Heart bypass surgery: what it is, how much they live. Heart bypass surgery: how many live after surgery (reviews, statistics)

Modern medicine allows you to perform complex operations and literally bring back to life people who have lost all hope. However, such an intervention is associated with a certain kind of risk and danger. This is exactly what heart bypass is. What it is? How many people live after the operation, we’ll talk about this in more detail.

heart bypass what it is how much live

Heart bypass surgery: history, first operation

What is heart bypass surgery? How many live after surgery? And most importantly, what do people who were lucky enough to get a second chance at a completely new life say about it?

Bypass surgery is an operation done on the vessels. It is it that allows you to normalize and restore blood circulation throughout the body and in individual organs. The first such surgical intervention was performed in May 1960. A successful operation performed by the American doctor Robert Hans Getz took place at the A. Einstein College of Medicine.

What is the essence of surgery

Bypass surgery is the artificial creation of a new path for blood flow. In this case, heart surgery is performed using vascular shunts, which specialists find in the internal thoracic artery of the patients themselves who need surgical intervention. In particular, for this purpose, doctors use either the radial artery on the arm or a large vein on the leg.

Thus, heart bypass occurs . What it is? How many people live after him are the main questions that interest the afflicted, who are faced with problems of the cardiovascular system. We will try to answer them.

heart bypass how many live after surgery

When should heart bypass surgery be performed?

According to many experts, surgical intervention is an extreme measure, resorting to which is necessary only in exceptional cases. One of these problems is ischemic or coronary heart disease, as well as atherosclerosis similar in symptoms.

Recall that this disease is also associated with excess cholesterol. However, unlike ischemia, this ailment contributes to the creation of peculiar plugs or plaques that completely block the vessels.

Do you want to know how much they live after heart bypass surgery, and is it worth it for people of advanced age to do this operation? To do this, we have collected the answers and expert advice that we hope will help you figure it out.

So, the danger of coronary disease and atherosclerosis is the excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body, an excess of which inevitably affects the blood vessels of the heart and blocks them. As a result, they narrow and stop supplying the body with oxygen.

heart bypass how many live after surgery reviews

In order to return a person to normal life, doctors, as a rule, are advised to perform heart bypass surgery. How many patients live after the operation, how it goes through, how long the rehabilitation process lasts, how the regimen of the day of the person who has undergone shunting changes - all this needs to be known to those who are only thinking about a possible surgical intervention. And most importantly, you need to get a positive psychological attitude. For this, future patients, shortly before the operation, should seek the moral support of close relatives and have a conversation with their doctor.

What is heart bypass surgery?

Cardiac bypass, or abbreviated CABG, is conditionally divided into 3 types:

  • solitary;
  • double;
  • triple.

In particular, such a division into species is associated with the degree of damage to the human vascular system. That is, if the patient has a problem with only one artery that needs a single shunt, then it is single, with two - double, and with three - triple heart bypass. What it is, how many people live after surgery, can be judged by some reviews.

how many live after heart bypass surgery reviews

What preparatory procedures are performed before bypass surgery?

Before the operation, the patient must undergo coronary angiography (a method for the diagnosis of coronary heart vessels), undergo a series of tests, receive a cardiogram and ultrasound data.

The preparatory preoperative process itself begins about 10 days before the announced shunt date. At this time, along with passing tests and conducting an examination, the patient is taught a special breathing technique, which will subsequently help him recover after the operation.

How long does the operation take?

The duration of CABG depends on the condition of the patient and the complexity of the surgical intervention. As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in time it takes from 3 to 6 hours.

Such work is very time-consuming and exhausting, so a team of specialists can perform only one heart bypass. How much they live after surgery (statistics given in the article allows us to find out) depends on the experience of the surgeon, the quality of the CABG and the recovery capabilities of the patient's body.

What happens to the patient after surgery?

After surgery, the patient usually ends up in intensive care, where he undergoes a short course of restorative breathing procedures. Depending on the individual characteristics and capabilities of each, a stay in intensive care may well stretch for 10 days. Then, the operated person is sent for subsequent recovery to a special rehabilitation center.

Sutures are usually carefully treated with antiseptics. In case of successful healing, they are removed for about 5-7 days. Often in the seam area there is a burning sensation and pulling pain. After about 4-5 days, all side symptoms disappear. And after 7-14 days, the patient can already take a shower on his own.

Shunt statistics

Various studies, statistics and opinion polls of both domestic and foreign specialists speak of the number of successful operations and people who have undergone this and completely changed their lives.

According to ongoing studies on shunting, a fatal outcome was observed in only 2% of patients. The basis of this analysis was the medical history of approximately 60,000 patients.

According to statistics, the most difficult is the postoperative process. In this case, the survival process after a year of life with an updated breathing system is 97%. At the same time, a lot of factors affect the favorable outcome of surgical intervention in patients, including individual tolerance to anesthesia, the state of the immune system, and the presence of other diseases and pathologies.

heart bypass what is it how much live with heart disease

In this study, experts also used data from medical history. This time, 1041 people took part in the experiment. According to the test, approximately 200 of the studied patients not only successfully transferred the implantation of implants into their bodies, but also managed to survive to the age of ninety.

Does heart bypass help with defects? What it is? How many live with heart disease after surgery? Similar topics are also of interest to patients. It is worth noting that with severe cardiac abnormalities, surgical intervention can be an acceptable way out and significantly extend the life of such patients.

Heart bypass surgery: how many live after surgery (reviews)

Most often, CABG helps people live without problems for several years. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, the shunt created during surgical intervention is not clogged even after ten years. According to Israeli experts, implantable implants can last 10-15 years.

However, before agreeing to such an operation, it is worthwhile not only to consult with a specialist, but also to study in detail the reviews of those people whose relatives or friends have already used the unique bypass method.

For example, some patients who underwent heart surgery claim that they had relief after CABG: it became easier to breathe, and the pain in the chest area disappeared. Therefore, heart bypass surgery helped them a lot. How many live after the operation, reviews of people who actually got a second chance - information about this can be found in this article.

heart bypass how many live after surgery statistics

Many argue that their relatives recovered for a long time after anesthesia and rehabilitation procedures. There are patients who say they underwent surgery 9-10 years ago and are currently feeling well. In this case, heart attacks were no longer repeated.

Want to know how much live after heart bypass surgery? The reviews of people who have undergone a similar operation will help you with this. For example, some argue that it all depends on specialists and their skill level. Many are satisfied with the quality of such operations carried out abroad. There are reviews of domestic mid-level medical workers who personally observed patients who underwent this complex intervention, who were already able to move independently for 2-3 days. But in general, everything is purely individual, and each case should be considered separately. It happened that the operated people led an active lifestyle after more than 16-20 years after they underwent coronary artery bypass grafting . What is it, how many people live after CABG, now you know.

What do experts say about life after surgery?

According to cardiac surgeons, after heart bypass surgery, a person can live 10-20 years or more. Everything is purely individual. However, experts say, for this it is necessary to regularly visit the attending physician and cardiologist, be examined, monitor the condition of the implants, follow a special diet and maintain moderate but daily physical activity.

According to leading doctors, not only people of advanced age may need surgical intervention, but also younger patients, for example, with heart disease. They assure that the young body is quickly rehabilitated after the operation and the healing process is more dynamic. But this does not mean that you should be careful not to do shunting in adulthood. According to experts, heart surgery is a necessity that will extend life for at least 10-15 years.

how many years live after heart bypass surgery

Summary: as you can see, how many years people live after heart bypass surgery depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. But the fact that it is worth taking a chance at survival is an indisputable fact.

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