A white blood cell is ... White blood cells: normal

In the human body, there are such smart cells that always know where the protection weakens and the disease begins to emerge. The name of such a guardian of health is a white blood cell. It is he who conducts an active struggle against foreign microorganisms. There is a certain hierarchy of white blood cells, each type is responsible for specific processes.

White blood cell is

What are white blood cells?

White blood cells are special cells that do not have color. Their shape is often round, the structure includes a core. These blood components are formed in organs such as the spleen, lymph nodes. Another organ of their origin is bone marrow.

The level of leukocytes in the blood is less than that of red blood cells. In total, there are about 400,000 white blood cells in one cubic milliliter of blood. These cells are actively involved in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Human immunity to a large extent depends on the ability of leukocytes to prevent the penetration of microbes into the body. The following types of blood cells are distinguished: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils - they make up the granulocyte series. Monocytes, lymphocytes are representatives of agranulocytes.

Neutrophils: structure and characteristics

This is the largest group of white blood cells. In the human body, they make up up to 70% of all white blood cells. This subspecies of cells got its name because of the ability to stain with both basic dyes and eosin (when conducting studies of cell structures).

What does white blood cells mean?
Since a white blood cell is a tool to combat pathogenic cells, neutrophils secrete special substances that neutralize bacteria. Only a small part of such cells is in the blood (in the normal state it is about 1%). The entire bulk is located in the tissues of the body.

Neutrophils are the first to detect the affected area. If the number of white blood cells of this type increases, then they talk about neutrophilia. The causes of this phenomenon are infectious diseases (bacterial or fungal in nature), inflammatory processes, and the presence of tumors. Also, their growth can be triggered by bleeding, taking certain drugs, tissue damage (including necrosis). If the number of neutrophils is reduced (neutropenia), then perhaps the person has a viral infection, radiation therapy has been carried out, the spleen has an enlarged size.

Eosinophils: features of this group of cells

Eosinophilic leukocyte is the main enemy of toxins and antigen-antibody type reaction products. It is these cells that perform the function of purifying and detoxifying the blood. They also promote wound healing and protect the body from allergic reactions. Their number depends on the time of day and age. For example, at night, eosinophils are significantly higher. Such leukocytes in children have slightly higher rates than in adults (1-7% and 1-5%, respectively). If their number increases, then this may indicate the occurrence of allergic reactions, the presence of worms, malignant tumors. Also, such a phenomenon is observed with cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, dermatitis. But with infectious diseases, high rates carry positive information - the recovery phase is close. A low number of eosinophils indicates exhaustion and stress (period after surgery, injuries, constant lack of sleep).

White blood cell count

Basophile Characterization

The number of such blood cells is one of the smallest - about 1%. Their size is much larger than neutrophils and eosinophils. Such a white blood cell is an active participant in allergic reactions. Basophils are responsible for the occurrence of symptoms of urticaria, other manifestations of allergies. Due to the presence of these cells in the blood, the poisons of animals, insects, when ingested, do not disperse throughout the body, but are blocked. An increase in the number of basophils indicates a violation of the thyroid gland, ulcerative colitis. But not always a high level indicates the presence of the disease. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs due to malnutrition, iron deficiency. Low basophils are observed during pregnancy, ovulation, taking certain drugs. It may also indicate infection with worms.

White blood cells in children


Monocytes are called white blood cells in which there are no granules. These are oval cells, they form in the bone marrow. The total amount reaches 10%. The life cycle of monocytes lasts an average of 30 days. They arrive at the site of the lesion immediately after neutrophils and have a remarkable bactericidal effect. They are also able to absorb all kinds of foreign cells. If neutrophils decrease, then the number of monocytes can increase (to ensure all necessary functions). If the number of leukocytes of this type exceeds the norm, then we can talk about the presence of infectious diseases (for example, flu), malaria, tuberculosis, leukemia. A decrease in their number characterizes a condition such as anemia. If the level of monocytes approaches zero, then the doctor can diagnose very serious diseases (leukemia, sepsis).

White blood cell count

Lymphocytes: features

These blood cells are “long-livers”, they are able to function for more than a dozen years. Among their main functions, immunity maintenance and antibody production are distinguished. In addition, it is they who save information about diseases transferred by a person (thus, some types of diseases appear only once).

A very important ability of lymphocytes is the destruction of cells in which mutation processes occur. Among all blood cells, their number is up to 35%. White blood cells in children of this kind have even greater rates. In the first months of life, the level of lymphocytes reaches 70%, from 6 to 15 years it decreases to 50%. Most often, their high rates are observed with viral infections. If the amount significantly exceeds the norm, then there is a suspicion of a bone marrow tumor. White blood cells in children of this type increase with measles, mumps, chickenpox, rubella. A decrease in the number of lymphocytes can signal a bacterial infection, lymphoma.

Many white blood cells


Leukocytosis is a dangerous condition. What does it mean? White blood cells in the body are in greater numbers than normal indicators. Their level may indicate to a specialist the presence of diseases of a certain kind.

So, with an increase in the level of leukocytes, we can talk about the presence of infection, inflammatory processes in the body. If their number reaches huge indicators, then in this situation a serious illness (leukemia, leukemia) is often diagnosed. Do not forget that the level of white blood cells is affected by both the quality of nutrition and stressful situations. Many white blood cells are observed during physical activity.

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