Tom Holland and his girlfriend. British actor Tom Holland: biography, personal life, films

The new Spider-Man - Tom Holland - literally burst into the Hollywood elite a couple of years ago. This success cannot be called random. In addition to worldwide fame, this role brought the young man good money, and, as Tom Holland himself says, his girlfriend began to take the comic book genre seriously.

The guy immediately got a lot of fans. Movie lovers are interested in the questions "Who is Tom Holland, how old is he?" or "What is the person portraying a superhero in real life?". Answers to these and other questions are given below.

Tom Holland and his girlfriend


On the first day of summer 1996, Thomas Stanley Holland was born in southern London. His dad was directly related to creativity. Dominic became famous in his homeland as an actor in the comic genre. He often appeared on television in various shows and programs.

The boy’s mom, Nicole Frost, has been a professional photographer all her life. Her work was constantly present at exhibitions, and many advertising agencies resorted to Nicole's services.

Tom is the firstborn of the Holland couple. After him, three more boys were born in the family - these are Sam and Harry, who are twins, and the younger Paddington.

The future actor was trained in a preparatory school of a religious nature. Then the boy entered Wimbledon College.

tom holland movies


In 2012, the young man becomes a student in a local school of art, which he graduates with excellent marks. While still a schoolboy, Thomas was engaged in hip-hop in a group with peers. At one of the shows, a talented guy was noticed by Peter Darling, the famous choreographer of the London Ballet School.

Tom was invited to audition for the musical Billy Elliot. Together with his parents, he came at the appointed time and saw a huge string of boys who also dreamed of getting the main role. No chance, Nicole and Dominic thought then. After all, their son was not a professional dancer and actor.

To the surprise of many, the director Steve Doldry took exactly Tom. In it, he saw his hero, who is doing his best to get into the magical ballet world.

But on the way to his first significant role, Thomas had to work hard. Only after two years of training and a few more auditions, he was entrusted with the main role. For three seasons, the future actor Tom Holland went on stage about 180 times!

After this began the finest hour of the young man. He received several theater awards, critical acclaim, appeared on television. As Tom Holland himself said, the girls began to shower him with letters with ardent confessions.

tom holland how old

Carier start

The film debut took place in 2011. It was then that the famous Japanese studio released an animated cartoon in which Shaw was voiced by Tom Holland.

Films with the participation of a young actor originate in 2012. Director Juan Bayon invited the guy to the role of Lucas Bennett. And the Englishman brilliantly coped with this work, although the company was made up of stars such as Evan McGregor and Naomi Watts.

For his work in the film "Impossible" Tom was nominated 18 times for various film awards. And 8 of them he still got. Holland's family rejoiced in the success of his son, especially his father, who himself always dreamed of a great movie.

Then came the role in the military drama "How I Live Now" in the image of Isaac. 2015 was remembered for his work in the film "In the Heart of the Sea". The partner of the Briton is the famous Chris Hemsworth. Critics spoke very positively about the role of Tom, who played the "lover of the seas" Nickerson. Director Ron Howard was also impressed with how Tom Holland played. The films were not only full-length. Once, a young actor had a chance to play in the series “The Wolf Hall”.

actor tom holland


All in the same 2015, Tom learns that Marvel is looking for an actor for the role of Spider-Man in the next part of the superhero saga. The young man shot several video clips and sent them to the studio. He was invited to a casting, where he conquered everyone with his plastic and image of a schoolboy-hero.

A year later, the first Avenger: Confrontation was released. The film immediately took the first lines of film ratings and became the highest grossing in 2016.

After this success, director James Gray invited the Englishman to the role of Jack Fawcett in his film "Lost City Z". The work was praised by critics as excellent.

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In July 2017, a blockbuster with Tom Holland "Spider-Man: Homecoming" is released. The new Marvel project becomes very successful, and the studio signs a contract with the young actor for four more films.

tom holland spiderman

In preparation for the starring role, actor Tom Holland (Spider-Man) even studied secretly at an American school. This helped him better understand the character of his hero.

Thomas also performed many acrobatic stunts himself. This was facilitated by dancing and gymnastics classes.

Working on the same site with Chris Evans and younger Robert Downey did not scare the young man, but only increased his professionalism and self-confidence. The venerable partners tried to help their younger companion.

Currently, the actor is working on the role of Samuel Insull in the film "Current War." Director Alfonso Gomez did not conduct castings, but immediately offered Holland to participate in the film. The biographical film will appear at the box office in December 2017.

Tom Holland and his girlfriend

Fans of the actor are also interested in his personal life. What kind of actor is Tom Holland off screen? The personal life of the Briton especially began to worry the press and fans after the release of Spider-Man. Many media attributed the British an affair with a partner - Zendaya. But young people are humorous about this kind of rumor and argue that there is only friendly relations between them. Zendaya even noted that the rumor about a joint vacation with Tom is a myth, because for the past three years she simply did not have a vacation.

In the actor’s homeland, journalists still managed to scout that Tom Holland and his girlfriend were seen in several crowded places. A pretty blonde named Ellie has known Spider-Man since she studied at the English acting school.

Now young people no longer hide their relationship. They try to spend all their free time together. They attend concerts, restaurants and movie premieres.

tom holland personal life

Despite the fact that Tom Holland and his girlfriend are making serious plans for the future, the actor’s father said that there will still be hobbies in his son’s life that will develop into love.

Tom, among other things, is a fan of the English club Arsenal. He adores his dog Tessie, and his brothers also dream of acting in films. Thomas's favorite film is Saving Private Ryan.

Creative plans

Tom Holland's films are known to a wide audience. He is prophesied a great future in the movies.

The British have already been invited to the role of Tod Hewitt in the youth drama "Treads of Chaos", which will begin shooting in late 2017.

In 2018-19. Marvel projects on the continuation of the adventures of the Avengers and Spider-Man should be released.

The young man himself believes that it is not necessary to rush too much on the way to fame, because this can lead to the fact that you begin to take it for granted. But he is ambitious and expects to become the owner of an Oscar at least once. Also, the actor is attracted by the director's work. He plans to become him in the next 20 years. In the meantime, the actor enjoys life and new movie roles!

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