Russian actress Maria Shumakova: biography, film career, personal life

The filmography of the Russian actress Shumakova Maria Veniaminovna today consists of almost two dozen paintings. However, she gained universal recognition thanks to the main character played in the drama “Sweet Life”. The editorial board of Maxim magazine included the actress in the list of the sexiest Russian women.


Maria Shumakova was born in 1988, December 24. The childhood of the future actress passed in Novosibirsk. The parents of the girl understood that their daughter would grow up a creative and versatile personality, because her curiosity extended to many classes. Maria devoted time to fencing, swimming, horse riding and skiing. Using the ability to quickly memorize, she mastered the Serbian and English languages. In addition, the girl was engaged in academic, folk and pop vocals.

After graduating from school, Shumakova became a student of the course of N. Afonin at the Theater School. M. Schepkina. Successful training for a beginner actress ended with a red diploma in 2010.

Actress Maria Shumakova

Movie work

The first film with the participation of Maria Shumakova was the art-house painting “Pain Points”. For several years, the actress appeared on the screens, performing episodic characters (the crime series "St. John's Wort 3", the comedy "Traffic Light", the detective "On the Sight", the melodrama "Krovinushka" and "Happiness Not in the Guys").

In 2014, Shumakova was approved for the main role of “Sweet Life”. The girl says that in reality she is radically different from her heroine Natasha, who suffers from excess weight and many complexes. In order to outwardly correspond to the role, Mary had to recover by 15 kg.

Prior to “Sweet Life”, the artist appeared in the comedy program “Happy End”, aired on the Peretz TV channel. The following projects of Maria Shumakova were the film adaptation of the stories by A. Barbakaru “Maestro”, the children's adventure film “Anomaly”, the detectives “Second Vision” and “Hotel“ Russia ”. In the above films, the actress played secondary roles.

Maria Shumakova

In 2017, Shumakova again got the performance of a key character named Masha in the 12-episode action movie Survive at Any Cost. At the same time, the girl starred in the melodramatic comedy "Classmates: a new twist" (role - Christina). Currently, the actress is working on the detective "Mermaid" and the mystical adaptation of "Running Palmyra."

Personal life

For some time now Maria has been living in the capital of Latvia with her beloved Artem. The young man of the artist opened a cafe in Riga called Evening News. Quite the opposite information often appears on the network, both about the separation of the couple, and about the marriage of Maria Shumakova.

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