Increased intracranial pressure in children. Diagnosis and treatment.

Increased intracranial pressure in babies is very common today. This is a very serious problem. Quite often, neuropathologists and pediatricians tell parents that the baby has increased intracranial pressure. Although in the medical classification such a diagnosis simply does not exist. Increased intracranial pressure is a consequence of another pathology. But parents do not really care about this fact. For them, the more serious questions are: “How is diagnosed with increased intracranial pressure? How to reduce intracranial pressure? Will treatment with folk remedies help the child? And what kind of treatment will be more effective? ” So, let's try to understand these issues.

Diagnosing increased intracranial pressure in children

Before proceeding with the diagnosis of intracranial pressure in a baby, a neuropathologist resorts to more primitive methods: observation and examination. Signs of high intracranial pressure in the baby are an outstanding fontanel (out) and an increased head volume. Sometimes strabismus and rolling up of the eyeballs are observed.

If a mother notes such or similar manifestations in her child, she must inform the doctor about it. Increased intracranial pressure may be unstable, then its signs will be poor sleep, increased irritability, head-to-toe shaking, regurgitation and vomiting. The mother of the baby often has to guess what worries her baby, because the child can not yet directly say what exactly is wrong with him. Therefore, you should closely monitor the baby.

If suspected changes in intracranial pressure, the doctor may refer the child:

1. On an ultrasound of the skull and brain (neurosonography);

2. To study the intensity of blood flow directly in the vessels of the brain (dopplerography);

3. To obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid by introducing a needle into the spinal cord (lumbar puncture); fundus examination (ophthalmoscopy);

4. For diagnosis using a magnetic field and radio waves (magnetic resonance imaging);

5. To scan the head with thin x-rays at various angles (axial computed tomography).

Treatment of high intracranial pressure in children

After the doctor, based on visual examinations and studies, diagnoses, you can proceed to treatment. By the way, the diagnoses for violation of intracranial pressure can be different, since the increased pressure itself is only a symptom of a disease.
Often there is, for example, hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome, in which intracranial pressure rises. The treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of medications and in most cases has a favorable result. In rare cases, babies need surgical intervention.

In order to normalize intracranial pressure, doctors can prescribe vitamins, drugs that help improve blood circulation in the brain, and sometimes diuretics. In addition, the use of therapeutic gymnastics, massage, soothing and phytotherapy fees will help to restore the body of crumbs.

In more severe cases, the consequence of this disease may be the mental and physical underdevelopment of the baby. In such situations, by the year the child has a clear mental retardation, and sometimes even epilepsy.

Parents should be obligatory at the first suspicion of such a disease to undergo the necessary examination. This is necessary in order to find out how serious the diagnosis is made to the baby and whether it is necessary to take medicine. You should try to provide your child with proper treatment, of course, if it is really necessary.

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