Life imprisonment in Russia, America

The ban on the death penalty in Russia has been in effect for more than twenty years. Since it was canceled, life imprisonment has become the highest punishment for criminal offenses. At first, experts thought that because of this decision, there would not be enough room for prisoners in Russian prisons. However, their fears did not materialize. From 1997 to 2015, about 1,300 defendants heard the entire life sentence. It is believed that prisoners who do not accept this type of punishment live no more than three to seven years. There is information on 15 suicides among life-sentenced prisoners over the past decade.

life imprisonment

Prisons serving life sentences

In the past, this punishment was used as an alternative to the death penalty - as a pardon. In turn, life imprisonment was replaced with softer sentences - 15 or 20 years in prison. The prisoners are serving their sentences in the following prisons: “Black Dolphin”, “Polar Owl”, “White Swan”, “Vologda Penny”, “Mordovian Zone”. Of course, all these names are unofficial.

Conditions in which prisoners are held

Once in correctional facilities, in the first ten years a prisoner has the right to only two short visits with relatives and one transfer. This meeting itself takes place in the presence of the guard, and the prisoner shares a glass with the relatives - they can communicate only through a telephone receiver. If after the first ten years one of the prisoner's relatives or friends remains who is ready to visit him, then two more are added to these two short dates, the duration of which is three days. In addition, the prisoner may, in addition to one package, receive two more per year. Twenty years later, three short and three long dates, as well as four more parcels, are added to this amount. However, all these additions are purely theoretical.

life sentenced

Why can’t I get the promise of the law

There are several reasons for this. The first of these is the conditions of life in prison. They are in high security colonies. In order to receive all additional visits and the opportunity to receive packages from relatives, the prisoner must be able to never violate the rules established by the administration. However, in practice it is practically impossible to do this - after all, even those cases when the prisoners do not have time to clean up the cell are equated with violations. If the person serving a life sentence does not greet the employee of the correctional institution, a penalty may be applied to him.

In addition, when the first decade of life imprisonment comes to an end, spouses usually start new families, mothers age and die, and children forget about the prisoner. In almost all prisons, the daily routine is almost the same. At 6 in the morning there is a rise, at 10 - hang up. In the morning there is a charge and cleaning, breakfast. If work is allowed in the correctional facility, this is a great success for the prisoner. In this case, he is more likely to avoid mental and physical degradation. Some colonies are allowed to watch TV shows that have been approved by the administration. In cameras almost everywhere is video surveillance. Blindfold prisoners are moving around the facility.

life prison

Cell density

There is one more test that falls to the share of serving a life sentence in Russia. It is a stay for many years with the same people. I must say that in some prisons relatives often serve their sentences in the same cell - for example, father and son, or brothers. For example, in the colony "Black Dolphin" there are seven such cameras. And even after some time the sitters ask them to resettle in order to avoid quarrels. Strangers are all the more difficult to be with each other for years. True, in some cases, those sentenced to life imprisonment serve time in solitary confinement. It is difficult to say what is more painful - to see the same faces day after day and year after year or to remain alone with yourself all the time.

life imprisonment in Russia

Colony "Vologda nickel"

One of the famous prisons where prisoners are serving their sentences is a prison with the unofficial name “Vologda Penny”. For the history of this institution, hundreds of convicts died here. There is a prison on the territory of the Kirillo-Novoozersky monastery on the island of Fire in the Vologda region.

According to legend, this monastery was founded by the Rev. Cyril Bely, who saw a pillar of fire over the island. The temple was turned into a correctional institution after 1917, when it began to contain enemies of the Soviet regime. In 1994, a life prison was opened here. Among the inhabitants of this colony are the most cruel criminals: serial killers, terrorists and even cannibals. Employees of the administrative apparatus of the colony do not believe in the possibility of re-education or correction of these prisoners.

life imprisonment in america

Tough Prison Rules

The Vologda Penny today is one of the most cruel prisons. Any actions here occur only with the permission of the administration. Sentenced to life imprisonment here cannot hold public events. Neither competitions, nor watching TV shows, nor training in the "Vologda five-copeck coin" is conducted. Prisoners here, in addition to mental disorders, often suffer from tuberculosis - about 20-30 patients are always in the infirmary of the colony.

gave a life sentence

Colony "Polar Owl"

Another well-known correctional facility for life-long prisoners is the Polar Owl colony. This prison, where life imprisonment is also practiced in Russia, is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Convicted from the 70s of the twentieth century. Dangerous criminals are also sent here - serial killers, repeat offenders. The prison is designed for 464 prisoners. A terrible criminal, Alexander Pichushkin, is serving his term here. He is also known as the “Bitsa maniac,” who killed 48 innocent people, while he intended to increase the number of his victims to 64.

Locals testify that the mortality rate in this colony is very high. This is due to both the harsh conditions of the prison and the harsh climate. After all, winter in these parts lasts all twelve months.

“Black Dolphin” and “White Swan” - Prison for Life Sentenced Prisoners

The Black Dolphin is a correctional institution, within which the most stringent rules are followed. And there are reasons for this: here are those who are serving their life sentences for the most terrible deeds. The prison got its name because of the dolphin figurine, which is located at its gate. It was built in 1774 for those who were sentenced to hard labor until the end of their days. Later in the prison there was a concentration camp, as well as a colony where tuberculosis patients were kept. At one time, the "Black Dolphin" was a prison of the NKVD. Now it is a life-sentence prison for murderers and terrorists. The treatment with them is the most severe. When the cell opens, the convict must stand in the pose called “Swallow” - bend down, spread his arms to the sides, spread out his fingers, open his mouth. This is necessary in order to immediately see that the prisoner does not have any dangerous objects hidden in his mouth or in his hands.

Prison "White Swan" is known for the fact that dozens of "thieves in law" put their crowns in it. Some believe that it got its name because of the walls, painted white. Others are sure that the reason was the figurines of swans that can be found on the territory of this colony. And there is also an option that states: The White Swan Prison got its name because of the pose in which prisoners can move around the camp. They should bend at an angle of 90 degrees and fold their arms behind their backs. This prison also contains especially dangerous criminals.

life imprisonment for women

Features of the law and terms of life imprisonment

There is an interesting feature in the Russian legislation. Women, as well as people over 65, never receive life imprisonment. Life imprisonment for women is an occasion that has always been a source of controversy. After all, one can not ignore the opinion that terrible crimes cannot be justified by gender or physiological characteristics.

Life imprisonment in america

Different countries have different convictions in accordance with local jurisdiction. For example, life imprisonment in America is always summed up. This means that a person can be awarded one, two, and three life sentences. But this process has a practical side. After all, after 30 years in prison, you can apply for early release. Those prisoners who have several life sentences cannot do this.

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