Why is albumin in the blood needed?

To the question β€œwhat is blood,” the majority will answer that it is a red liquid, completely without thinking about its composition, uniformity, and even color. After all, blood is not only red, but pink, burgundy and even black!

blood albumin

In fact, blood is not just a homogeneous liquid substance. It contains many different particles, so small that they cannot be seen with a simple glance.

Blood tests, or its studies, by the content and condition of one or another component in the blood can tell about the status of the whole organism. For example, albumin in the blood is responsible for the state of internal organs, and its change reports oncological or other serious diseases.

What is albumin?

The main protein - albumin - is present in the blood of those creatures who have it. It can be found even in the fruits of some plants; it is also found in the protein of eggs.

In humans, the liver is responsible for the reproduction of this protein, which constantly replenishes the supply of molecules.

His job is to answer for plasma pressure called

blood albumin rate

This is the pressure at which substances contained in the blood can freely interact with each other. That is, the individual components of the blood do not stick together, do not interfere with each other, do not settle, the blood does not exfoliate, but moves freely through the blood vessels. If movement is difficult, then staying healthy is impossible.

This shows that albumin in the blood has another function - it is responsible for the movement of blood throughout the human body. It is with the help of this protein that the vital elements produced in one organ get into another. Also, with its help, drugs and, unfortunately, poisonous substances - poisons or allergens - are carried through the circulatory system.

Albumin Research

The rate of albumin in the blood varies with age. The protein supply is constantly replenished - the molecule of the substance lives up to 12 days.

Serum Albumin Tablets by Age


g / l


48 - 73

Up to a year

47 - 72


61 - 75

5 - 7

52 - 78

8 - 15

58 - 76

15 - 60

64 - 83

60 and older

62 - 81

The essence of the analysis for albumin
elevated blood albumin

What happens to the body helps to recognize albumin. A blood test that determines its quantitative content is called biochemistry. An analysis is given from a vein on an empty stomach. The result is known in a day.

It is advisable to go to donate blood in the morning, having a good night's sleep. After physical activity or in the stage of fatigue, a reliable indicator cannot be obtained. Albumin in the blood is affected by the physical condition of the body. Women are not recommended to take this test during critical days.

Plasma is isolated from the blood and the state of protein metabolism is assessed by it.

When albumin levels drop

If albumin in the blood is lowered, first of all the doctor will ask if the patient is on a diet? Since a change in nutrition or lack of fluid significantly affects its content in blood plasma.

The decrease in albumin is also fixed in those cases when steroids, hormonal drugs are used, and an elevated temperature was kept for a long time. All this is required to warn the doctor in advance.

If the decrease in protein is not associated with the above factors, then you need to tune in to a serious examination and additional tests.

A decrease in albumin may indicate:

  • liver and kidney disease;
  • the presence of cancer;
  • heart failure;
    albumin blood test
  • inflammatory processes in the body caused by manifestations of purulent formations.

It can also decrease in women during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and during breastfeeding.

If the content of albumin in the blood at a critical level is much lower than normal, then it is introduced into the body by injection, by drop.

Very often, the introduction of albumin is required to relieve shock conditions or restore its loss after surgery, large blood loss and infections associated with the formation of a deficiency of protein content in the blood.

Entering artificial protein has contraindications:

  • thrombosis;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • pulmonary and cerebral edema;
  • individual intolerance of the artificial component.

High albumin

In what cases does an analysis show elevated albumin in the blood?

low blood albumin

A high level of protein in the blood serum is observed in cases of imbalances in the water-salt balance in the body, which can be caused by a simple restriction of fluid intake in the body, as well as pathological conditions, including:

  • diarrhea and vomiting, which occur during infectious or viral diseases, as well as poisoning and pressure surges;
  • shock conditions that were caused by traumatic lesions of various origins, such as a burn or accident;
  • autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

High albumin in the blood of those who smoke a lot.

The Importance of Biochemistry Analysis

Norm albumin in the blood is an indicator of the overall health of the body. But! Since it is influenced by many factors, including smoking and eating habits, the doctor may prescribe additional tests and examinations. You do not need to neglect them.

Albumin in the blood, the contents of which showed a biochemical analysis, indicates the state of protein metabolism. It is not possible to make a diagnosis based on just this result.

In order to identify problems in the body, the examination should be comprehensive.

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