Who may be interested in speech therapist services in Ufa? Every second child develops with various speech defects - burr, lisping, stuttering and many others, and it happens that with several. In advanced cases, a speech therapist may be needed by an adult. But how to find a specialist who will definitely help, and not just take the money, or — what is worse — harm? A list of the 15 best speech therapists in Ufa is later in this article.
Gilmanova E.A.
One of the best, judging by the reviews, speech therapists and pathologists Ufa - Elena Alekseevna Gilmanova. She is a doctor of the highest category with nine years of experience, her rating on various sites is 5 out of 5 (practice and reviews) and 8.45 out of 10 (national rating). Judging by the reviews, Elena Alekseevna can handle even the most difficult cases - she helped children with dyslalia, with a stutter, to say nothing of setting the correct pronunciation of certain sounds. In one of the reviews, the patient’s mother wrote that the daughter now pronounces tongue twisters better than parents. All treatment takes place during the game.
You can make an appointment with Gilmanova’s doctor at the “Mother and Child” hospital at 4. Lesnoy proezd, 4. The appointment will cost from 1800 rubles, time should be specified when making an appointment.
Khasanova E.M.
Elvira Maratovna Khasanova also occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best speech therapists. She has the highest professional category and experience of more than 20 years, rating 5 out of 5 and 8.68 out of 10. Most reviews describe very difficult cases in which other specialists simply refused to study with a child. But Elvira Maratovna is not afraid of difficulties. Thanks to her talent and professional approach, many Ufa children who did not speak at all until 5-6 years old now have excellent speech skills. It also works with adult patients.
Khasanova’s doctor takes in the "Clinic for Pediatric Neurology" at Verkhnetorgovaya square, 4, and in the "Clinic of Neurology" on the street Revolutionary, 111/2. The cost of admission and time should be clarified when recording.
Pankrushina L.V.
Lyubov Vitalievna Pankrushina is also a very good children's speech therapist in Ufa. He is a doctor of the highest category with a rating of 3.5 out of 5 (lack of information about experience) and 8.67 out of 10. The reviews mostly write about helping children with burrs - apparently this is the most successful profile of Lyubov Vitalievna. Several cases have been described when time was wasted by other speech therapists, and only the doctor Pankrushina provided real help, relieving the patient of speech ailment.
She works at the Astra Children's Clinic on 11/1 Richard Sorge Street. The cost and time of admission should be clarified when recording.
Shaimardanova E.Z.
Speech therapist-Ufa specialist Elsa Zufarovna Shaimardanova mainly specializes in a complex problem - stuttering in both children and adults, helping even in the most advanced cases. He has been conducting successful practice for 6 years. Her rating is 3 out of 5 (there is no information on the category and degree) and 8.16 out of 10. Judging by the reviews, Elsa Zufarovna is a very sensitive and delicate specialist, able to clearly explain why this or that exercise is being done, how it should affect. Both small and adult patients feel relaxed and free with her, and this greatly affects the success of the classes.
Shaimardanova’s doctor takes in honey. Center "Lingua Bon" on the street Sverdlov, 72/2. Time and prices must be specified when recording.
Zemskova E.V.
Elena Viktorovna Zemskova - one of the best home speech therapists in Ufa, both in price and quality. Her 45-minute lesson at home will cost the patient 1,500 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive. Elena Viktorovna is a speech therapist of the highest category, and her experience is 19 years. The doctor’s rating Zemskova 5 with two pluses of 5 and 8.54 out of 10. More than 150 positive reviews have been written about her on different sites. Among her merits - help with improper sound pronunciation, treatment for stuttering, dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyslalia. Works with both children and adults. Also, Elena Viktorovna is one of the few specialists who carries out the procedure of speech therapy massage, and this is a clear advantage.
Opening hours should be specified when recording or calling home. The cost of admission when leaving the house to a speech therapist is 1000 rubles for 45 minutes.
Malyshikhina M.E.
Marina Evgenievna Malyshikhina also belongs to the category of children's and adult speech therapists in Ufa. She is a first category doctor with nine years of experience. The rating of Marina Evgenievna is 5 with two pluses and 7.69 out of 10. Some reviews write that for small problems, for example, with sounds [l] or [s], only 5-7 lessons are enough. Malyshikhin’s doctor works with absolutely all existing speech defects, and in addition he also practices phonemic hearing.
She leads the reception at home, the Kalininsky district. The cost of classical classes will cost children and adults 500 rubles for 45 minutes, speech therapy massage - 550 rubles for children and 1050 for adults, and work with aphasia - 1000 rubles.
Subkhankulova E.M.
Another of the best speech therapists in Ufa is a doctor of the highest category Elsa Mansurovna Subkhankulova. Her professional experience is 16 years, and a rating of 5 with a plus of 5 and 7.61 out of 10. The reviews write about the successful production of sounds for children with problems of completely different difficulties. It is noted that she knows how to calm even the most restless children, to captivate with occupation and to win over to herself. Despite the fact that sometimes treatment requires tremendous efforts on the part of small patients, parents write that they miss their speech therapist and go to Elsa Mansurovne as a holiday.
The doctor Subkhankulova conducts classes at home, in the Oktyabrsky district. The cost of a 45-minute admission is 700 rubles.
Bechtold L.A.
