Welding machine inverter "INTERSKOL ISA-170" - reviews, overview and specifications

The domestic welding machine INTERSKOL ISA-170 (reviews confirm this) was created specifically for domestic use, it allows us to solve a number of typical tasks that most often arise at home or in the country. Inexpensive and compact inverter has wide capabilities, which was appreciated by home craftsmen and specialists. Consider the characteristics and features of this device, as well as consumer feedback about it.

interskol isa 170 reviews


"INTERSKOL ISA-170" is an inverter welding machine, the reviews of which are mostly positive, created on the basis of a pair of power transistors of the type IGBT-FGH60N60. These elements are manufactured by the American company Fairchild Semiconductor International (FSI, Inc). The inverter has a layout with two circuit boards, characterized by high-quality surface mounting of radio elements. The device operates stably within the voltage range of 170-240 volts. In test trials, it was found that the lower bar can reach a value of 140 V. High efficiency along with constant output parameters are guaranteed, thanks to the high conversion frequency. Also, the presence of a high-frequency transformer with a ferrite ring acting as a core positively affects this indicator.

Reviews about “INTERSKOL ISA-170” confirm the data of the operating instructions, which indicate that the value of the welding current can be adjusted within 20-160 amperes. This makes it possible to aggregate efficiently with electrodes with a cross section of 1.6-4.0 mm. The duration of activity at maximum current will be 60% (at temperatures up to +25 degrees) and 40% (at 35-40 ° C).

inverter interskol isa 170 reviews

Additional functionality

The INTERSKOL ISA-170 inverter, the reviews of which are given below, is intended for mechanical arc electric welding with piece electrodes with a special coating. The device is equipped with a full set of service auxiliary options. They are appreciated not only by novice welders, but also greatly facilitate the work of highly qualified specialists.

Among the additional functionality:

  • "Hot Start" (Hot Start). This option facilitates the ignition of the electric arc at the initial stage of welding. The process occurs due to an automatic increase in operating voltage in the idle mode. This leads to an increase in the strength of the welding current when the electrode touches the workpiece.
  • “Forcing” (Arc Force). This function strengthens the arc, increasing the welding voltage if necessary, which makes it possible to weld parts without thorough cleaning of materials from rust and old coating. At the same time, the burning of the arc is stabilized, ensuring uniform melting of the metal billet and electrode. This option differs from the “hot start” in that it is activated during the welding process, and not during the ignition period of the arc at the start of work.
  • Anti-sticking (AntiStick). This mode makes it possible to stop the supply of voltage in case of sticking of the electrode to the work surface. This option allows you to avoid welding the element to the part, and also eliminates overheating of the unit and its subsequent failure.

welding inverter interskol isa 170 reviews

Characteristics and equipment

Parameters of INTERSKOL ISA-170 (customer reviews prove that they are identical to the characteristics stated in the technical passport):

  • Type of equipment - welding inverter for use with piece electrodes using the MMA method.
  • Power supply - 220 V (50 Hz), single-phase AC network.
  • Operating voltage - 170-240 Volts.
  • Maximum power consumption - 4.4 kVA.
  • The current source is an inverter DC-type converter on IGBT transistors.
  • Single voltage - 74 V.
  • Maximum current strength (duty cycle) - 60/40%.
  • Used electrodes (diameter) - 1.6-4.0 mm.
  • Degree of protection - class IP21.
  • Features - ergonomic carrying handle, smooth adjustment of the operating current.
  • Overall dimensions - 265/185/120 mm.
  • Options - device, holder with clip, connecting cables, shoulder strap.
  • Estimated cost - 5.5-6 thousand rubles.

Inverter welding machine "INTERSKOL ISA-170": reviews

As the responses of the owners indicate, the welding equipment in question, despite the simplicity of design, is in many ways no worse than more expensive models. The device is not sensitive to power surges at the input; it functions in hot weather and in light frost. Another important plus that consumers noted is the availability of all additional options that greatly facilitate the work of the welder. Among the minuses is the insufficiently practical holder.

welding machine interskol isa 170 reviews

The rest of the reviews, the welding inverter INTERSKOL ISA-170 received mostly positive. The owners are completely satisfied with the mobility of the unit, the ability to work in the garage and in the open. With proper settings, the equipment is practically not heated. It works quite adequately with a 4 millimeter electrode at minimum current, leaving a clear and even seam. In general, it is a practical and inexpensive unit.

Professional analogues

The ISA-170 INTERSKOL welding machine (customer reviews are given above) is a household prototype of professional analogues of the same brand (160 series). New devices for manual arc electric welding have recently undergone modernization. As a result of the improvements, the reliability of the equipment increased, the technical parameters improved when working at reduced current, and the cost of the devices also decreased.

reviews of the inverter apparatus interskol isa 170


Constructive changes affected all four modifications of the inverters MMA "INTERSKOL Professional" (180, 160, 200, 250). It is important that the upgraded models can function in garage conditions with unstable voltage, since they have the ability to work at a reduced power rate.

By and large, any electrical appliance should work normally if there is a slight deviation from the standard of 220 volts (10%). However, outside the city, tension can drop even more. According to the "passport", the boundary indicator for the inverters under consideration is 170 Volts. This means that when the parameter drops by more than 20 percent, the unit is able to perform its functions.


After feedback on the inverter apparatus “ISA-170 INTERSKOL”, we consider the characteristics of a professional model:

  • Type of power - a network with one phase on alternating current (220 V, 50 Hz).
  • Operating voltage - 170-220 V.
  • Maximum consumption power - kVA.
  • Idling - 56 V.
  • The size of the electrode elements is 1.6-5.0 mm.
  • Protection - IP21 class.
  • Standard equipment - inverter, shoulder strap, holder, connecting cables.
  • Overall dimensions - 400/150/230 mm.
  • Weight - 4.8 kg.
  • The average price is 9-10.5 thousand rubles.

welding machine inverter interskol isa 170 reviews


INTERSKOL professional inverters are assembled on the basis of four Japanese-made Fuji diodes. In addition, the surface mount technology of SMD radio components is applied. Such a design provides reliability and maintainability characteristics typical of professional equipment.

The configuration of the model consists of two boards, the electronic control unit is placed on a separate element. Additional insulation reliably protects the main board from breakdowns on the unit body. Stable inverter output parameters are achieved through the use of a compact and efficient transformer with a ring-shaped element made of ferrite. The frequency of its conversion is about 100 kHz. Instruments are equipped with built-in service options.

welding machine inverter interskol isa 170 reviews

In conclusion

The welding machine inverter ISA-170 INTERSKOL, reviews of which are quite numerous, is a unique and practical device. Its main advantages are compactness, reliability and smooth adjustment of current. In addition, the unit is not afraid of voltage drops and has a wide range of operating frequencies. It is worth noting that, despite the everyday purpose of this modification, most of its characteristics are practically not inferior to professional counterparts. This can be seen from the comparative review above. It follows that if you need a welding inverter for home use, you should not overpay at times. The ISA-170 model will fully cope with such work.

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