Defibrillator - what is it? Principle of work and types

Every year the level of cardiac pathologies is growing, and, unfortunately, in many countries, such ailments are the main cause of death. Moreover, heart problems occur not only in older people, but also in young people. World medicine is trying in various ways to deal with these pathologies using modern devices, and in extreme situations resorting to surgery. To save human lives and restore health, doctors use a device such as a defibrillator.

What is he like?

A defibrillator is a special device that acts on the heart with a short-term powerful electric pulse. During this procedure, the critical mass of the heart muscle is depolarized, as a result of which the arrhythmia attack is relieved. In addition, the use of this device enables the natural cells of the sinus node to return to the heart a normal rhythm.

Defibrillator is
The main goal of the defibrillator is to normalize the frequency of contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle.

Scope of use of a defibrillator

The main indications for the use of the device are arrhythmia and ventricular fibrillation. The artificial lung ventilation procedure does not always help translate fibrillation into a sinus rhythm, so doctors resort to a defibrillator.

Today, a defibrillator is a necessary device, available for use not only in medical, but also in educational institutions, parks, offices and so on. Indeed, a person can have a disturbance in the activity of the heart at any time and in any place, and you can save him only with the help of such a device.

The principle of operation of a medical device

A defibrillator is an apparatus that functions as a monitor that detects heart rhythm disturbances. It is necessary to restore normal strokes of the main human organ.

Defibrillator monitor
Many defibrillator models have several functions at once:

  • Cardioversion. In this mode, when the heart is disturbed, an electric shock with low energy is used.
  • Bradycardia stimulation. The program allows in case of a rare heartbeat to send small electrical impulses to maintain a normal rhythm.
  • Defibrillation They resort to it when the heart beats very quickly. The device releases high energy current, thereby restoring the heartbeat.
  • Antitachycardial pacing. The device in this mode sends small electrical impulses to the heart muscle to normalize the rhythm.

Design features of a modern defibrillator

This device is equipped with special electrodes for transthoracic and direct current exposure of the heart muscle. It consists of the following parts: a charger, a capacitor or energy storage device, as well as a discharge circuit. Moreover, some defibrillators are additionally equipped with a special device for cardiosynchronization.

All of these medical devices are powered by a conventional AC network. There are devices in which the possibility of charging from the on-board network of an ambulance or autonomous sources is provided. The effectiveness of their use depends on the following factors: the location of the electrodes, the power of the discharge, and the moment it is applied relative to the phase of the cardiac cycle.

Varieties of Defibrillators

Devices that restore heart fibrillation are of different types:

  • Automatic defibrillator - detects heart ailments, and then prompts the operator to discharge. To perform defibrillation, you must first turn on the device, stick electrodes on the patient’s chest and press the necessary button. Work with him does not require special skills, therefore not even medical workers, but, for example, trainers of sports teams, rescuers, stewardesses, teachers and so on can conduct the treatment procedure.
  • An implantable defibrillator is a device that differs from other devices in its compact size. It is often used in conjunction with a pacemaker for patients with serious heart pathologies.
  • A professional defibrillator with manual control has the necessary set of programs. Such a device transmits an electric discharge by means of electrodes in the form of irons. Before performing defibrillation, they are pressed denser to the patient's body.

Types of Defibrillators
Still, such medical devices differ in the parameters of the generated pulses. Based on these characteristics, defibrillators can be biphasic or monophasic. Moreover, the latter are now impossible to find in the primary market, since bipolar devices are much more efficient, so they are gradually replacing monopolar devices.

How to work with a defibrillator?

Before using these appliances, carefully read the instructions that accompany them. A defibrillator may only be used when the person is as far away as possible from objects that conduct current, and on a flat surface.

When defibrillating, all safety precautions must be followed. During a critical situation, it is necessary to act calmly and quickly, without panic. Before starting to help the patient in a swoon, you should make sure that he has a pulse and is breathing. Then you will have to call an ambulance team, because without the help of professional doctors, the chance of success in resuscitation is too low.

You can start defibrillation before the arrival of doctors, so as not to lose precious time. To carry it out, you will need to remove the outer clothing from the patient and put the electrodes of the device on the chest strictly according to the instructions. The skin of a person should be dry. To reduce the resistance of the skin, it is better to use an electrically conductive paste. To prevent burns and reduce resistance, the electrodes must be pressed tightly to the patient's body.

defibrillator instructions

When performing a discharge, it is forbidden to touch the metal plates of the electrodes and the victim. For this reason, nearby people must necessarily move to a safe distance. During defibrillation, ventilation is not necessary. The device discharges once, a repeated impulse is performed with the same voltage or with an increase of several units.

Popular models. Defibrillator "DKI-N-10" - the most popular device

This domestic device is quite popular. Its kit includes: a portable part with children's and adult electrodes, replaceable batteries and a charger for them. The first element is made in the form of a monitor, it is on it that information about the operating characteristics of the device and the performance of the patient’s heart are displayed.

The defibrillator monitor is portable, so it retains all the capabilities of professional devices. When working with it, you can use the voice prompt function. The LCD displays all the information about how the treatment is taking place. The device has an integrated printer that allows you to quickly print the necessary indicators.

defibrillator dki

Defibrillator "DKI" is used not only in medical institutions, it is also used by mobile teams. The device has an enhanced mode for estimating heart rate and even a separate ECG channel.

Device "DKI-N-11"

A similar device is intended for the therapeutic effect on the main human organ with a single biphasic discharge by electrostores transthoracically. Defibrillator "Axion" is a continuation of the devices of the "DKI-N-10" series, but with improved functionality. An improved model enables physicians to perform external pacing. The advantages of the devices "DKI-N" include:

  • the use of accelerated energy;
  • verbal accompaniment of the device operation process and operator actions;
  • charge of two batteries at once;
  • the formation of a bipolar impact pulse;
  • built-in thermal printer.
    defibrillator dki-n

Features of ICD Cardioverter Defibrillators

Such medical devices are produced in small sizes. They are installed in the chest to reduce the risk of death in cases of ventricular rhythm disturbance, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack. Another similar device is implanted in people with ventricular tachycardia, leading to impaired blood circulation and even cardiac arrest.

ICD cardioverter-defibrillator is usually implanted under local anesthesia. A device is implanted under the collarbone, while the electrodes emerging from it are placed directly in the heart. The operation takes about 2 hours.

A cardiologist inserts electrodes at the base of the neck or into a vein on the shoulder. He inserts the wire into the heart chamber, tracking its position on the X-ray device display, then fixes it with a stitch and connects it to a pacemaker installed in the space between the pectoral muscle and the skin. Then the specialist checks the operation of the device, if everything is in order, then the section is sutured.

cardioverter defibrillator

When buying a device such as a defibrillator, you must definitely check the certificate. Remember that the device should be recommended for use by the Ministry of Health, because human lives depend on its quality.

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