Speech therapist Lyudmila Alekseevna Behtold specializes in stuttering, which is probably why she has such great experience in solving this problem in both children and adults. She is a specialist in the first category and has been conducting professional practice since 2006. Grateful radiance of reviews is difficult to put into words - is it possible to imagine the joy of parents whose child was born with a stutter, but thanks to Lyudmila Alekseevna she has been living without ailment for several years? As a regular speech therapist, she also earned many accolades. Doctor Bechtold's rating is 5 with a plus of 5 and 7.33 out of 10.
Speech therapist Lyudmila Alekseevna conducts only at home, in the Kirov region. A lesson of 45 minutes will cost 1,500 rubles.
Molchanova A.V.
Judging by the reviews, the speech therapist Ufa Alena Viktorovna Molchanova is one of the most serious specialists in her field. They write about her thorough approach not only to the main problem, but also to the speech of the child as a whole - several cases are described when Alena Viktorovna was brought to a child who does not speak at all, and after a course of classes they received not just speech, but a high-quality ability to speak and form thoughts (even at 5-6 years old). The practice of speech therapist Molchanova has been practicing since 1999, her rating is 5 out of 5 and 7.37 out of 10.
Alena Viktorovna conducts classes both on her territory (Demsky district) and on the patient’s territory. The cost of services is from 450 rubles, when leaving the house, payment varies from the remoteness of the patient.
Obora K.M.
Ksenia Mikhailovna Obora writes about a speech therapist in Ufa that the result of her work is visible after the first week of classes. She is a speech therapist and has been practicing since 2013. Ksenia Mikhailovna's rating is 5 with a plus of 5 and 8.32 out of 10. The sincerity and high skill of teaching languages (the speech therapist Obora also teaches English), allow her to skillfully find the root of the speech problem and move from it. And problems with speech can really arise from completely different factors - from physical to psychological. Ksenia Mikhailovna equally successfully copes with all speech problems.
She takes at home, in the Kalinin and October districts. The cost of all speech therapy services is 600 rubles for 45 minutes of reception.
Kolesnikova N.A.
Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova is not only a speech therapist-defectologist in Ufa, but also a psychologist, which helps her most effectively solve speech problems even in the smallest patients. Her professional experience is 17 years old, and a rating of 5 out of 5 and 7.82 out of 10. In the reviews most often mention the solution to problems with speech, coming from fears, isolation or constraint of the child. Some parents were happy to notice changes not only in speech, but also in the behavior of their children after the first two or three sessions with a speech therapist Kolesnikova.
Nadezhda Aleksandrovna receives at home in the Kalinin district, and also leaves for patients. Her speech therapy services cost 700 rubles in 45 minutes.
Azhbieva G.G.
Zhanna Gennadievna Azhbieva is a speech therapist of the highest category, a defectologist and teacher for children with severe speech disorders. More than 20 years of professional experience, rating 5 out of 5 and 7.04 out of 10. There are children who are bored of working on a speech, but judging by the reviews of their parents, all patients of Zhanna Gennadyevna somehow forgot about laziness after contacting her. Speech therapist Azhbieva, choosing an individual approach to each child, knows how to captivate children so much that even at home they continue to practice the speech practices taught in the lesson.
Zhanna Gennadevna works with home visits throughout Ufa. Her work schedule is from Monday to Sunday, from 7:00 to 23:00. The cost of admission is from 1000 rubles in 45 minutes, the amount varies from the complexity of the corrected case.
Gafarova O. G.
Ufa speech therapist Olga Gennadyevna Gafarova works with the speech of both very young patients who are just starting to speak, and with adults whose speech problems have been started with age or are disturbed (for example, after an accident or surgery). Her experience is 6 years, and a rating of 3 out of 5 (degree and category are not indicated) and 6.99 out of 10. In the reviews of Olga Gennadievna they write that, despite her youth and little experience, she already shows herself as a high-level professional. The natural gentleness of the character and the ability to unobtrusively find out and then fix the problem is a feature of the doctor Gafarova.
She leads a reception at the Ulybka medical center on 180 Koltsova Street, the cost is from 700 rubles, and the mode of operation should be specified when recording.
Masalimova D. B.
Speech therapist and neuropsychologist Dalia Barievna Masalimova has been receiving therapy for only 5 years, but this time was enough for her to earn a reputation as a professional. The rating of Dalia Barievna is 5 out of 5 and 6.22 out of 10. Among the reviews on professional merit are help in correcting stuttering in a short time, correcting lisping and burr, helping to make a competent speech in front of the school. They write about her ability to communicate with children simply and regulate defects during games and conversations.
The speech therapist Masalimov leads at home, in the Leninsky district. The cost of one lesson will cost 380 rubles in 45 minutes.
Karabatova L.R.
Lena Ramzilevna Karabatova has been practicing speech therapy for only three years, but she has already earned a rating of 5 out of 5 and 7.15 out of 10. She helps with speech defects both for children and adults, and equally successfully finds an approach to them. Separately, the reviews indicate her well-read and intellectual abilities - thanks to this, Lena Ramzilevna has the ability to communicate with a variety of personalities, and knows how to choose a course for them in such a way that it is not only effective, but also interesting, not boring.
Speech therapist Karabotava takes and at home (Oktyabrsky district), and travels to the territory of patients. The cost of admission is from 450 rubles, the operating mode is from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 to 23:00, free hours are specified when recording.