Recently, apple cider vinegar is gaining more and more popularity among ordinary consumers. The useful properties of this well-known product attract not only culinary fans, but also lovers of traditional medicine recipes. But the most interesting thing is that for a long time millions of women use apple cider vinegar for hair, because it is able to restore their structure after various injuries, give them density, shine and silkiness.
To dry and brittle hair acquired a healthy appearance, you can use apple vinegar for hair as a rinse. To do this, pour two cups of water into the container and add two more tablespoons of vinegar to them. It should be noted that water should be warm, and vinegar should be at room temperature. It is also important to pay attention to the percentage of acid contained in vinegar. If this solution is strong enough, it is recommended to dilute it in other proportions, for example, mix a liter of warm water with a tablespoon of acid. Often in such recipes it is proposed to add a glass of decoction of various herbs. So, for example, women with light shades of hair can brew a camomile, and with dark - rosemary. Rinse hair immediately after washing. Such a tool is able to remove shampoo residues from the head, which have not the best effect due to its composition, and also give a beautiful and natural shine to the hair.
Interestingly, apple vinegar for hair deprived of strength is very useful if you use it during combing. In order to forever forget about hair loss, as well as the constant desire to scratch the back of the head associated with scalp problems, you need to regularly prepare a special solution and moisten your hair with it. The recipe is incredibly simple: you just need to mix warm water and vinegar in equal volumes. The effectiveness of such a tool will be the same both in the case of comb wetting in it, and in the case of applying it in the form of a spray. The main thing is not to overdo it.
Quite often you can find recipes in which apple cider vinegar for hair is simply an indispensable ingredient. For example, to prepare an excellent firming mask, you need to mix half a liter of hot water and one teaspoon of vinegar and honey. The mixture is applied directly to the hair and scalp. You can massage a little. After half an hour, the mask will already have a beneficial effect, and it can be washed off. Regular use of this recipe will quickly restore weak hair and improve blood circulation to the scalp.
To get rid of dandruff, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts on special funds that do not give any guarantees. You can prepare the medicine on your own by mixing half a glass of apple cider vinegar and hot water. The resulting product is usually applied to dry hair. Moreover, the result depends on how diligently the scalp is covered with it. To increase efficiency, you should wrap your head with something warm, and after an hour you can wash off the mask with ordinary shampoo.
Any recipe for a hair mask using apple cider vinegar can be supplemented with your favorite essential oils.
By the way, if you look at the problems with hair in more depth, it will become clear that they appear as a result of a violation of the stable functioning of the body and, first of all, metabolism. To normalize it, you can, and even need to, drink vinegar diluted in water, at the rate of a tablespoon of acid per glass of a little lukewarm water. As a rule, such a solution should be consumed every day in the morning before meals for a week, after which a break for the same period should be taken. But, nevertheless, no matter how attractive this recipe may be, before taking apple cider vinegar inside, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.