How to increase bench press? Newbie Recommendations

Many guys who came to the gym dream of a beautiful chest, which in the weaker sex has always caused unshakable delight. But in order to get that same dream, it is worth a lot of work. In this article we will talk about one of the basic exercises for the muscles of the chest - bench press. We will deal with the following points: how to perform the exercise correctly, how to increase the bench press, how many times a week it is better to train and many others.

how to increase bench press

First, a little theory. The bench press is a basic exercise in bodybuilding and powerlifting, which is intended for the development of the human pectoral muscles, triceps and part of the deltoid muscles. There are many varieties of this exercise: classic bench press, bench press on an inclined bench, on the bench head down, narrow grip and others. It cannot be said that all these types are different only in the technique of execution, because depending on these very varieties, this or that muscle is affected better or worse. But now is not about that. First, let's analyze the most important question, so exciting for beginner athletes: "How to increase the bench press?"

do-it-yourself bench
Many beginners think that the more exercises they do, the faster they will be able to increase their strength indicators and increase in muscle mass. And here lies the most important mistake. The fact is that with too intense training, muscle catabolism begins. That is, simply put, their splitting. This is a natural reaction of the body to a lack of energy, as a result of which it (the body) begins to use protein (the building block of your muscles) to supplement it. Therefore, the most optimal number of exercises for the muscles of the chest (you can’t quickly increase your performance with the bench press) will be 4-5 (for a beginner 2-3), each of which will have 2-4 sets of 7-10 reps. With regular visits to the gym (at least 3 times a week), you can add 2.5-5 kilograms to the bench every 2 weeks.

Let's talk about other topics. To increase your performance in the bench press (and other exercises too) will not succeed only with visits to the gym.

bench press bench

You see, when working with iron, a person begins to develop muscles and, of course, muscle mass grows. However, if you eat poorly, often do not get enough sleep, do not have a daily routine, and you also have bad habits (excessive drinking and smoking), then you might not even dream of muscle growth. Of course, to argue that once every 2-3 months to drink in the company of friends is bad - at least silly. We are all human, aren't we? However, drinking alcohol or toxic substances too often adversely affects not only overall health, but also your muscles. All this leads to the so-called "stagnation" and a slowdown in muscle growth.

Nutrition is one of the most important elements in bodybuilding.

If you do not follow many of the rules of bodybuilding, you will not succeed. However, back to the topic "How to increase the bench press in a short time." As previously written, exercise intensity, compliance, and nutrition are important. But there is another important factor - the execution technique. Firstly, it is important to take the correct grip (for each species it is different). Secondly, the neck should be lowered slowly to the chest itself. Thirdly, do not change the pace of the exercise.

Bench press head down

Well, the last thing - you should not begin to perform the bench press with heavy weights, because at the same time there is a likelihood of injury. It is better to warm up with a small weight of 10-15 repetitions. Remember! Do not exercise your chest too often. If you work through her every workout, she will not have time to recover. It is better to practice 1-2 times a week, which will be the best option.

Finally, the recommended exercise technique for the beginner will be as follows. Let's say your bench press is 50 kg for 8 times. Then we follow the principle described below.

1-2 weeks:

1st approach - warm-up (possible with one bar);

2nd approach - 8x50 kg;

3rd approach - 7 (8) x50 kg;

4th approach - 55 kg at maximum.

3-4 weeks:

1st approach - warm-up;

2nd approach - 8x50 kg;

3rd approach - 55 kg at maximum;

4th approach - 57.5 kg at maximum.

5 week:

1st approach - warm-up;

2nd approach - 6-8x55 kg;

3rd approach - 57.5 kg at maximum;

4th approach - 60 kg at maximum.

Next, each person goes through the so-called stagnation phase, when the results increase very slowly. Here the weight needs to be selected more individually. However, in a month it should increase by at least 2.5 kilograms.

Bench Press

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, then there is the option of acquiring a bench for a bench and neck with pancakes home. Of course, all this equipment is rather bulky, but it can be placed in a garage or basement. Vulture is better to buy Olympic. Pancakes - preferably with a spread of 5 kg (from 5 to 20 kg, for example). Bench for bench press should be comfortable and, if possible, with adjustable landing bar.

Bench Bench Lay

If you don’t have money to purchase this or that part, then you can do everything yourself. The bench for a do-it-yourself bench in the simplest version is a fairly lightweight design, there are many drawings for it, one of which you can see above. With pancakes and vulture, things are worse. The fact is that without special lathes and other devices it is very difficult to create them yourself. So save some money and run to the nearest sports store! I think, with the question of how to increase the bench press, and many other interesting details, we got acquainted. Good luck with your workouts!

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