young people, this method of moving to Sweden for permanent residence from Russia is one of the most relevant and affordable. First of all, a student must go to university and study at it, having received a state diploma. The residence permit, and then permanent residence, can receive the following categories:

  1. Students who are studying for short-term and long-term programs, for example, for 90 days or 1 year, respectively.
  2. Students enrolled in a university in the Kingdom or in college.
  3. Students who have been accepted to study at a gymnasium or secondary educational institution.

In order to obtain permanent residence, the following documents must be submitted to the Migration Department:

  1. Profiles to be completed in Swedish or English in block letters, as well as signed. You can get them in the Department.
  2. Confirmation of the fact of student enrollment in a university, college or other institution.
  3. An extract from the bank account of the applicants or their sponsor, who takes care of all the costs of studying and living the student. Education and accommodation can be paid by the Swedish side or the home state of the immigrant. In this case, you need to submit documents on the provision of a scholarship.
  4. International passport.
  5. Photos (3 pieces).
  6. A document confirming the payment of the consular fee.

Authorities examine the submitted papers and issue a document authorizing a long stay in the country. Moving to Sweden for permanent residence on this basis is quite promising. This is due to the fact that in the future, having a university or college diploma, a student can find a job and obtain citizenship of the country.

Employment-based immigration

Employment in Sweden

There are several programs for moving to Sweden for permanent residence from Russia on the basis of employment. The most common are:

  1. Work under an employment contract.
  2. Making an employee for seasonal work is picking berries, fishing and much more.
  3. Profession in the field of art - artist, poet, singer.
  4. Conducting research that is of great importance to Swedish society.
  5. Professional sports - coaches and athletes.
  6. The Au pair program is a very common program in many European countries, often it concerns girls. A girl under the age of 35 gets a job in the family - receives a small salary, in return becomes a part of the family, learns the language, helps around the house, takes care of the children.
  7. The EU Blue Card Program is a job for highly skilled workers. Particularly relevant are those professions that are identified as scarce in Sweden.

The package of documents here is changeable, you can specify it when applying for a job. The main document for immigrating to Sweden from Russia on this basis is an employment contract or employment agreement. In addition to him, you need to submit a passport, completed questionnaires, photographs.

Business immigration

Work in the Kingdom

Starting a business is an independent way of moving to Sweden from Russia. Many people believe that this foundation is part of the system of previous programs, but this is not so. New jobs are being created, one or another branch of life, industry, and the economy is developing. The program provides two ways of doing business.

The first is the opening of a business from scratch, you need to start forming your own company, company. The second method involves opening a branch of an existing company. Any undertaking of an entrepreneur will be encouraged by the Swedish authorities.

In the event that a person wants to obtain permanent residence, he must own at least 50% of the shares of the enterprise. Otherwise, it will not be possible to obtain a residence permit on this basis. The state, in addition to the requirements for stocks, also puts forward the requirement for the presence of money in the account to develop its business and ensure its own residence. You should also be fluent in either English or Swedish. Goods and services must either be manufactured or sold in the Kingdom. The Department of Migration issues for businessmen the requirements for reputation, as well as the presence of experience in the field in which a person opens an enterprise.

Among the documents required to obtain permanent residence, there must be a passport, photographs, completed questionnaires, bank statement, as well as a document confirming the registration of a business. In addition, other documents may be requested, the list of which will be specified by the Department on the spot. Within two years, an entrepreneur must have a residence permit, then obtains permanent residence, and after 3 years citizenship is issued.

Marriage with a citizen of Sweden

Family reunification

How to move to Sweden for permanent residence on the basis of marriage with a citizen of the Kingdom? For residents of post-Soviet states, this method is the simplest and fastest. Thus, you can quickly get citizenship of Sweden. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary for an alien to obtain a visa, enter the territory of the state and marry a citizen of Sweden. The legislation of the Kingdom allows another variant of the development of events - a citizen of Sweden can leave for the homeland of the future spouse, to enter into a marriage there. After that it is necessary to put an apostille on all documents and return to Sweden already as a spouse.

After marriage, the immigrant must contact the Department of Migration with a request for a residence permit. Together with the usual set of documents, it is necessary to present a certificate of marriage. During the inspection of papers, employees can conduct a survey of spouses to find out if the marriage is fictitious. As in the case of entrepreneurship, a spouse who does not have Swedish citizenship must live with a residence permit for 2 years, then obtain permanent residence and after 3 years apply for citizenship. Of course, this method of immigration to Sweden is quick and affordable, but do not forget that the family is not just a document and a pass to citizenship, it is a unit of society and an important social institution.

Family reunification

Life in Sweden. Stockholm

Family reunification is a fairly simple way of immigration, but it is not used as often as it might seem. Let's look at what you need to move to Sweden on this basis? In essence, this foundation is very close to the previous one. Not only spouses of a citizen of Sweden fall under it, but also parents, children, as well as cohabitants. Kingdom law allows citizenship by an alien who lives in cohabitation with a Swedish citizen without registering a marriage.

The terms for obtaining permanent residence, citizenship for family members are exactly the same as for the spouse. This has already been mentioned above. In this case, an important obligation that the state imposes on a citizen is the provision of members of his family. It is not only about the financial side of the issue, but also about social security. For example, the living area must comply with the standards, its size must not be lower than the established minimum. Together with the general package of documents, the applicant must submit a confirmation of kinship with the citizen. This may be a birth certificate, marriage, other documents. In this case, it is problematic to prove cohabitation - cohabitation, however, such cases do exist in practice.

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