Miracle diet "Ladder" (5 days): menu and reviews, results

For everyone who is seriously concerned about losing excess weight in the shortest possible time, an effective diet "Ladder" has been developed - 5 days, which seem to line up in the form of steps, smoothly transitioning into each other, solving different current problems. The reviews of those who resorted to this effective method indicate good results. Let us meet you with this miracle diet.

How to deal with the problem?

Have you ever thought about why the problem of overweight bothers us with enviable regularity? And everyone wants to lose weight only once and never again resort to painful abstinence. Most diets give a positive result, however, it can be fixed only in isolated cases. So you have to step on the warpath again and again with extra pounds. The Super Diet "Ladder" is an exception to the rule, and all because it is aimed not only at weight loss, but also at consolidating the results achieved.

Diet Ladder 5 days

The main principles of the method

So, we have already mentioned that the tasks of the complex are solved methodically, and each of them seems to prepare the body for the next step. The body, stomach and brain get used to and do not resist the changes that are taking place. The step ladder (step diet) of the stage includes the following:

  • 1 day - cleansing the body;
  • 2 day - complex recovery;
  • 3 day - charging with energy;
  • 4 day - construction;
  • Day 5 - burning excess.

Psychological background

Everyone knows that the brain controls us, but not everyone knows how to make it control us in the right direction. In other words, how do you get everything under control? In the issue of burning excess weight, the psychological component is of paramount importance. How often did we encounter breakdowns and early departure from the race when we did not know where to find the moral and volitional qualities that help us withstand the severe emotional and physical stress associated with the diet! As a result, everything that went away with such difficulty returned to the body anew. Stress from failure created new stress, and so on in a circle. The diet "Ladder", which lasts 5 days, offers the losing weight a person an incentive in the form of a sketch in front of his eyes and visually see future results.

Diet Ladder reviews and results

Depicting steps on paper

By depicting his daily tasks in the form of an improvised ladder, writing down the menu and recording the results achieved, a person gains powerful motivation. The more powerful the motivation, the harder we work, which means that the sooner we will achieve the goal. It is better to hang such a sketchy picture before your eyes, and after the end of the next step, cross out the passed stage and be sure to record the lost kilograms. At the sight of how much effort has already been spent and how many stages have been completed, the desire to successfully complete all the remaining steps will also quadruple. So, from a psychological point of view, the “Ladder” diet is super-slimming. Testimonials of those who have tested the method on themselves suggest that if one day the need for weight loss arises again, then people will again use this particular diet.

Average performance

So, it's time to demonstrate the averaged indicators that the “Ladder” diet provides. 5 days on average, people walked with a result minus 5-9 kilograms of their original weight. This is told by men and women who have experienced the course on themselves. For such a short period of time to achieve impressive results is worth a lot. However, as we know, this has its own logical explanation. Indeed, at each stage, it is precisely those processes that are responsible for a more efficient breakdown of fats and for their speedy removal from the body. The decay products of food, liquid, toxins - all this quickly, efficiently and correctly leaves, subject to physiological processes.

Preparatory stage

The miraculous diet "Ladder" will not cause unnecessary stress in the body, if one week before unloading is arranged. How to provide training? In fact, there is no clear and uncontested option. It all depends on the personality, character, as well as the mood of the most losing weight. It would seem appropriate to someone to exclude from the diet only two products: bread and mayonnaise. Someone will reduce the total amount of food consumed per day, someone will skip dinner and replace it with kefir, and someone will switch to microscopic portions. Whatever the chosen option, the main goal of this week will be achieved in one way or another: the body will begin to get used to the restrictions and will slowly reorganize into a new channel.

Diet Ladder reviews photos

Diet "Ladder": menu, reviews about the first day

The cleaning (first) step includes:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 liter of water (as much as possible);
  • activated carbon tablets - 6-10 pieces.

Apples must be divided into 6 parts (one small or half each) and eat them throughout the day as a full meal. The diet "Ladder" (reviews and results can be tracked in our article) is thought out to the smallest detail. Take, for example, the first stage, where all components perform their strictly assigned function. So, the apple peel contains very valuable and useful substances - pectins, which capture, bind and remove toxins from the body, accumulated toxins, and even heavy metals. The same can be said of the products of decay. All debris that has accumulated in the body will be removed with water. Activated carbon is called upon to consolidate the process . Reviews of those who have tried the method on themselves suggest that the first day as a whole goes well, without a pronounced feeling of hunger.

