The film "The White Crow": actors, roles, plot. Actor and comedian Mitch Mullany

The topic of this article is a comedy called The White Crow. Actors in it played little-known. At least it was at the time the comedy was released, and it happened in 1999. Social problems, the abundance of criminal elements in the American black ghetto - all this is shown in The White Raven. The actors played their roles well, but without a hint of tragedy. The script has a lot of rude, situational humor. All this attracts the audience, but does not allow you to take seriously the "White Raven".

Actor and comedian

The main role was played by Mitch Mullany. The actor began his career with performances in the stand-up genre. In the late nineties, Mallany got bored of his monotonous, albeit creative, work, and he decided to try his hand at literature. He did not write a novel, but the newly-minted writer managed to do something. Namely, to compose a script. He called Mullani his "Black sheep."

white crow actors

The actor played the main role in the film according to his own script. In the filmography of his only six works. Among them, only one scenario is โ€œThe White Crowโ€. The actor, unfortunately, passed away nine years after his film debut at the age of thirty-nine. What is the comedy about in the creation of which Mitch Mullany acted both as a screenwriter and as the main character?

White african american

The film tells about the fun and reckless life of a white guy named Derrick King, who lives in the black quarter. His biological parents are far away in Ireland. Mother abandoned Derrick when he was very young. The boy was adopted by a large black family. And now a young man who grew up in a poor black quarter behaves like a typical African American. Moreover, the protagonist allows himself such liberties in dealing with his harsh stepmother, which her own children dare not.

Banishment from Home

He feels absolutely at ease in rather uncomfortable conditions. Derrick is not confused by his skin color, which is atypical for a black ghetto. Once he brings a girl into the house in order to go with her to closer communication. But unexpectedly is the mother. She finds her adopted son in a shameful affair right in her own home. An angry woman drives a girl of easy virtue out the door, and the guy himself receives a strict warning. Then he gives the main character a simple at first glance task - to go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of milk.

Crow movie actors

The young man, realizing that he had committed a serious misconduct, goes to the store without further ado. However, he immediately forgets what his adoptive parent asked for. This overflows the patience of a woman. She just puts the poor fellow out the door.

Further Adventures of Derrick

But the trouble for the guy is not over. A careless worker is fired from his job. In addition, the police confiscate the car, writing a bunch of fines for the improper appearance of the car. Such problems, which fell on the shoulders of a person in one day, will break anyone, but not the hero of the film "The White Crow". He goes to seek help and solve his troubles on the street, where, in fact, he spent most of his life. Here a good-natured young man helps a kid who is in trouble, who is trading under illegal drugs from under the floor. And then really difficult times come in King's life. Derrick accidentally crosses the road to the local criminal authority.

white crows actors and roles

In White Crow himself, musician George Clinton played. The only female role in the comedy was played by Loretta Devine, a popular actress in the United States, winner of the Emmy Award for her role in the series Anatomy of Passion. Other actors in the movie "The White Crow": Darius McCrary, Lamont Bentley, Edwin Hodge. The comedy was also played by rapper and TV host Elin Nathaniel Joyner.

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