In modern pedagogy, two concepts are actively used - "individual educational trajectory" and "personal training route." These categories are considered private and general. Simply put, an individual educational trajectory is concretized in a route. The latter, in turn, is more widely used in the system of additional education. The route is considered an important component that determines the success of the personal development environment in a pedagogical institution. An individual trajectory is a personal way of realizing the learner's potential in the educational process. Let's consider it in more detail.
Key areas
As the analysis of psychological and pedagogical publications shows, the organization of an individual educational trajectory is of key importance in science and practice. It is implemented in the following areas:
- Content - through educational programs.
- Active - through non-traditional teaching technologies.
- To the process - determining the types of communication, the organizational aspect.
An individual educational development trajectory can be considered as a certain sequence of activity components aimed at realizing one’s own cognitive goals. At the same time, it should correspond to the capabilities, abilities, motivation, interests of a person. This activity is carried out with the organizing, coordinating, consulting support of the teacher and in collaboration with parents.
Summarizing this information, we can derive a definition of the category in question. Individual educational trajectories of students are manifestations of the style of activity, depending on motivation, ability to know and implemented in interaction with the teacher. Structural elements connect a category with a concept such as a pedagogical program. They allow students to master a specific level of education.
Key aspects
The educational program is considered as:
- Knowledge that allows you to implement the principle of personal orientation of the pedagogical process. It is implemented by determining the conditions that ensure achievement by students with different needs and capabilities of the envisaged educational standard.
- A personal path created taking into account personal characteristics. The definition of a program as an individual trajectory acts as its leading characteristic. Such an interpretation allows you to create a kind of model of ways to achieve the standard in cases where the choice of implementation method depends on the personal characteristics of the children.
In a broad sense, the program includes ideas of personalization and differentiation. In the first case, the pedagogical process takes into account the personal characteristics of children in all methods and forms of teaching. Differentiation involves the grouping of students on the basis of the allocation of certain features. With this approach, the personal path is a focused simulated program. It is focused on creating the necessary conditions for self-expression with the mandatory achievement of established standards.
In order to form an individual educational trajectory of a child, it is necessary to implement psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge and determine specific goals. As part of this process, several principles apply.
The first consists in the need to create such a program in which the position of a person receiving knowledge would be clearly displayed. It should begin the construction of an individual educational trajectory, which would take into account its potential capabilities, features of the cognitive process, its weaknesses.
The second principle implies the need to correlate environmental conditions with the leading abilities of a person. This principle is expressed in the constant determination of tasks that are adequate to modern conditions and the prospects for the development of education. Ignoring this principle can provoke the destruction of the integrity of the entire pedagogical process. Moreover, this can contribute to the loss of either the personality itself or the values of cognitive activity from the system.
The third fundamental position reflects the need to bring a person to technology, with the help of which he will carry out the initiative building an individual educational trajectory.
The individual educational trajectory of the student is built with the simultaneous assimilation of methods of activity and knowledge. This process can occur at the level of conscious memorization. Outwardly, it manifests itself in close to the original and accurate reproduction of the material. Assimilation can occur at the level of application of the methods of activity and knowledge according to the model or in a similar situation. In addition, a creative approach to the process is used.
Required features
As studies show, an individual educational trajectory of a student can be successfully completed in all cognitive areas under certain conditions. In particular, the following must be provided:
- Define the meaning of learning disciplines.
- Set your goals when mastering a specific module, course, section, topic.
- Choose the optimal pace and form of training according to the level of training.
- Use those methods of cognition that are most consistent with personal characteristics.
- Realize the result in the form of formed competencies, etc.
- Perform assessment and adjustment of work in accordance with the specifics of the general course of cognitive activity.
Main ideas
A key feature of the process in which an individual educational trajectory of a student is formed is that the paramount role is given to the abilities through which a person creates new cognitive products. This work is based on the following ideas:
- Any person is able to find, formulate and propose his own version of the solution of one or another, including didactic, task related to his process of learning knowledge.
- An individual educational trajectory can be completed only with the provision of the opportunities indicated above.
- A person is placed in a situation of searching for his own version of the solution of the task. At the same time, he applies his creative abilities.
Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusion. An individual educational trajectory is formed using a creative approach. In this regard, in the process of its creation, relevant laws apply.
They are a kind of visual matrix of the cognitive process. Currently, especially in the course of improving distance learning forms, navigators have shown their effectiveness. Without them, an individual educational trajectory is simply unthinkable. In matrices by means of symbols, signs, abbreviations, the level of a person’s ascent to a cognitive product is noted. Simply put, the navigator is a clear and detailed map. In it, the student easily reveals his position, as well as the tasks that confront him in the near future. The matrix allows you to determine the coordinates of the four-link system "I know - I study - I will study - I know new." Such a process is presented in the form of a spiral path of ascent to the truth. Matrix components are projections, addresses, names, and activities on the sheet plane. The student’s work aimed at mastering the discipline, subject, block, course, knowledge, skills, abilities, and professions is depicted as a vector. It records the content of the activity.
An individual educational trajectory is realized with the awareness of the need for independent movement, the formulation of private and general subject problems and tasks associated with the acquisition of a specialty. Productive activities are carried out according to the personal characteristics of each person. A teacher who wants to see and develop a unique personality in each student will have to solve the difficult task of teaching everyone differently.
In this regard, the organization of the process along an individual trajectory will require a special technology for the interaction of all participants. In modern didactics, this problem can be solved in two ways. The most common is a differentiated approach. In accordance with it, when working individually with each student, it is proposed to separate the material according to the level of complexity, focus and other parameters.
In the framework of the second approach, its own path is formed in accordance with each studied area. In this case, the student is invited to form his own trajectory. It is worth saying that the second option is almost never used in practice. This is due to the fact that its application requires the simultaneous development and implementation of different models, each of which is unique in its own way and correlates with the personal potential of an individual student.
As part of the educational program, the student must learn to determine their personal steps to achieve knowledge. They can be additionally recorded in the form of various kinds of entries (diary ones, for example). This, in turn, will require the student to have a high planning culture and the ability to take stock. As observations show, this activity is quite easily carried out by modern schoolchildren using computer technology. Moreover, the work does not cause any rejection on their part. Formalization and, to a certain extent, detailing of programs and plans using drawings, maps, logical-semantic models, tables, according to the students themselves, make it possible to regulate and clearly see the cognitive strategy and perspective in life. The navigators that are widely used today are becoming, in some way, guides in the world of knowledge.
A paradoxical situation is emerging in modern education. It consists in the fact that the emergence of new technologies is opposed to the complexity of the process. Their essence lies in the desire for a certain formalization of the content of the cognitive process through splitting in accordance with the way the computer language is perceived. Most likely, this trend will continue further and may become one of the main directions of improving education or a related aspect. Meanwhile, the very idea of creating navigation components in an increasingly complex cognitive process is, of course, a positive point.