Diet of the Queen Margarita: a menu for every day, reviews

The Queen's Diet is the most effective food system for show business stars. Under this program, many celebrities got rid of extra pounds. The menu includes only natural products that can reduce weight without physical and mental stress. What is the feature of this diet?

Basic principles

The diet of the nutritionist Queen has the following features:

  1. It is required to include in the diet more fluid (2-2.5 liters). It can be water without gas, green or herbal tea. Before each meal, you need to drink 200 ml of liquid. The rest of the time, its amount should be 150 ml. Do not use liquid during meals and immediately after it. Its main volume is drunk up to 18 hours. After this time, drink no more than 2 glasses of water. The day you need to start with 200 ml of liquid.
  2. There should be one fasting day per week. His whole diet consists of kefir and cottage cheese in a small amount.
  3. The diet is based on fractional nutrition. You can eat 5 times a day and make 2 snacks. Meat and fish dishes are consumed once a day, usually for lunch. One serving for men is 300 g, and for women - 250 g. Moreover, it is best to cook steam dishes.
9 day diet of Margarita Koroleva

The diet completely excludes sweets, pasta, bakery products, various sauces and spirits from the diet.

The rules of healthy eating

Allows Margarita Koroleva’s diet menu to lose weight forever through training in proper eating behavior.

According to a nutritionist, you should get rid of bad habits:

  • perceive food as a source of pleasure;
  • make children eat if they are not hungry;
  • take food as a remedy for stress;
  • eat with food but no hunger.

The author of the method claims that overeating leads to disorders in the hypothalamus and an increase in blood sugar.

All nutritional errors are fully taken into account in the diet of Margarita Koroleva. Nutritionists largely agree with her advice. After all, people often resort to food when they have nothing to do. In some cases, it is perceived as part of a holiday, for example, when watching a movie or at a friendly meeting. Such addictions affect both the figure and the state of human health. You need to eat food only when the body experiences a feeling of hunger, and not in a bad mood or in a stressful situation. There is the following method of getting rid of cravings for sweets: brush your teeth.

Queen's diet menu for every day

You need to eat enough to satisfy your hunger. When fully saturated, do not eat everything on the plate. Eating after children is also not recommended. Chew food slowly and carefully. A minimum amount of food should be placed on a plate, if it does not saturate the body, then you can put a little more. The meal should take place at the same time. After its completion, it is necessary to get up from the table in order to avoid the temptation to eat something else.

Margarita Koroleva’s diet is suitable after 50 years for those people whose metabolism slows down with age.

What does a diet look like?

The 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva, according to reviews, is not just a temporary restriction in nutrition. It becomes a peculiar principle of life, which should be followed by all people who dream of reducing body weight, increasing the stamina of their body, or simply reaching a new standard of living.

Queen's diet menu

The power system does not allow starving to lose weight. On the contrary, it is aimed at strengthening immunity and saturating the body with nutrients.

Allows Margarita Koroleva’s diet menu to lose weight forever, and all thanks to several principles:

  • separate nutrition, it is in it the secret of longevity and excellent health;
  • the whole weight loss system consists of several mono-diets that alternate with each other;
  • during its observance it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid (2-2.5 liters).

Adhering to all the principles of the system, you can achieve a positive effect.

Weight Loss Rules

The Queen’s diet provides for the following recommendations:

  1. From the first day you need to engage in minor physical activity or take long walks.
  2. Eat at least five times a day. In this case, the effect of the diet will be more noticeable.
  3. The last meal should be no later than 19 pm.
  4. Drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
  5. Sugar, salt, sauces, spirits and spices are removed from the diet.
  6. Dishes must be steamed or boiled.
  7. Serving volumes for men should be 300 g and for women 250 g.
  8. Once every 7 days you need to spend a fasting day, completely consisting of kefir.
  9. To improve the taste of dishes, they add a little lemon juice.
  10. 7 days before the start of this weight loss system, you must abandon fatty and fried foods.
  11. You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to achieve a noticeable result in a short period of time.

9 day diet

The power system consists of three stages, lasting 3 days. Each period is a mono-diet, which is observed taking into account the recommendations of a nutritionist.

The first stage begins with the use of rice. It is not only a source of complex carbohydrates, but also a product that will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins in 3 days. During this period, rapid fat burning occurs. The main advantages of rice mono-diet are the absence of hunger, which is extremely important for starting a weight loss system. The composition of the grain allows you to envelop the walls of the stomach, which reduces the level of secretion of gastric juice. The lower this indicator, the weaker the feeling of hunger.

During the rice diet, the following rules must be observed:

  • in the evening you need to soak 250 g of cereal;
  • in the morning it is washed and cooked for 15 minutes without salt and sugar;
  • boiled rice is divided into 5-6 meals;
  • it must be consumed at regular intervals;
  • use only long-grain white rice.

In the next 2 days, the diet continues in the same way. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Salt food before use.

Queen's diet menu

After 3 days, they move to the second stage. For active burning of fat cells, boiled or baked chicken without salt is used.

