Exams without problems, or where to hide the spurs?

Studying both at school and at the institute always involves passing exams. Everyone has different preparations for this difficult test. Someone crams stuff from morning till night, another loafs around, hoping for luck, and especially the most enterprising prepare cheat sheets. It is not difficult to make them, but only a few are able to use such tips correctly. Here are some ideas on where to hide your spurs so you don't get caught.

How to write a cheat sheet?

where to hide the spurs

It would seem that it can be difficult to prepare such a prompter for an exam? It is only necessary to state all the material on the leaves and calmly set off to pass the test. However, experienced spur users can tell you some tricks that will help you quickly prepare information and use it without problems.

  • Do not write in a row all the material from the textbook on the topic. Your sheet of text in this case will be huge, and you will think for a long time where to hide spurs of this size. Use short phrases, you can also replace some words with abbreviations. Ideally, your spur should be only separate theses and material that you can not remember.
  • If you have a list of all questions or exam tickets, we recommend preparing a so-called guidebook. In a separate cheat sheet, write down all the tickets with numbering, which will greatly simplify the search for the necessary tips on the exam.
  • It is better to print cheat sheets on the printer in the smallest font, and not write them by hand. His handwriting in miniature is not always possible to recognize. In addition, keep in mind that you will read the text in uncomfortable conditions, at a great distance and very quickly. Therefore, we advise you to highlight important points in bold and use a clear text color.

There is nothing terrible in cheat sheets. Of course, it’s more correct to pass the exam honestly. However, a person, knowing the tips he has, feels more relaxed. And besides, while writing a spur, at least something in the memory will be postponed.

Where to hide spurs in a math exam ?

where to hide the spurs in the exam

I would like to talk not even specifically about the queen of sciences, but about all the subjects where it is allowed to use the calculator for calculations. This simple subject opens up great prospects for you.

If you have difficulty memorizing several formulas, write them down on the back of the calculator with a simple pencil. You can also print them on a piece of paper and stick them with tape to a computing device.

In the case when the volume of material is large, we recommend using the calculator in a case or with a cover. Print material on sheets identical in size to the calculator. Fasten them with a stapler to make a book. Now, using adhesive tape, attach your tips from the inside of the lid and feel free to use it. The probability that you will be caught is quite small.

Where can I hide a cheat sheet for a girl?

For the fair sex it is somewhat easier to hide the fact of cheating. Firstly, their clothes are perfect for this. Secondly, students are usually less watched by teachers.

If the girl put on a skirt for the exam, then the spurs can be hidden under it. For convenience, put on transparent stockings or tights, under which it is easy to arrange even large sheets.

For lovers of a deep neckline, one can advise this way: print the material on long stripes with a narrow column. Fold the crib with an accordion for several lines in one spread. This option is very convenient, as it allows you to easily flip through long text. Now it remains to hide the little book between the cups of the bra. You may be suspected of cheating, but they dare not look into the neckline.

A few more options for hiding spurs

where can I hide the cheat sheet

  • Some students are advised to write off impudently, that is, simply put a piece of material on the table and duplicate information. This method is suitable in cases when you are sitting in the center of the audience, and the teacher is a bit blind.
  • Focus with a pen is also very popular. Record the material on a thin strip of paper and fold it into the cavity of the pen. The main thing is that the subject matter of the letter is transparent.
  • Spurs can be hidden in a sleeve. On one side, attach an elastic band to it, which is fixed in the sleeve. If you see the teacher approaching, then just release the gum and your cheat sheet will dive into the sleeve in no time.
  • You can also record material on a transparent notebook cover by hand.

So that you don’t have to figure out where to hide the spurs, practice hard for a semester. Otherwise, you will have to spend several days preparing the material, and then shake on the exam for fear of being caught.

Good luck with your studies!

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