Effective exercises for the press at home: a review, description of techniques and recommendations

Even if you have a limited budget, you can still play sports at home. You do not need much for this - a rug, a couple of dumbbells and, most importantly, the desire to work hard.

Why download the press

If you are the type of girl who doesn’t want massive abs cubes on her stomach, you still need to download the abs. The main thing is not to overdo it, and then you will not see the cubes, but simply a flat and neat tummy. Each person needs at least a small share of sports in life, otherwise the muscles “sag”, excess weight appears that does not decorate your figure, but also harms health.

First, consider the reasons why you need to download the abs, and then proceed directly to the exercises for the abs at home.

  1. Losing weight. Of course, this reason is most likely the most important. As has long been proven, you cannot achieve a completely perfect body with diets alone, so you need sport. If you want a flat stomach, then you just need to do effective exercises for the press at home or in the gym in order to burn calories gained per day, and stored fat.
  2. Posture. The correct implementation of a certain group of exercises keeps the posture in good shape or even partially aligns it.
  3. Improving the body as a whole. Your organs are saturated with oxygen, blood rises to them, and they begin to work better. The authorities will still say thank you in old age for keeping them in good shape.
  4. Childbirth. Performing the necessary group of exercises, you learn how to breathe and strain the right muscles. So during childbirth it will be much easier for you, since you will already be able to breathe correctly, which is very important.
  5. Fashion. Motivate yourself with the fact that sport will never go out of fashion, and a healthy and slender figure attracts people's attention. Your figure will be envied! The main thing is to try and work hard.
Playing sports

Where to get motivation

A very important role in sports plays motivation. Sometimes, doing the same exercises, you look in the mirror, don’t see much changes and think: “Why then do I need all this?” In this case, people are driven, they drop everything and do not even understand that even after a month they achieve tremendous success in sports, observing all the rules and not missing training. Thus, if you are already desperate and do not know what to do, then read this list of possible motivating things.

Useful Tips

  • Keep a diary. It is very useful to record your changes not only visually, but also with the help of any measuring objects and instruments. A measuring tape, scales, or even an ordinary photo report will help you with this: take a picture of yourself every week and notice significant progress.
  • Know what you are striving for. Specifically for yourself, understand what you want to become: pumped up or just slim. You can even be motivated by a specific person: a celebrity, a fitness trainer, or even your friend. Most importantly, do not overdo it in this matter, because your body will never take the same shape as other people. It is unique and will look even better than others!
  • Imagine that you have already achieved success. Do not think pessimistic, do not think that you have a big and difficult job. Consider yourself a successful person with an excellent figure, which you have already acquired, then you will be able to acquire the useful habits of a successful person yourself, and after a while you will notice the result.
  • Reward. For your efforts, it’s sometimes worth treating yourself. Allowing yourself to eat something terribly tasty once a week, but terribly high-calorie is normal, but on condition that you deserve it. Have you met the norm and observed the regimen? Then praise yourself for this, but don't relax too much!
Healthy lifestyle
  • Promise someone that you will achieve the goal. Scientists have long proved that if you promise something not only to yourself, but also to someone else, then this sense of duty will be on the soul. In this case, it is easier to concentrate on working on yourself. Promise your girlfriend that you will lose weight by the summer. In order not to upset her, you just need to achieve your own goal.

Use these helpful tips to succeed in your endeavors.

Sport brings joy

A set of exercises for the press at home

Have you decided to pump up the press? Perfectly! But first, decide on the goal: to pump up a steel press or lose weight. Women often tend to lose weight, so this requires a certain group of exercises for the press at home. In order to pump up a steel press, you will need tougher exercises in large quantities.

The set of exercises for women and men is different, because their anatomical structure is completely different. In this article, for men, individual exercises will be described, for women, respectively, also their own unique ones.

The structure of the muscles of the press

It is worth noting that in order to pump up the press or lose weight, you can not do a couple of exercises. There are three muscle groups on the abdomen: upper abs, oblique muscles and lower abs. As you managed to understand, for all three muscle groups you need to do certain exercises for the abs at home. There are, in principle, no strong differences in terms of exercises to build up the press and lose weight. The main difference is the quantity. But also, depending on the purpose, you need to choose a specific type of food for yourself. For example, fractional nutrition is needed for weight loss, and drying - for muscle building.

