The device "Rikta" is used in medicine for physiotherapy. Such equipment provides a comprehensive effect of radiation on the body. Its use is indicated in the treatment of diseases of various systems. In many cases, this can significantly reduce the dosage of prescribed drugs, and sometimes completely dispense with drug therapy. Some types of apparatus can be used not only in the clinic, but also at home.
Quantum therapy
The healing effect of the apparatus is based on quantum therapy. What it is? This treatment involves exposure to the body of light particles (quanta). This type of physiotherapy is used in medical practice relatively recently.
On the human body there are biologically active points associated with internal organs. Since ancient times, massage and acupuncture have been used to treat these areas. Currently, quantum flux is used for this.
Light energy consists of waves of various frequencies and lengths. All of them are able to affect the human body. The influence of quanta of different colors is different from each other. In order for the luminous flux to have a healing effect, it is necessary to select different combinations of the spectrum and wave frequency. Only a qualified specialist can cope with such a task, therefore self-medication with the help of quantum therapy is unacceptable. It must be remembered that exposure to biologically active points can bring both benefit and harm.
In physiotherapy, different types of apparatus are used to conduct quantum therapy. What it is? They are devices that generate a luminous flux. Their emitter is applied to a specific bioactive point, which is determined by the doctor, and quantum energy has a therapeutic effect. The frequency and color gamut can be adjusted.
Devices for quantum therapy
CJSC Milta-PKP GIT has been manufacturing medical equipment and medical equipment for quantum therapy since 1991. Until 1998, these devices were called "Milta". Then they were produced under the trademark "Vityaz". Currently, this equipment is called "Rikta".
Laser devices "Rikta" have a diverse effect on the body. They act on biologically active points with the help of combined radiation: magnetic and light (red, blue and infrared). This allows you to achieve the following therapeutic effects:
- relief of pain;
- relieving edema;
- healing damaged tissue;
- reduce inflammation;
- blood circulation improvement;
- reduce levels of harmful fats;
- skin rejuvenation.
Quantum therapy with the Rikta apparatus takes quite a long time. The course of treatment is several months. The procedures do not have a harmful effect, however, when prescribing this type of physiotherapy, the doctor must take into account all the indications and contraindications.
Indications for the appointment of procedures
Physiotherapy using the Rikta apparatus is indicated for the following diseases:
- pneumonia;
- obstructive processes in the respiratory system;
- atherosclerosis;
- ulcers in the digestive system;
- pathologies of bones and muscles;
- endocrine disorders;
- decreased immune defense;
- migraine;
- chronic fatigue;
- asthenic depression;
- pathology of the genitourinary system;
- Raynaud's syndrome.
In addition, the device has found application in cosmetology: using the influence of quantum energy, you can get rid of cellulite and improve the condition of the skin. The device is also used in sports medicine in the treatment of injuries. Even veterinarians use quantum therapy for animal diseases.
The instructions to the device "Rikta" reported on some contraindications for quantum therapy. Procedures are prohibited if the patient has a fever. Exposure to light flux is contraindicated in cancer pathologies, severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, tuberculosis, epilepsy, blood diseases, acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. Quantum therapy sessions are not recommended for psychiatric patients.
Care must be taken when prescribing therapy using the device to pregnant women. Before treatment, they need to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. In hormonal and autonomic disorders, quantum therapy is prescribed only after examination by an endocrinologist or neurologist.
Types of devices
Currently, there are several varieties of the apparatus "Rikta":
- Professional appliances. They can only be used in a hospital or clinic.
- Home appliances. These devices are usually small in size. They are intended for treatment at home on the recommendation of a doctor.
- Universal appliances. They can be used both in the clinic and at home.
In addition, some types of devices have the function of electroneurostimulation and are able to block pain impulses. If the device is used to treat children under 14 years old, then models should be chosen where laser power regulation is provided.
The price of devices can be different: from 10,000 rubles (for home portable devices) to 150,000 rubles (for professional equipment).
How to use the device at home
Use the device at home is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor. The specialist should determine the points of influence of quantum energy and the necessary settings of the device.
The emitter is attached to the device. The kit may include various nozzles, with which you can conduct therapy for gynecological and dental diseases, as well as to eliminate cosmetic imperfections. These devices allow you to deliver a quantum stream to inaccessible parts of the body. When working with nozzles, it is recommended to wear special safety glasses, as the radiation can be scattered and get into the eyes.
The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually, the therapy is given in courses. Spend 10 - 15 procedures, and then take a break for 3 to 4 weeks. Sessions are repeated 1 to 2 times a day. Therapy can take place daily or every other day.
On the Web you can find many positive reviews about quantum therapy. The device has helped many patients cope with diseases such as chronic glomerulonephritis, osteochondrosis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Children exposed to colds, after a series of procedures, became much less likely to get sick. However, to achieve the full effect, a long course of treatment was required.
The device for quantum therapy is often used by patients suffering from chronic prostatitis. They report that after several sessions, their pain and pain were significantly reduced. Physiotherapy helped them reduce the dosage of drugs.
There are also negative reviews about quantum therapy. This method did not help all patients to get rid of diseases or improve their condition. It should be noted that with serious pathologies, this type of physiotherapy should be used only as part of complex treatment. It can not always completely replace the pharmacological effect, but it can significantly reduce the drug load on the body.