Klystir is a useful device that everyone should have at home.

Many people are interested in what is klystir? But not everyone knows that this is an enema. Klistir is the scientific name for the device. Doctors very rarely use this term in the communication process. This concept can be found in a medical journal or other publication.

For what purposes is the device used?

With the help of a medical tool, klystir can quickly and efficiently cleanse the intestines. Doctors use the device in case of:

  • poisoning;
  • severe constipation;
  • before the operation;
  • before colonoscopy.
Types of enemas

Enema is also used in cases where drugs must be removed from the gastrointestinal tract. You can buy klystir at any pharmacy without a doctorโ€™s prescription. Experts recommend having such a device at home. With constipation, an enema will effectively and quickly empty the intestines.

What species are there?

There are several types of enemas. Namely:

  1. Pear with rubber elastic tip. The entire enema is made of rubber material, while the tip is not removable. Such pears are small in volume. The capacity is 0.4 liters. Can be used for small children. Thanks to the soft tip, no discomfort will arise during use. When introduced into the anus, such a device will not damage the mucous membrane of the anus. To enter the fluid, you must press on the klystir. Sterilizing a pear is quite simple. To do this, it can be boiled or treated with an antiseptic. Rubber enema has one drawback. If the patient resists (as young children often do), it is problematic to insert a soft tip into the anus.
  2. Enema with a removable tip. This is a klystir that has a removable tip. It is used most often. Capacity can be different and ranges from 90 ml to 1.2 liters. In the process of using this klystir, it is necessary to use an emollient, since when introduced into the anus, the mucous membrane of the anus can be injured. Most often, such klystir is used in a hospital by medical workers. Specialists use a disposable plastic nozzle. Doctors are of the opinion that plastic is safer.
  3. Long tip enemas are often used in hospitals. This klystir is not used to cleanse the intestines, but to administer the drug.
Esmarch's irrigator

Thanks to the long clyster tube, treatment solutions can be injected into the farthest section of the intestine.

For what purpose do they use Esmarch's mug?

Such a device is rubber, plastic and glass. The mug is quite roomy and is suspended above the patient. A tube is drawn through the mug, through which the substance is poured into the intestine. Applied in the case when a large amount of liquid is required to be introduced into the human body.

Hot-water enema

This klystir resembles Esmarch's mug. Capacity is 1.2-2 liters. Due to its large capacity, a large volume of substance can be introduced in one approach. It is undesirable to reuse a small pear in case it is necessary to pour several liters of substance into the body, since such an action irritates the anus.

Expert opinion: is it possible to often use an enema?

Klystir is a very useful device, because it can even save a personโ€™s life in case of severe poisoning. You should be aware that if you often use an enema, you can greatly harm your health. In the case of systematic use of klystir, the intestines will get used to and cease to function normally. This phenomenon often leads to constipation.

Doctor's opinion

Many do not know what klystir is and what it is used for. Klystir is called the most ordinary enema. Before you start using this device at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the doctor's recommendations. If a person wants to put an enema in order to reduce weight, it is necessary to carry out the procedure no more than once every 7 days.

In the process of therapeutic fasting, experts recommend using an enema once every two days. The duration of such use should not exceed a week. If the doctor prescribed an enema as the main therapy, then you do not need to conduct experiments on your health. It is important to carefully and carefully follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Enema with a decoction of chamomile

Treatment of constipation with klystir is often carried out using various decoctions. Many people know the healing properties of chamomile. In the event that the mucous membrane of the anus is inflamed, microclyster with chamomile can be used. Such treatment will help eliminate increased gas formation, the inflammatory process, relieve soreness and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chamomile on the table

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a healing infusion. To do this, 3 tsp. Pour dry chamomile into a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Before use, strain the infusion.

It is forbidden to use hot infusion, since in this way you can damage the mucous membrane of the anus. Before using any method of treatment, you should consult your doctor. It is not enough just to find out the meaning of the word โ€œcleistirโ€ - it is important to be able to use it correctly.

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