Exercises for women on the upper press

  • Straight short twists. Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Bend your knees and try to take them a little away from the pelvis. Feeling how you are tensing your abdominal muscles, lift yourself up while keeping your arms straight and looking up so as not to injure your neck. In this case, do not lie down on the floor completely when repeating: always stay in position on the shoulder blades, stretch further to the knees. For weight loss, repeat this exercise in 2 sets of 30-50 times. To build muscle, do 10 sets of 10 times with a difference between sets of 5-7 seconds.
  • "Book". Lie on your back, arms above your head are straight. Pull your legs straight away, do not lay them on the floor, do not relax. Get up using the press, raise your arms and legs, while reaching for your toes with your fingers. Such an exercise is also useful to do with a fitball, while you raise your arms and legs so as to “pass” the ball from hand to foot and back. Do 3 sets of 20 times for weight loss, and for building - 3 sets of 30 times.
  • Climbers. This press exercise for girls at home plays a pretty significant role. It not only helps to pump up the press, but also strains other muscle groups. So, stand in the plank position with straight arms. Then bend the left leg at the knee and pull it in this position as close as possible to the elbow of the right hand. Do the same with the second leg. For weight loss - 3 sets of 20 times, for building - 3 sets of 30-50 times.
Climber exercise
  • Strap. This static exercise is more suitable for building muscle, but in general it is very effective and useful. Planks are lateral, with elbows or with straight arms. Everything is simple: the main thing is to observe the statics. With straight and bent arms, the bar is about the same: lean on your hands and toes. The closer the legs are to each other, the more difficult it is to hold out, but the exercise is more effective. The loin is slightly twisted inward, the gaze is directed straight. Side bar - resting on a bent arm at the elbow and legs standing sideways. The second hand is on the lower back. Each of the slats is usually done in a minute, but the first time it will be very difficult to complete them all.
Plank exercise

Exercises for women on obliques

  • "Bike". Lie on your back, bend your arms at your elbows and place behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees. Then, with your right elbow, reach for the left leg bent at the knee while the right leg should be straightened. Do the same with your left hand. Do the exercise without stopping. The body should be constantly raised, that is, you should not lie on the floor, but be in position on the shoulder blades. For weight loss - 2 sets of 30 times, for building - 3 sets of 50 times.
Exercise bike
  • Twisting with a ball. Sit on your buttocks, raise your legs and bend them slightly at the knee. The lower part of the leg (below the knee) should be parallel to the floor. Take the ball in your hands and lead it first in one direction, then in the other so that it touches the floor. This exercise for the press at home is quite simple to perform, so for weight loss - 2 sets of 50 times, for building - 3 sets of 50 times.
  • Slopes standing. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bend your arms at the elbow and put it behind your head. Lean right and left, holding up for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 50 times on each side.
  • Side plank. How to do it has already been described above, but it is very useful for oblique muscles (both for building and for losing weight). Such an exercise for the press for women at home is very beneficial for the work of all muscles in general and keeps the body in good shape. On each side, wait a minute, but if you are a beginner and still it is still difficult for you, then 30 seconds on each side.
  • Body rotation. Sit on a chair, arms bent at the elbow, remove behind the head. It is important to keep a straight posture, while exhaling, turn to the side, while inhaling, move the body to its original position. Repeat the exercise in each direction 50 times.

Exercises for women on the lower press

  • Reverse twisting. This is perhaps the most common exercise for the lower press at home. Lie on your back, arms straighten along the body. Bend the legs at the knee so that the lower part of the leg, which is below the knee, is parallel to the floor. As you exhale, pull the knees as far as possible to the chest and then lower to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 20 times.
  • Leg lift. Lie down on your back, lower back firmly pressed to the floor, arms straightened along the body. It’s quite a difficult but effective exercise for the lower abs, where the only thing you need is to keep your legs straight and just lift them. For greater complexity, you can add weight to the legs. Do 2 sets of 30 times, for muscle building you can do 3 sets.
Leg lift
  • Pulls. Sit on a bench or chair with your hands on it. Place the body perpendicular to the chair. Move back with your body and straighten your legs at the same time. Then return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 20-30 times.

Exercises for the press at home. For men

In most cases, men want a beautiful steel press in the form of cubes. Since the man’s body becomes wider towards the shoulders, it is worthwhile to focus on the upper press so that it can be better seen.

It is important to remember: in order for you to have a powerful press, you will have to resort to such a type of nutrition as drying. Everything is pretty tough there, but it is necessary, otherwise nothing will come of it. Yes, you can pump up the press without special attention to nutrition, but it will not be so beautiful and powerful. So decide for yourself which press you want.

Home press exercises for men are similar to those described above, but they need to be done much more and more often. There are several more difficult exercises that are important to perform if you want to achieve a good abs at home.

Tips for Men

Many argue that a beautiful press at home can not be achieved, but this is not so. Everything is possible with desire and perseverance, and it is also very important to follow the advice, be motivated and carry out all the training. You need to do as many exercises as possible, gradually adding more and more.

Additional abs exercises

It is worth starting with a few additional, in addition to the above, important exercises for the press at home:

  • Twisting on a bench, tilted down. This exercise on the upper press will add the efforts that will have to be made in order to perform it qualitatively.
  • Planks are very important in this case, it is worth performing all kinds: from straight arms, from elbows and side.
  • Twist with twist. This exercise for the oblique abs plays a significant role for men. In this case, you need the lower back to be pressed to the floor, hands behind your head, and with your elbow you should reach for the opposite leg, which you raise.
abdominal exercises

Basically, you will have to resort to the absolutely standard exercises that were described above, just try to do them two, or even three times more!

With a sufficient amount of motivation and desire, perseverance and zeal, everything will work out for you: to lose weight, and to build up, in general, are one solid plus! And also you will have a very positive effect on your body, which will make you feel wonderful in old age! Go in for sports and love yourself!

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