After the first step has passed, the gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed and activation of the breakdown of fat cells will begin. And the acids contained in apples will contribute to this. That is why it is better to choose fruits for the diet green (sweet and sour).

The result of the first day is minus 2 kg. Here we immediately make a reservation that the maximum indicators are recorded. That is, if you lost half the fat in the first stage, this is normal. People who are familiar with the Lesenka diet firsthand (reviews and results of the method are collected from the estimates of several thousand people tested) are happy for any positive shift.

Recovery (second) stage
Miracle diet Ladder

Recommended Menu:

  • fat - free cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • low fat kefir - 1 liter;
  • water - more than 1 liter.

The daily content of cottage cheese must be divided into 3 parts, do the same with kefir and alternate these meals. In some cases, kefir (1-2 tablespoons) is used as a dressing for dry grainy curd. At this stage, the diet "Ladder", which lasts 5 days, works as follows. Cottage cheese and kefir belong to the group of fermented milk products, which are designed to saturate the cleaned stomach with beneficial bacteria, as well as enrich blood vessels with calcium and potassium. Then this step smoothly proceeds to cellular restoration of the body.

The result of the second stage is minus 2 kg. Diet "Lesenka" (reviews, photos we give) on the second day owes such a significant result to low-calorie foods and significant energy costs of the whole body in the process of digesting lactic protein.

Energy (third) stage

Without a doubt, the first two days of the experiment markedly weakened the state of the body. Therefore, now a person who has decided to try this method needs to restore strength and saturate with energy. A person will not be able to do without carbohydrates for a long time, because glycogen reserves after the first two steps tend to zero. Third day menu:

  • raisins - 300 g;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • dried fruit compote (prunes, dried apricots, apples) - 2 liters.

Super Diet Ladder

As you can see, we will replenish carbohydrate reserves with the help of glucose contained in fruit sugars. Unlike vegetables, dried fruits will not be able to increase appetite due to the high saturation of fiber. The diet "Ladder" (menu, reviews you can read in the material presented) made a real breakthrough in similar programs. After all, usually at this point in the depleted body there is a plateau effect and the rapid weight loss observed earlier, literally stops and freezes at one mark. In other words, increasing the calorie content of the third day menu is a kind of “planned breakdown,” reading, a respite for the body.

The maximum result of the third day: up to 1.5 kg of excess weight - down!

Construction (fourth) stage

A very important step in achieving this goal. On this day, animal protein (turkey fillet, chicken breast) is consumed and, besides water, nothing more. One and a half kilograms of boiled meat are not salted and divided into several stages. It is worth noting that if more than one liter of water is drunk per day, then this is by no means critical, because water at this stage is an important element. Do not be afraid that the liquid will be poorly excreted from the body, because the restraining factor (salt) is completely absent. Active cell construction is extremely important for all tissues and organs in view of the ability to exert a powerful influence on metabolic processes in general. The diet "Ladder", lasting 5 days, enhances metabolism, which contributes to a sharp weight loss. We also note that properly built protein days will certainly end with a negative energy indicator, because the cost of processing dietary meat is always greater than its calorie content.

Diet Ladder menu reviews

The result of the day is minus 1.3 kg.

The final (fifth) step aimed at burning calories

At this stage, the body is fully saturated with fiber, which leads not only to dulling hunger, but also to launch a new cleansing process. The diet of the day should contain low-calorie carbohydrate foods containing complex fiber, and you need to consume them in small doses. Let's say for breakfast it can be oatmeal cooked from dried cereal (250 g for the whole day) in water, fruits with a low glucose content. For lunch, you can eat vegetable salad dressed with butter. In the next two meals, you can alternate oatmeal and fresh vegetables (1 kg throughout the day). The final stage, like the previous one - the fourth, makes the body spend much more calories than they are consumed, while you do not feel hunger. In total, in 2 decisive days, fat reserves rapidly burn out.

Diet Ladder super slimming reviews

The result of the final stage is minus 2.5 kg.

Super diet "Ladder": reviews, contraindications

Almost everyone who decided to put this method into practice pointed to good results, the absence of feelings of hunger and irritability. Perhaps, only a rather meager menu can cause discomfort. In this case, people who successfully followed the course reassured themselves by the short duration of the method.

There are general contraindications to the use of diet. Before starting the course, you need to consult a nutritionist or attending physician for advice and make sure of your absolute health. The method is not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • older people over 60;
  • children
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • cancer patients;
  • persons who have experienced acute forms of viral infections;
  • postoperative patients.

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