Hydrocolonotherapy: how is the procedure carried out at home. Hydrocolonotherapy - what is it?

Hydrocolonotherapy is recognized as one of the most effective bowel cleansing methods. What is it, it is easy to understand. This procedure is also called intestinal cleansing.

Process description

Hydrocolonotherapy what is it
Hydrocolonotherapy is carried out using a special apparatus. The patient is laid on his back or side and asked to relax. To activate the intestines, the doctor or nurse can do a light massage of the abdomen.

A hose is introduced to the patient through which water, salt or herbal infusion enters the intestine. The device has a special structure, thanks to which all the liquid leaving a person goes directly to a sealed container. At the same time, a person can see the contents of his intestines, but he will not feel any unpleasant odors.

Throughout the session with the patient, there is always a specialist who monitors the progress of hydrocolonotherapy. What does this come out of you, he can explain in detail. He will also monitor your well-being and abdominal pressure.

The average session lasts about 30 minutes. For a complete bowel cleansing, doctors recommend 3 to 10 procedures. During each of them, about 20 liters of water are poured.

Features of the procedure

Hydrocolonotherapy at home
During hardware cleaning, even with the introduction of a specified volume of water, fluid does not enter the small intestine. But the process of hydrocolonoscopy, during which either a warm or a cool solution is poured alternately, can cause a natural cleansing of this department. The liver and kidneys are also involved.

It should be prepared that after the end of the procedure there will be a little discomfort. Some people feel sick, others feel weak, many complain of anxiety in the intestines after the completion of hydrocolonotherapy. What is it, do not worry. Usually, health is restored quite quickly. You can normalize the condition by drinking warm tea or putting a heating pad on your stomach.

Indications for

Appearance, well-being, degree of human activity depends on the work of his intestines. Snacks, unsystematic nutrition, the use of fried and fatty foods, stresses lead to the fact that it becomes clogged. Decomposition products, poisons accumulate in it, the fermentation process is going on. The total weight of feces can reach 25 kg. At the same time, they poison the blood. Any deterioration, decreased performance, lethargy indicate that the body is in the process of intoxication. So he needs cleaning.

Doctors distinguish a number of indications in which it is desirable to do hydrocolonotherapy. These include:

- intestinal dysfunction: regular constipation or diarrhea;

- overweight, obesity;

- intestinal toxicosis;

- disorders of the immune system, expressed by frequent respiratory diseases, various causeless dermatitis;

- dyskinesia of the large intestine (violation of its motor function and tone);

- intoxication (chemical, alcoholic, narcotic);

- unpleasant body odor;

bloating and gas;

- inflammatory diseases, vaginitis, cervical erosion in women, prostate adenoma in men.

Hydrocolonotherapy helps to significantly alleviate the condition. How the procedure goes, it is best to find out at the medical center where you plan to do it. Although the principles of its implementation are the same everywhere.


Colon Hydrocolonotherapy
If you decide to cleanse your intestines, then you will need to find out what needs to be done first. Proper preparation is the key to the fact that the procedure will take place without any excesses, and you will get the maximum benefit from it.

Three days before hydrocolonoscopy, it is necessary to abandon the use of animal fats. In addition, baking with bran, cabbage, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, rye bread, various carbonated drinks and alcohol are prohibited.

It is preferable to eat cereals cooked in water. It can be rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. Small amounts of fish and poultry without fat are possible. Steamed beets will be useful. Of fermented milk products, kefir, homemade yogurt without additives, herbal tea, and juice without sugar are recommended.

It is also advisable to start taking Espumisan, activated charcoal 2 days before hydrocolonotherapy is given to you. How is the purification process going, you will be able to understand very soon. Before the session itself, you need to eat at least 4 hours.


In some situations, intestinal cleansing is not recommended. Contraindications include the following problems:

- complicated anemia;

- problems of the cardiovascular system;

- pregnancy;

- kidney problems;

- the presence of a hernia;

- exacerbation of hemorrhoids;

- polyps in any of the intestines;

- malignant tumors;

- intracavitary bleeding;

- damage to the walls of the intestine;

- exacerbation of colitis;

- adhesive processes ;

- recovery after surgery.

In such situations, doctors do not recommend a procedure such as hydrocolonotherapy. The harm from carrying it out may be more than the potential benefit.

Expected effect

Hydrocolonotherapy as it goes
If you are thinking about cleansing the intestines, then you should know that in most cases several procedures are necessary. But besides this, it is important to change your diet, increase your physical activity and try to change your thinking. All this in a complex will save the effect of bowel cleansing.

The procedure of hydrocolonotherapy allows you to normalize the digestion process, improve the condition of the skin, establish a mode of intestinal functioning and remove all manifestations of intoxication of the body.

