The semi-biopic biopic about Wing Chun, the first person to publicly teach kung fu, was directed by director Wilson Yip in a creative tandem with screenwriter Edmond Wong. The film "Ip Man 3" is the third episode in a series of films based on the life story of grandmaster Ip Man, the image of which Donnie Yen embodied on the screen. The film starred one of the most recognizable boxers in the world, Mike Tyson, who played the role of shadow businessman Frank. And although critics claim that the 2015 project is predictably inferior to the original tape, it is noticeably better than the second part. IMDb feed rating: 7.10. The release date for Ip Man 3 is December 16, 2015.
Lead actor
The main advantage of the motion picture is deservedly considered the actor Donnie Yen, who over the past three years has arranged for himself an incessant series of performances with the roles of antagonists in The Formation of a Legend, The Grand Master, SPL 2 and now in Ip Man 3. The actors with whom Donnie had to work on the set, could not get out of his shadow.
As a child, young Yen was madly in love with kung fu films, chose unique techniques from them, which he polished his mother’s wushu at school. His favorite actors at that time were the legendary Bruce Lee, the very young Jackie Chan, and Donny categorically did not like Chuck Norris.
In the 80s, a matured young man became a visitor to the “Battle Zone” - a suburban area of Boston, where clandestine fights without rules were held. Perhaps the actors of Ip Man 3 would not be lucky to play on the same platform with Ian, since he got into the network to the representatives of the Triad. However, the mother of the future star, assessing the situation, sent her son to Beijing. Donnie was able to return to the United States a few years later.
Beginning of a creative career
The path of the actor to America lay through Hong Kong. There, Donnie accidentally got to the casting of “The Drunk Shaolin Master”. Director Yuan Heping was an old friend of Yen’s mother, so he allowed the young man to demonstrate his fighting skills. Two minutes later, the entire film crew of the future hit of video salons, opening their mouths, watched an impromptu sparring. After coping with surprise, Yuan Heping offered the guy the main role. It is noteworthy that at first Donnie did not like working as an actor.
The actors of Ip Man 3 characterized Donnie as an outstanding personality, even a scandalous one. Indeed, the performer repeatedly unflattering spoke about others. For example, the director Yuan Heping, who discovered it, he called mediocre, Tsuya Hark - henpecked. But the actor simply adores Michael Bay, considering “Armageddon” and “Rock” the true masterpieces of cinema, as well as the action movie “Blade”.
Unfortunately, the actor is already 41 years old, so for a long time he will not stay in action stars. However, the current success of the artist is amazing, given that literally 15 years ago he starred in thrashs like “Shaolin against the Evil Dead 2” and “Undiscovered Grave”. At that time, few could have imagined that in the future Donnie Yen would give out such charismatic performances.
Significant among minor
Hun Chun Nama in the film was played by Sammo Hoon, who once acted in films with the legendary Bruce Lee, who put on battle choreography in the paintings of Jackie Chan and John Woo. Despite the impressive physique and weight of almost 100 kg, the performer is an excellent athlete.
The actors of Ip Man 3, the most exciting scene of the film, deservedly consider the final battle of the heroes Donnie Yen and John Zhang. John Zhang recently has the status of a sought-after artist. In the Wilson Yip movie, he was practically inferior to other actors in either charisma or combat skills. Perhaps the best rival for Ian was impossible to find.