OJSC "First Collection Bureau": reviews. First Collection Bureau: Employee Reviews

Before you ask for help in a special company that is ready to provide assistance in collecting debt, you need to carefully study the reviews. The First Collection Bureau is one of the largest participants in the domestic market, working with problem debtors. Feedback on the work of the company from both customers and employees is more positive. The history of the corporation began in 2005. In just 10 years of operation, the company managed not only to earn the title of reliable and trusted partner, but also to be awarded the title of leader in a very specific sector. OJSC First Collection Bureau is a pioneer in the collection business in many parts of the state.

Company geography

reviews first collection bureau

The collection company successfully operates in many parts of the country. The largest offices are in Moscow and Khabarovsk, in St. Petersburg. Debt collection assistance is provided in many regions, starting from the Far East and ending with Siberia. According to preliminary estimates by experts, in just a decade, the company managed to gain about 34% of the debt recovery services market. Even large players of this segment cannot compete with the association, since the reputation and level of work of the latter are almost impeccable. You will not find negative reviews about the company. The First Collection Bureau is the leader of the domestic market with an impeccable reputation.

Prosperity paths

The main activities of the joint-stock company are not only collecting bad debts, but also actively developing the collection business as a whole, helping to ensure the full functioning of the domestic banking system, creating conditions for the formation of civilized communication between debtors and creditors. The policy of the company led to the fact that she was one of the first to join the professional “Association of Collectors of Russia”.

Bonds Issue - Proof of Professionalism

the first collection bureau who sued

Positive prosperity testify to the prosperity and active development of the corporation. “First Collection Bureau” is much higher than competitors by not only satisfied customers. This year, April 15, the collection of applications for bonds will begin, the total value of which will be about 1.5 billion rubles. The application book will be open on April 10, and its closure will take place on April 17. The rate of the first coupon is approximately 16.5-17.5% per annum. Estimated yield - from 17.55% to 18.68% per annum. The rates from the second to the twelfth coupons will be equal to the rates of the first coupons.

Terms of investing in PKB through bonds

jsc first collection bureau

The nominal price of one security will correspond to 1000 rubles with an open subscription. The circulation term will be three years with the possibility of early repayment at 14.28% per annum of the nominal value. The organizers of the placement will be Vostochny Design Bureau, Svyaz-Bank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank and Region Region Commercial Bank. The underwriter is CB Vostochny. The issue of securities indicates that the joint-stock company arouses the interest of investors and gives promising hopes. The First Collection Bureau replenishes its budget with bonds with the aim of actively redeeming bad debts from banks in the future and further developing its network.

Shareholders and Management

PKB is a domestic company that is developing at an incredibly fast pace. She not only specializes in bad debts, but also takes on responsibilities for managing late payments. The shares of OJSC First Collection Bureau, reviews of which are mostly positive, belong to several large shareholders at the same time:

  • 30% of the Cyprus company Evison Holdings Limited.
  • 21.25% belongs to Sergei Vlasov, who simultaneously acts as a shareholder of Vostochny Express Bank and is a member of his board of directors.
  • 9.03% are owned by Alexander Taranov, who is also a member of the board of directors and, in parallel, a shareholder of Vostochny Express bank.
  • Baring Vostok Fund became the owner of a 30% stake in OJSC.

All shareholders are personally interested in the prosperity and development of the company, being participants in the financial market of Russia, they exert a lot of strength and contribute to the development of society.

The debt portfolio is one of the largest in Russia

first collection bureau

Successful and active development of the company is evidenced not only by positive reviews. The First Collection Bureau is constantly heating the media with unexpected statements. This applies not only to the issue of shares, which is very uncharacteristic for this segment of activity. More recently, information has been received that the company received problem debts from Sakhalin-West Bank from the Deposit Insurance Agency. Cooperation with the state structure indicates that the company not only works within the framework of the law, but also enjoys great confidence. Demand for company services is justified by statistics. So, in 2010, the volume of arrears in Russia amounted to 271 billion rubles against 115.9 billion rubles in 2008. Indicator in 2013-2014 At least doubled due to the availability of loans. OJSC First Collection Bureau has certain benefits against the background of the situation in the country. In addition, in 2010 the size of the organization's loan portfolio corresponded to 30 billion rubles, and was the largest on the market. As a result, the company's revenue amounted to 491.5 million rubles, of which 118.4 million is net profit.

