The best urologist in Krasnoyarsk: reviews and recommendations

The full work of the kidneys and urethra, normal sex life and men's health - all this and much more is provided by a competent urologist. In Krasnoyarsk, a sufficient number of doctors work in this specialty. But judging by the patient reviews, not all of them are really good. To choose a suitable doctor, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the list of urologists of Krasnoyarsk presented below.

Skatov B.V.

Opens the list of the best specialists of Krasnoyarsk urologist andrologist of the highest category Boris Valeryevich Skatov. His experience is 22 years, and the rating based on positive reviews and skill level is 8.61 out of 10. A huge number of approving comments from patients on the Web is a confirmation of the medical success of the doctor. They write that Boris Valerievich is sincerely interested in each patient, and this is obvious. He conducts a detailed inspection, along with everything he talks and explains, answers all questions clearly, judiciously and slowly. Perhaps the lack of rush is the main guarantee of success in all cases of treatment with Boris Valerievich.

Urologist Skatov is admitted to the Healthy Family Clinic on Popov Street, 20, costs 1,200 rubles and is made by appointment. The doctor also makes trips to the house (from 2,500 rubles).

Eyubov I.T.

Ilgar Eyyubov

A good adult and pediatric urologist of Krasnoyarsk, as well as a narrow-field surgeon is a specialist of the highest category Ilgar Tapdygovich Eyyubov, who has been successfully working for 14 years and has earned a rating level of 8.57 out of 10. In the reviews they say that Ilgar Tapdygovich has golden hands and heart, and the level of knowledge is his area is simply brilliant. They note his accuracy, tact, ability to ask questions calmly and without putting patients in an awkward position. In appointments, the specialist adheres to an integrated approach, prescribing only the most necessary medicines, and compensating for the rest with home and hospital procedures.

The urologist Eyubov leads his appointment at the Bionika Clinic on 151 Lenin Street and at Berzon Hospital No. 20 on Instrumentalnaya Street 12.

Andriyanov A.V.

With a rating of 8.22 out of 10 and 17 years of experience, urological, andrological and surgical practice is conducted by a doctor of the highest category Andrei Valerievich Andriyanov. Reviews are left by regular customers of Andrey Valerievich, and those who have been treated or operated on for the first time. They respond equally well to the work of the doctor. They write that he is an attentive and kind, first-class specialist who knows how to listen and listen to patients, then acting in accordance with their requests, and prescribing the most convenient treatment in execution.

You can make an appointment with a urologist Andriyanov at the Arnika Clinic on 9a Red Square and at the ambulance hospital on Kurchatov Street 17.

Berezhnoy A.G.

Alexander Berezhnoy

Candidate of Medical Sciences, a urologist of the highest qualification category with 22 years of experience - all this is a doctor Alexander G. Berezhnoy. His rating is 7.98 out of 10. Many patients write that the doctor has a surname: Berezhnoy. He is incredibly careful about his patients and their health. This is due to the accuracy of Alexander Grigorievich during the inspection, and his sensitive tact and with an attentive attitude to every little thing. Careful is the treatment prescribed by the specialist - he does not abuse antibiotics and strong drugs, trying to compensate for some medications with folk remedies or with suitable procedures.

In Krasnoyarsk, the reception of the urologist Berezhnoy is carried out in a road hospital, which is located on 47 Lomonosov Street.

Okladnikov A. Yu.

Alexey Okladnikov

Judging by the large number of good reviews, the urologist in Krasnoyarsk worthy of attention is Aleksey Yulievich Okladnikov, a top-level doctor with an impressive 35 years of experience and a rating of 7.73 out of 10. In the reviews, patients call Aleksey Yulievich “the right doctor”: moderately strict, very competent in matters of his specialty, intelligent and intelligent, able to joke appropriately, cheer up and - most importantly - cure in a fairly short time. It is also noted that Alexei Yulievich does not prescribe the most expensive drugs, but compiles a list of alternative, more budget drugs.