Among the main advantages of the procedure are the following:

- normalization of stool and the formation of feces, improved motility;

- restoration of blood supply to organs located in the peritoneum, - stagnant masses in the intestine worsen this process;

- weight reduction;

- improvement of immunity - it occurs due to the fact that the connection of the lymphatic system and intestinal mucosa is restored.

Home treatments

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to carry out hydrocolonotherapy not only in a specialized clinic. The procedure can be done at home, though its technology will be noticeably different.

If you do not want to trust your body to specialists or you are afraid of the volume of liquid used during hardware cleaning, then you can stop on another option. Hydrocolonotherapy at home should be carried out only after a conversation with a doctor.

It is carried out as follows. A person on an empty stomach should drink about 2 liters of water. It should be salted (at the rate of 3 tsp. For the entire volume of liquid) and heated to 40 ยฐ C. Such a solution will wash the intestines, and not be absorbed into the mucous membrane. To increase the laxative effect, you can drink magnesium sulfate.

Such home hydrocolonotherapy is also called through bowel cleansing. For its holding, it is advisable to choose a day on which you do not have to go anywhere, and no one will bother you. Drink water in small portions. Immediately you can pour in 2 cups, and then one at a time.

Salt water has a pronounced laxative effect. The effectiveness of the procedure will be evidenced by the fact that during bowel movements pure water will come out. The specified procedure is done 3-5 times with intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Required addition

Hydrocolonotherapy procedure

In order to help salt water move through the digestive system, there are special exercises. It is advisable to learn how to perform them in advance so as not to be distracted by the study of performance techniques during cleaning.

  1. To open the pylorus and filling the duodenum, it is necessary to stand upright. Between the feet should be about 30 cm. The fingers of the hands need to be clasped, then turn the palms and raise them above you to the ceiling. With such a lock on your hands, you need to make 4 tilts in each direction.
  2. The next step is for water to enter the small intestine. The position does not change, only the right hand straightens in front of you, and the left bends so that the thumb and index finger can touch the collarbone. In this case, you need to turn to the right and take your bent arm as far back as possible. It is better to fix the gaze on the fingers of an outstretched hand. Repeat 4 times for each of them.
  3. In order for water to pass through the small intestine, it is better to lie down and make turns with the body so that when you turn, you see the heels of the legs.
  4. It is possible to help the fluid move into the large intestine: it is necessary to squat down, between the legs should be 30 cm. After this, sit on the left heel, the left knee must be lowered to the ground in the middle of the right foot. Hands should be locked in the lock behind the right knee. Turn right, the knee of the right leg should rest against the stomach. For each of the legs, repeat the exercise 4 times.
  5. The final step is to rise on toes and a sharp lowering to a full foot for 15 seconds.

Hydrocolonotherapy at home should be performed according to the following scheme: drank water - did all the exercises - went to empty the intestines.

Age restrictions

Hydrocolonotherapy how is the procedure

According to generally established norms, the procedure is carried out no earlier than 16 years. But there are exceptional cases when hydrocolonotherapy can be recommended to three-year-olds. What is it, it is better to warn the baby in advance, just do not scare him with the details. Suffice it to say that the doctor will clean the tummy a little.

The procedure is prescribed for allergy sufferers, babies with chronic gastritis, dysbiosis and biliary duct dyskinesia. For problems with bowel movements, such a radical method is not required. It is enough to make a regular cleansing enema.

Slimming procedure

Most people do hydrocolonotherapy for therapeutic purposes. But there are those who want to lose weight with it. It is quite real. Depending on the initial weight and the level of slagging of the body, you can lose from 2 to 12 kg in just 1 session.

In addition, the procedure allows you to continue to lose weight further. It removes toxins accumulated in the intestine, cleans its walls. All this improves its peristalsis and affects the metabolic rate. Of course, it is not worth hoping that after the procedure the fat will resolve itself. But the process of losing weight will be given a powerful impetus.

In addition, intestinal hydrocolonotherapy reduces the volume of the abdomen and increases the tone of the anterior abdominal wall. In addition, it is an impetus for revising nutrition.

Necessary changes

Home hydrocolonotherapy
It is important to note that it is possible to consolidate the result of the performed procedures only by changing your lifestyle. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of separate nutrition. Only it can prevent the onset of fermentation in the intestines.

It is desirable to exclude fatty foods, pastries, limit the use of legumes, cabbage and other products that cause bloating. Many say that rejecting these products does not bring discomfort. The body itself changes its preferences. With great appetite, people begin to eat fruits, fresh vegetables, drink herbal teas and decoctions without sugar.

It is also advisable to drink preparations designed to restore microflora. This may be, for example, the probiotic "Simbiter", the pharmaceutical preparation "Linex" or other analogues.

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