Owl tattoo on forearm, neck, leg: the meaning of stuffing

Owl tattoo on the forearm has a special meaning and significance. In different countries, this bird is considered a magical creature. Such a tattoo can be suitable for people who want to fully understand the world. The Indians considered the owl feathers a very strong amulet, they always asked these birds for help.


owl tattoo on forearm

This unusual tattoo has several meanings: wisdom and learning new knowledge. In ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of the goddess Athena.

This bird can easily see in the dark, but people can’t master this quality. The ability to "see in the dark" for a person means to have a special gift, also to know a way out of any difficult situation.

Owl has a special "voice", in some cultures it is associated with the other world. In Hinduism, it is customary to consider the bird to some extent a vehicle of souls to other dimensions. This is not the best value, but despite this factor, many still want a tattoo.

Stuffing places

A male owl tattoo on the forearm may be the same as for women. But not only can they get this tattoo, consider the most popular places for stuffing.

  • Tattoo on the back.

Most often, an owl with spread wings is captured on its back, there is a particularly large space for the greatness of this bird. This helps the owner allegedly feel his wings.

  • On the neck.

At this place, very rarely do tattoos. But if they stuff it there, then it’s often just an owl. This protects the wearer from various dangers, because the owl has the ability to see all sides around it. For a man, it will be a talisman.

  • Owl tattoo on the forearm.
men's owl tattoo

This is the most popular place for such an original tattoo. If the picture is large enough, then it can also capture the shoulder, if small, it takes up only part of the arm.

  • On the foot.

If a girl stuffs a tattoo, then it’s mostly a hip, and if a man is a shin. There are a lot of examples of sketches, so everyone can choose the right tattoo for themselves.

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