As soon as the Russian language was formed, the process of borrowing words from other dialects began in it. As a rule, such words denoted a phenomenon or an object unknown to the Russians, the name of which could not be picked up in the native language. In the article we will talk about one of these borrowings, and specifically about the meaning of the word "comme il faut".
Short introduction
The word gained its popularity in the 19th century, then it was combined with "bad manners" and other pleasant words. Over time, they began to forget about him, and in the days of the Soviet Union, few have heard of its existence.
However, with the advent of democracy and Western values, the word, oddly enough, regained wide popularity. Pronouncing it a priori became an intellectual and a scholar. But not everyone knows what “comme il faut” means. And therefore they apply it in inappropriate situations. And to avoid such situations, the meaning of the word is described below.
What is written in the explanatory dictionaries?
Not very educated people do not really think about the meaning of their phrases. And because of a misunderstanding between individuals, conflicts can arise. To prevent this from happening, you need to read more classical (and not only) literature. Explanatory dictionaries are also good for this purpose, allowing you to find out all the subtleties of applying a particular word.
To interpret the meaning of "comme il faut", we have reduced the dictionary entries and offered them to your attention:
- In the dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language, comme il faut is “high” education, compliance with the rules of decency. That is, a person adheres to a secular tone, pleasant, gallant in circulation.
- The historical dictionary of Russian Gallicisms interprets the word as adherence to a certain type of behavior, inability to behave uncultured, knowledge of the rules of secular treatment, correctness in actions, high culture, good education.
- Michelson’s Big Dictionary of Explanations. Comme il faut - this is correctness in actions regarding the secular code of correct behavior. Courtesy, a high degree of cultivation, human decency.
- Efremova’s modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language informs that this word is usually applied to a male representative, and means adhering to a strict order of actions in communication, service, etc. Roughly speaking, a person always follows the rules of decency and secular tone.
In other explanatory dictionaries, the description is practically no different. And to enter them here there is no need.
The history of the word "comme il faut"
All words that are borrowed from the French language are called Gallicisms. In the literal sense, "comme il faut" is translated as "as it should." It is used in the following cases:
- If you want to make a compliment about the appearance of a person.
- Praise his actions.
- As a mark of behavior.
As a rule, this word is used when one should emphasize a person’s good tone and that he follows secular rules of decency. By the way, historically the appearance of this borrowing is justified. Indeed, for some time in Russia, the French language was widely popular among the nobility, and it was with its help that the carriers of blue blood expressed their sophistication and education.
How to use the word
It all depends on the environment in which the person is. It is worth noting that the word has the antonym "bad manners", indicating indecent behavior and the wrong choice of clothes. So, that in one case comme il faut, in the other - bad manners.
For example, you came to a club party in a gallant suit, suitable for classical music concerts and relaxing time - it will be bad manners. And if you dressed in jeans and a beautiful sweater with sneakers, then this is comme il faut.
To summarize again, comme il faut is the right clothes, manners and style of behavior, as well as familiarity with ethics and secular decency.