Hair oil from black caraway seeds: reviews

Many centuries ago, black caraway seed oil was almost a panacea for health and beauty. It was obtained from the seeds of the plant Nigella sativa. The oil was used inside and out, saved them from ailments and ailments, maintained beauty with its help and prolonged youth. But in this article we want to dwell on its benefits for hair.

black cumin hair oil

Oil for luxurious hair

Scientists' studies have shown that black cumin hair oil , due to the content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, has a literally healing effect on damaged strands, gluing scales and restoring their structure.

In addition, this oil neutralizes harmful substances from the scalp and hair, which interfere with their healthy state (antioxidant effect).

Due to its nutritional properties, you can get rid of dryness, brittle curls, give them shine and silkiness. Those who use it constantly note that caraway oil literally transforms hair: makes it stronger, more obedient, reduces electrification and enhances growth.

Black cumin oil from hair loss is very effective, it eliminates bald patches and even prevents early gray hair.

The first property is explained by the mass of useful components in the oil that heal โ€œeverything they touch,โ€ the second is most likely due to its protective properties, because often the hair becomes gray due to the loss of pigment, which, in turn, runs out due to stress , diseases, impaired immunity.

black cumin oil for hair growth

Black cumin oil: be careful

But no matter how wonderful the effect of hair oil for black caraway seeds is, it is quite concentrated, and you should not use it undiluted. A little later we will talk about with what means you can mix this oil to improve hair.

A warning! Since black cumin oil for hair has a rich golden brown tint, it is likely that it will color light curls, so it is recommended that blondes first try it on an inconspicuous strand in a small amount. True, most practitioners argue that this tool does not stain the hair in any way.

black cumin oil for hair

Hair Growth Accelerating Mask

Effectively use black cumin oil for hair growth. For the mask you need to take equal proportions of burdock oil and black caraway seeds. The amount will depend on what area the mixture will be applied to: the entire length of the hair or only to the roots.

If the scalp is not clean enough, then it is better to make a mask after washing, because sebum and dirt will prevent the healing effect.

A mixture of oils slightly warmed up to a comfortable body temperature should be applied to the hair roots and rub in with massaging movements. Then it is necessary to distribute the oil along the entire length of the strands, gently rubbing it.

Next, cover your head with cellophane and a towel. Leave the mask for 1 hour. Some recommend at this time to warm the wrapped head with a hairdryer - hot air will make hair more susceptible to oil absorption. However, do not overdo it with heating, as it negatively affects the condition of the curls.

The mask should be washed off with warm water and shampoo. Sometimes shampoo should be reused if you feel that the hair is not washed enough.

black cumin oil for hair reviews

Split End Mask

If the ends are very split, it is better to cut them, but you can first try to "solder" them with a mask.

Take 1 tsp. The following ingredients: black cumin oil, olive oil and heavy cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply this mass to the ends of the hair, gently rubbing it into them. Leave the mask on for an hour, then rinse off.

Those who used black cumin oil for hair for this purpose leave very encouraging reviews: it will take only a few procedures for applying such a mask so that the strands stop splitting at the tips.

hair mask with black cumin oil

Mask for hair shine

It is necessary to mix black cumin oil with olive oil in equal proportions and add to them 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar. More vinegar should not be added, as it dries the skin and hair.

Rinsing with the addition of vinegar in any case gives shine to the hair. This is because acid corrodes fats and related impurities. But still, you should not use vinegar constantly (this is mentioned in many reviews), because it will dry the hair and damage their structure.

Black cumin hair oil in this mask serves as a softening and protective factor, and vinegar as a cleansing agent. Apple cider vinegar is considered more beneficial than any other.

Olive oil nourishes, restores, rejuvenates and strengthens curls. However, the more active pigments of black caraway seed oil, as it were, โ€œshareโ€ their hair with hair and can give them a light shade that most likely resembles a sheen.

black cumin oil for hair application

Dandruff mask

This hair mask with black cumin oil is effective for oily scalp.

Half a cup of kefir (about 150 ml) will require 1 tsp. caraway oil and 10 drops of rosemary oil. Mix everything and thoroughly rub the composition of the scalp. Hold the mask for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse. If necessary, use shampoo.

The mask relieves oily scalp, the formation of dandruff and even relieves irritating itching.

Caraway seed oil is recommended for various skin diseases, therefore, if some superficial problem was the cause of dandruff, this mask will certainly help. But fat and dandruff can be caused by metabolic disorders in the body, and then external methods of treatment may be ineffective. In any case, such a mask will not bring harm to the hair.

Why is black cumin oil for hair good to use for oily scalp? It would seem a paradox: one oil (fat) expels another oil (sebum). However, in essence, these are completely different fat contents. If caraway oil has a structure that penetrates the hair, nourishes and strengthens it, then sebum acts destructively, as it retains impurities, which contributes to the development of various bacteria and other parasites on the scalp and curls that adversely affect the state of hair. Therefore, it is advisable to use hair oil from black cumin to eliminate fat content. This is confirmed by reviews.

black cumin oil for hair loss

What components can be added to cumin oil?

As you already understood, the use of black cumin oil for hair is quite widespread. There are a great many recipes for masks with it. Everyone will be able to individually select their own components. You can just add a little oil to the shampoo when washing your hair. You can mix oil with balms, essential oils, egg yolk, cream, onion juice. The reviews say that combing hair also helps: a couple of drops of caraway oil are dripped on a comb (preferably a wooden one) with rare teeth and combed with hair from roots to ends.


The only rule when using caraway seed oil externally is to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product.

Do not use black caraway hair oil a lot at once and try to experiment on small areas of the skin in order to make sure that allergies do not occur.

Many people, having heard the stories about the miraculous remedy, begin to use it recklessly, without hesitation. Some of them have allergies from such zeal: acne, itching, swelling, which may not last a long time. Therefore, be careful and try not to use a concentrated product, it is better to dilute it with other useful components.

Allergies and other negative consequences can also be caused by fakes of the famous product, as some unscrupulous traders, in the pursuit of profit, can sell diluted oil or made from similar products, a completely different oil, and there are poisonous representatives among the types of plants with caraway seeds. Be careful and purchase goods at pharmacies or trusted retail outlets, which have a certificate of quality of manufactured products.

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