You can make an appointment with the urologist Okladnikov in the ambulance hospital on Kurchatov street, 17.

Tonacheva O. G.

Olga Tonacheva

Olga Gennadyevna Tonacheva, a specialist of the highest qualification category with 24 years of experience and a rating of 7.73 out of 10, is a very good urologist in Krasnoyarsk. In their reviews, many patients call Olga Gennadyevna their guardian angel, skillfully combining professionalism, gentle humanity in work and strict competence, as well as tact, kindness and a desire to provide all possible and overwhelming help. Since one of Olga Gennadyevna’s specialization profiles is oncological urology, some patients, without exaggeration, thank her for saving her life.

Uonologist Tonacheva is ready to receive her patients at the 120/80 medical center on 70 Markovsky Street and at the Kryzhanovsky Regional Oncology Center on Pervaya Smolenskaya 16.

Khlebnova E. Yu.

The same rating as the two previous specialists - 7.73 out of 10, belongs to the urologist in Krasnoyarsk Elena Yuryevna Khlebnikova, the owner of the highest qualification category and 25 years of professional experience. It is with great pleasure that Elena Yuryevna's clients note in their comments the comfort and warmth that the specialist creates at his receptions. Some write that they were terribly afraid to go to such a doctor for the first time, but only talked for a few minutes with Elena Yuryevna — they immediately forgot all fears, relaxed, and calmly withstood all manipulations and analyzes. A careful and serious approach to business allows a specialist to treat targeted, competently and very quickly.

An appointment with a urologist Khlebnova can be made at the clinic number 1 on Mira Avenue, 46.

Glustsov I.L.

Igor Glustsov

Igor Leonidovich Glustsov is a urologist of the highest category, with 26 years of experience and a rating level of 5.83 points out of 10. In many comments about Igor Leonidovich’s work, you can read about very difficult cases in which this doctor helped people get rid of moments of suffering and return to full, healthy life. Judging by the reviews, Igor Leonidovich does his work easily, never exaggerates, he says the diagnosis as it is, but at the same time he mentally prepares the patients for difficult treatment, but for a close recovery. In many ways, it is the right attitude that helps Igor Leonidovich to carry out urological treatment so effectively.

In Krasnoyarsk, the urologist Glustsov takes in the clinic "Three Hearts" on Vysotnaya Street, 2/1 and in the hospital for military veterans of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on 11 Vilsky Street.

Cherepanova T.V.

Tatyana Cherepanova

Urologist and narrow-profile surgeon Tatyana Valentinovna Grakova has been successfully working for her profession for 18 years, she is a doctor of the highest category and has a rating of 5.77 out of 10. Judging by the reviews, none of the patients have any doubts that Tatyana Valentinovna sincerely loves her work and help people. She is called very kind, sweet and soft, able to correctly understand what is expected of her, to conduct a survey competently and quickly. Tatyana Valentinovna’s treatment is always individual and complex, combining medicines and procedures.

You can make an appointment with a urologist Cherepanova in a road hospital on 47 Lomonosov Street, as well as in the Good Doctor clinic on 31 Uritsky Street.

Chernyshev V.A.

Vladislav Chernyshev

The list of the best urologists in Krasnoyarsk is completed by a doctor of the highest category Vladislav Anatolyevich Chernyshev, who has been working in his profession for more than 20 years and also combines the specialties of andrologist and highly specialized ultrasound doctor. Most of all, patients in the treatment of Vladislav Anatolevich like softness and comfort. The doctor rarely prescribes antibiotics, prescribing decoctions, physiotherapy and procedures, as well as medications aimed at the complex treatment of the whole organism. This allows you to quickly and harmlessly solve the problem, as well as, in most cases, eliminate the possibility of its return.

The urologist Chernyshev takes his patients in the androgynecological clinic on Zatonskaya street, 7.

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