Development Potential: Bank Transfer of Bad Debt

The “First Collection Bureau” (who sued him, knows how accurately and professionally the association’s specialists are acting) reports that in 2016 banks will continue to independently solve problems related to early debts, which account for about 85% of total number of problem loans. An increase in the share of collection in the traditional area of ​​long delay is expected. In terms of agency, the time period will be reduced from 180 to 120 days, as well as for the assignment from 640 days to 240. The amount of debts that the “First Collection Bureau” will receive in the future, the reviews of employees about which are positive, although it will increase, but slightly. In the next three years, the growth of the loan portfolio will be from 0.3% to 1.5% during the year. According to preliminary estimates, the loan portfolio in 2016 will be 323 billion rubles.

Debt purchase - a leap in development

first collection bureau employee reviews

The First Collection Bureau, whose reviews have remained positive for many years, plans to actively build up its portfolio this and future years by purchasing bad debts. The expected growth percentage varies from 14% to 22% annually. In 2016, the amount of debts purchased from financial institutions can reach 165 billion rubles. The share of debts paid through collector services will steadily increase. The general director of the company is actively tuned to partnership with banks. He focuses on the fact that if banks are more attentive to lending to customers and respond promptly to delays by transferring them to collectors according to the agent scheme, the percentage of failure to pay off will be significantly reduced by the end of 2015. The First Collection Bureau (Moscow) is ready to continue to occupy the position of a leading player in the cession market, increasing its power and actively expanding its geography.

The main activities

PBC OJSC offers its assistance in a wide variety of areas, and this is not only a dry collection of debts from persons who do not pay loans on time. The company provides:

  • Financial intermediation.
  • Services in the field of law, accounting and audit.
  • Professional advice on business and enterprise management.
  • Market analysis and assessment of public opinion.

The above is a list of additional services. The priority area of ​​activity, which is followed by the First Collection Bureau (Moscow), reviews of which are positive, remains a set of measures that are aimed at supporting difficult receivables from both individuals and legal entities throughout Russia. Activities can be carried out both in court and in pretrial order. The possibility of carrying out works with pledges and support of enforcement proceedings is provided.

Responses of PBC OJSC employees

first collection bureau reviews

It was repeatedly mentioned that the “First Collection Bureau” (Khabarovsk, Moscow) is a professional company. The cession market expert looks perfect even in the eyes of employees. According to company team members, the joint-stock company has a transparent and clean business policy. All assigned tasks are solved within the framework of the law, in accordance with certain legislative acts. Employees are especially pleased with official employment, with a full social package, which in the conditions of the economic crisis in Russia can be called a real rarity. Management respects each employee, carefully monitors his activities. An ideal corporate policy lays the foundation for an impeccable external reputation.

Customer reviews of PBC OJSC

Numerous satisfied customers are the real property of OJSC First Collection Bureau. Who sued him knows very well how subtle and professional the representatives of the organization act. The level of trust in the company is so high that even the Deposit Insurance Agency itself transfers to the company problem loans from domestic banks. Not only reviews speak of popularity and professionalism, but also the demand for services. The credit portfolio of the joint-stock company is increasing annually, starting in 2005, from the moment a player appeared on the domestic market. The large investment fund Renfin, which, having become the owner of the company's shares, allocated about 10 billion rubles for the purchase of distressed debts, which should significantly stimulate the development of the latter in the near future, also believes in the success of the company.

Who trusts specialists?

first collection bureau moscow reviews

As has been said many times, the First Collection Bureau is respected by the state in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency. The main partners of the association are major participants in the domestic financial market, both state and retail banks. Among PKB's clients there are large industrial enterprises and insurance organizations, telecommunication companies, leasing and even trading institutions. Services of the company in connection with the simplification of the lending procedure have become very popular recently. The “First Collection Bureau”, the reviews of employees about which there is no doubt about the professionalism of the latter, has a wide network of branches, which allows us to provide services not only in different parts of the state, but also in different fields of activity. Support for problem loans and debts can be carried out in the territory of about 7 thousand settlements.

Workflow is what leads to success.

The First Collection Bureau, reviews of which have a positive context, works in the most extraordinary format. Debt collection service is provided in hard-collection format. This scheme of working with debtors involves on-site communication, which in itself is considered the most difficult format of work in the framework of the assignment market. The effectiveness of the direction is not in doubt based on the results of the agency. After receiving the debt portfolio, the company’s work is built in several stages. Initially, the information that was left by borrowers in financial institutions when processing a loan, including data authentication, is analyzed. Then, in a remote mode, communication channels with debtors are tested, and only then direct communication is organized and the matter is redirected to the court if necessary. The productivity of this approach provided PKB with a leading position in the domestic market and allowed it to leave its competitors behind.

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