Statuses about the betrayal of friends, loved one, country

Statuses about betrayal are aphorisms and quotes about apostasy from moral duty for their own benefit. A capacious attitude to the violation of this word and fidelity, to treason, spouse and homeland. Betrayal has always been censured as the most immoral act of man. In all religions of our world, treason is considered a sin.

Friends or foes

The statuses about the betrayal of friends whom I trusted with all my heart, opened my soul and secret thoughts, remind us that trust should be wary.

  • A fake friend is worse than an enemy.
  • It is difficult to find a congenial person, but to keep even more difficult.
  • A dog is a good friend, but a bad friend if he is a dog.
  • He who does not share trouble with you will not share joy.
  • The most evil enemies are former friends.
  • A crime can be called when your trust is abused.
  • With a good friend, both in the fire and in the bathhouse, with the bad, it’s scary to get to the store.
  • The bandwagon is usually put by the one who goes near.
  • Hugs with one hand, sticks the dagger into the back with the other.
  • The traitor is like a worm: through what it crawls, it passes through itself.

betrayal statuses
Statuses about the betrayal of friends show what pain one person can cause to another without even thinking. The whole world and faith in people is collapsing.

  • If you betrayed, do not expect trust.
  • Usually friends end with money.
  • Finding a friend is harder than love.
  • Trust only yourself, but even that is wary.
  • The blow from behind can be inflicted by the one you defended with all your heart.
  • In childhood, parents taught us not to trust strangers. We have learned to not trust friends now.
  • There is no worse disaster than the betrayal of a friend.


Statuses about betrayal of a beloved is always the cry of a wounded soul.

  • When your beloved betrays you, it seems that you fell from the 12th floor, but for some reason survived.
  • A woman who loves cannot betray.
  • Treason of a woman is broken hands. You can still forgive, but no hug.
  • By changing, every woman is looking for the best, but can the "best" choose a traitor?
  • Spouse is known on business trips of her husband.
  • Women love the weak, but betray them because they do not respect.

statuses about betrayal
Statuses with a sense of betrayal of women justify the act of weakness of the stronger sex.

  • A real man does not cheat on his wife, she does not have enough strength for this.
  • A woman does not change, but each time checks that you are the best.
  • Women have such a subtle perception of the world that they manage to feel sorry for themselves even during treason.
  • If a wife cannot change a man, she cheats on him.
  • Do not forgive the betrayal of women, they will not forgive you your forgiveness.
  • The woman does not change, she is looking for the best male for her offspring. So laid down by nature.

Male cheating

Statuses about the betrayal of men who abandon young girls for a new hobby and wives for ephemeral freedom show what pain a betrayal of a loved one can bring.

statuses about betrayal of friends

  • Behind the success of a man is a beloved woman. Behind the success of a woman is the betrayal of her beloved man.
  • Never forgive your husband: having changed once, he will always betray.
  • The most severe pain can be caused by the one you love.
  • He was so faithful between treason.
  • I will give a balloon for each of your lies so that you fly away in a week.
  • I forgave his betrayal, but he did not forgive my forgiveness.
  • Wish the former good luck, because he lost his happiness.
  • A strong man will live with the woman he likes. The weak is looking for the one that will replace his mother.

About husband and girlfriends

Statuses about the betrayal of people, a husband or a close friend say that most often we are deceived by the closest people.

  • Thank you, dear friend, for taking the weak man away from me. But you yourself were left without friends and with the fear that he had learned to change.
  • Never show your boyfriend to your friends, this may end in someone else's wedding, where you will not even be invited.
  • There will be many guys, but it’s hard to find a good girlfriend who will not betray.
  • I cried on my best friend’s shoulder until I could smell my boyfriend’s perfume on her vest.
  • I always felt sorry for my best friend and forgave her everything. And then she wised up.
  • You cannot be considered a friend if you betrayed. You are just an unfamiliar girl who, passing by, took away the garbage from my house.
  • Your grievances hurt. But you are comforted when trouble comes to a friend.
  • Girlfriends take alien men whom their wives praise.

Family and Children

Statuses about the betrayal of not only the wife, but also the children are a reproach towards the weak men who could not stand the happiness of being fathers.

statuses with a sense of betrayal

  • If the husband leaves his wife, it hurts. But if he abandons children - it is deadly.
  • You gave your child life, but you take your father.
  • How much can a man hate himself that runs away from his little reflection?
  • If the father left the child, he will betray his whole life, fearing trust and love.
  • A devoted child is not alone - God is with him. The betrayed child forever loses his guardian angel.
  • You betrayed, then you are weak and stupid. Weak people do not have the right to wear the title "dad."
  • All people in the heart carry a grain of betrayal, but only the most miserable creatures allow this sprout to germinate.

Statuses about betrayal of the motherland

statuses about betrayal of people

  • He betrayed his homeland - betrayed himself.
  • If the price is good, you can sell your soul, but never betray the country.
  • Traitors are hated even by those to whom they have served.
  • Changing the Motherland, you betray your mother.
  • Love for one’s country makes a person a citizen. Treason is a savage.
  • The Russian man clearly separates the concepts of homeland and state. You can sell the state, but not your homeland.

The statuses about the betrayal of your country seem to conclude that if you are able to cheat on a friend or a woman, then you can betray your homeland.

  • Someone else's bread is sweet, but if it is bought by betrayal, then you can choke on it.
  • Homeland does not forget the traitors. Even a loving mother can punish her son strictly.
  • Love your land in joy and do not give up in trouble.
  • There is nothing uglier than a soul that considers its homeland unworthy.
  • Betrayal in itself is disgusting, but when they change the homeland, there is no worse crime.

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