Those who do not want to eat poultry can include low-fat fish (hake, pollock) in the diet. The protein contained in such food will allow fat cells to be burned in large quantities and prevent their deposition. As a result, the formation of muscle tissue is stimulated. The cooked dish should be separated from the skin and bones. Distribute 1 kg of pulp into 5 meals that pass at regular intervals. Evening meals, according to the diet of Margarita Koroleva, are prohibited after 20 hours.

This system of weight loss with a vegetable mono-diet ends. During the day, you can eat 300 g of raw and 500 g of boiled vegetables. Such a diet allows you to saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. Vegetables are able to restore the intestinal microflora, cleanse it of toxins and toxins. Thanks to the final stage, the body will have a certain immunity if the slimming person decides to take some forbidden food.

During the day, they use cabbage, greens, zucchini and other green vegetables, which contain a minimum amount of calories, but many useful trace elements.

Additionally, it is necessary to consume water with honey (3 teaspoons).

Diet menu

An approximate diet of a weight loss system includes all the necessary products, taking into account compliance with all its stages.

Every day Margarita Koroleva’s diet menu

No.Breakfast2nd breakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
1st daySteamed rice, a spoonful of honeyTea with honeyRice soup, kefirBananaBoiled rice, tea
2nd dayRice, Green TeaPineapple juiceRice porridge with honeyLow Fat KefirBoiled rice, green tea
3rd dayBoiled rice, coffeeAn AppleRice porrigeGrapefruit juiceRice on the water, honey, water
4th dayBoiled pollock, teaCarrot juiceChicken fillet, teaApple juiceBoiled hake with lemon, water
5th dayBoiled chicken fillet, teaAn AppleBoiled cod, kefirCarrot juiceBoiled chicken meat
6th dayBoiled hake, teaA spoon of honeySteamed fish with herbs, tomato juiceKefirSteamed Chicken Fillet
7th daySalad of grated carrots, herbs and onionsSalad of tomatoes and cucumbersPumpkin and Garlic SoupOrange juiceVegetable stew
8th dayWater, a spoon of honeyCabbage salad with herbsEggplant StewSteamed brussels sproutsBoiled beets with onions
9th dayTea with honeyTomato, Cucumber and Pepper SaladBraised cabbageShredded carrots with honeyZucchini stew

According to reviews, the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva helps to get rid of 5 to 6 kg of excess weight. A prerequisite is the strict observance of all the rules.

Power System Results

Diet for losing weight Margarita Koroleva after 9 days is able to save 4-6 kg of excess body weight. If you combine it with physical activity, you can achieve a decrease in body weight by 9 kg.

Diet Queen after 50 years

Be sure to follow all the necessary recommendations during the weight loss period.

Way out of diet

To fix the result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The first 7 days after leaving the diet you need to eat unsweetened and unsalted foods. At the heart of the diet should be present soups on vegetable broth, fruits and boiled meat.
  2. Obligatory physical activity.
  3. It is not recommended to increase portions. Eat at a certain time.
  4. In order not to feel hunger, you can drink tea, eat nuts and dried fruits. Sweet foods should not interrupt appetite, so that they do not turn into fatty deposits.
  5. Spend one fasting day every 7 days.
  6. Salt and hot spices should not be added to the diet so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

The Queen’s diet allows you to stabilize the weight, as well as consolidate a positive result (if you exit it correctly).

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this nutrition system were able to appreciate not only losing weight, but also nutritionists:

  • it helps to speed up metabolism, and fiber present in dishes cleanses the intestines and reduces hunger;
  • all products are affordable, they can be purchased at any supermarket.
Diet Margarita Queen

The diet of Margarita Koroleva, according to reviews, has the following disadvantages:

  1. At the first stage, the level of glucose in the blood changes.
  2. On the second, the water-salt balance changes.
  3. Throughout the diet, there is an insufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.

The power system has some limitations that need to be considered before it can be followed.


The Queen's diet has the following limitations:

  • pregnancy period;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pathologies of the heart, kidneys and liver;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic diseases;
  • since it weakens the body's defenses, it is not recommended to start it soon after suffering a cold.

This weight loss system is contraindicated in nursing mothers, as well as people suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Therefore, dieting requires prior medical advice.


Opinions on the diet of Margarita Koroleva are mostly positive. Losing weight note that during its observance, they did not feel a sense of hunger, because eating was carried out 5-6 times a day.

Queen's diet reviews

The second group of losing weight noted that the diet is difficult to follow, because it is tasteless, especially the 1st stage. However, the result allows you to forget about temporary difficulties. After a diet, an extraordinary lightness is felt in the body.

According to reviews, the Queen’s 9-day diet could not withstand some losing weight due to a strict diet. Due to the constant feeling of hunger, they developed weakness and dizziness. Therefore, it was not possible to fully withstand 9 days of diet in women.


The diet of Margarita Koroleva is a weight loss system that helps to get rid of excess weight not only to stars of show business, but also to ordinary people. Following all the recommendations for a healthy diet, you can find a slim figure in a short time.

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