If any thing or object has proved its effectiveness, then it will take a very long time before people stop using it due to the fact that technological progress could offer something more perfect. The same can be said about simulators. One vivid example of this is the Roman Chair simulator, designed to strengthen the back and abdominals, which, according to legend, were used by gladiators in the old days. The simplicity of the design and the effectiveness of the exercises performed on it made this shell a favorite among a great many athletes. If you believe the stories, the gladiators' press became so strong that it could withstand even the weight of a light chariot.
What does a Roman chair look like?
Now manufacturers produce a large number of modifications of this simulator. Nevertheless, they all have three essential elements: a welded frame for a stable and steady position of the projectile, a narrow seat for the athlete and an emphasis (there may be several) with soft rollers for fixing the feet. The most advanced models allow you to change the angle and adjust the seat to the growth of the sportsman.
How to use a Roman chair
The photo on which this shell is depicted speaks for itself. A person who wants to work out his press sits on a support pillow, fixes his legs under the rollers in such a way that they are placed under the bend of the foot, puts his hands behind his head or crosses on his chest and starts training. Depending on what kind of muscles a person wants to develop, a personal set of exercises is compiled and work begins to improve his body.
Sample techniques for a personal lesson plan
As you know, the human press consists of the upper transverse muscles of the abdomen, lower rectus muscles and lateral oblique. For all people, this set, of course, is the same, but the shape of the cubes is different for everyone, and you can only affect their drawing and size. For the development of transverse muscles, it is convenient to sit on a Roman chair and cross your arms over your chest so that your palms touch the deltoid muscles. The exercise consists in lowering the body at a right angle (90 °) and instantly lifting it with slight bending of the upper part of the body. The number of repetitions for each will be individual, and the orientation is on the appearance of a feeling of contraction of the trained abdominal muscles. Watch your breath: lowering the body - inhaling, lifting - exhaling. If you need to work out the oblique muscles of the body, then the initial position remains unchanged, but the right hand needs to be placed behind the head, and the left hand should be placed on the stomach. When lifting the body, try to touch the right leg with the right elbow. After performing a given number of repetitions, the hands change. To increase the load, you can try to reach with the elbow to the opposite leg (left to right and vice versa). If your abs is well developed and these exercises are easy, you can use the Roman chair for weight training. It should be borne in mind that the load on the back is increasing, and if there were any injuries before, then it is better to refrain from using extra weight. As a burden, the usual pancake from the bar is best suited, which is convenient to press with your hands to your chest. You should not get involved in very heavy weight, since in this case the thigh muscles begin to take part of the load on themselves, and the meaning of the exercise is somewhat lost. It remains to add how much the Roman chair costs. The price of this shell varies in a very wide range, from simple options for $ 160 to adjustable modifications, which can cost up to $ 2,000.