We are used to using temperature in everyday life: we measure air degrees to decide what clothes to wear, the temperature of food is also important to know so as not to get burned or, conversely, not to freeze. But we are used to measuring everything in degrees Celsius, and there are other units of temperature measurement, for example, Kelvin, degrees Reaumur, Hooke, Newton. And if the just named ones are used only in physics, then in Celsius and Fahrenheit we measure everything in ordinary life. This article will understand why Fahrenheit is needed. How to convert Fahrenheit to degrees of other temperature units?
Why use degrees Fahrenheit?
Fahrenheit and Celsius are relative units of temperature. In Celsius, the freezing temperature of water is taken as 0 ºC, and +100 ºC is the boiling point of water. Fahrenheit is 1.8 (9/5) degrees Celsius. The melting temperature of ice in Fahrenheit is +32 ºF. 1 ° F equals 1/180 of the difference between the boiling points of water and the melting of ice at atmospheric pressure.
Which scale to use is a matter of habit. Fahrenheit is actively used in the United States and Great Britain, and most of the world measures the temperature in Celsius.
In the USA, Fahrenheit is used almost from the formation of the state. Once the government wanted to introduce the use of Celsius as the world standard, and began to show the weather forecast in them, but the people did not understand and did not accept such cardinal changes. The government poured many complaints, because of which they decided to leave everything as it is.
How to translate degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius?
Many of us love to travel, and the United States and Great Britain are very attractive countries. Arriving there, we will see the unusual Fahrenheit. So how do Celsius degrees convert to Fahrenheit? The formula is quite difficult, not everyone can count in the mind, but it is worth remembering:
yºF = xºC * 9/5 + 32
For example, you need to convert 10 ºC to Fahrenheit. First, multiply 10 by 9/5, it turns out 90/5, which is 18. Then we add 32 to the resulting value and we get 10 ºC = 50 ºF.
If you need to transfer from Fahrenheit to Celsius, then subtract 32 from Fahrenheit, and then multiply by 5/9.
For example: subtract 32 from 50 ºF, we get 18. 18 multiplied by 5, equal to 90. 90 divided by 9, it turns out 10 ºC.
How to convert Fahrenheit to degrees Kelvin?
Kelvins are actively used in thermodynamics. The zero temperature is the minimum temperature at which life is possible. 0 K = -273 ºC. First, let's figure out how to translate Kelvins in Celsius and vice versa. From the fact that 0 K = -273 ºC, it follows: x ºC = y K - 273.
We have been given 300 Kelvin, which means that it equals 27 ºC.
To get Kelvins from Celsius, you just need to add 273.
We have 10 ºC, add 273, therefore, we get 283 K.
But how do you convert fahrenheit to degrees Kelvin? Everything is very simple. We know the formula for the transfer from Celsius to Fahrenheit and from Celsius to Kelvin. It turns out that you just need to substitute one formula for another:
yºF = (K-273) * 9/5 + 32
xK = yºF * 5/9 + 242
Let's calculate how to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin. We have 50 ºF. Multiply by 5/9, we get 27.8. We add 242, equal to 269.8 K.
It is worth noting that it is more correct not to use the phrase "Kelvin Degrees", it is better to use simply "Kelvin".
So, this article details how to convert Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, Kelvin, Kelvin to degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, Celsius to Kelvin and degrees Fahrenheit. How to translate Fahrenheit temperature into degrees of other units - read above.