Cultivator KPS-4: working principle, tuning, advantages

To improve the quality of the crop, increase its quantity, it is necessary to periodically conduct measures to increase soil saturation with water, improve nutrition and create conditions for normal seed germination. The cultivator KPS-4, an indispensable and inexpensive assistant when working in the field, will help in solving the tasks.

Description and principle of operation

This cultivator is a frame structure mounted or trailed type. In the second case, it is additionally equipped with support wheels. The main working elements are attached to the frame - universal lancet or loosening legs.

The main purpose of the device is loosening the surface of the field. At the same time, the KPS-4 cultivator solves the problem of weed control and leveling the subgrade. For operation, the design needs a traction tractor of a draft class of 1.4 tons. Under such conditions, its productivity will be at least 4 hectares per hour.

Cultivator KPS 4
The principle of operation of the unit is similar to the operation of conventional attachments. Having entered the processed area, the driver, controlling the hydraulic system, brings the system to working condition. Paws, or lancet organs, under their own weight, speed and cut into the ground at a specified depth.

The cutting edges of the working elements cut the roots of weeds, and the broadened part of the part causes the soil to rise up and break up into small particles, while leveling the surface. For best performance, a tooth harrow is installed on the KPS-4 cultivator.

Types of equipment for the cultivator KPS-4

On the agricultural equipment market, there are two types of land cultivation products that differ in their shape and purpose. The first category includes lancet paws, which are intended for:

  • for loosening the fertile layer without carrying the wet layers to the surface;
  • to control weeds by pruning their roots.

The lancet paws on the KPS-4 cultivator differ from each other by the width of the working surface, which varies from 27 to 33 cm. The penetration depth is 12 cm. The stronger the overgrowth of the field with "extraneous" plants, the greater the width of the component. Good results are achieved with a combination of universal parts.

KPS 4 cultivator rack
Loosening legs can also be installed on the equipment, which penetrate deep into the soil by 16 cm and are used to select weeds propagated by the roots from the soil. Processing with the presented component is able to protect the fields from filling with โ€œnon-culturalโ€ flora.

Setting the cultivator KPS-4

To adjust the cultivator KPS-4.2, as well as KPS-4, is installed on a flat, preferably solid platform. The tractor and the structure raise 2-4 cm less than the required penetration depth of the paws above the ground.

KPS cultivator 4 Price
Using the hydraulic cylinder, the cultivator is brought into working position - the cutting elements are lowered to the ground so that:

  • universal feet along the entire surface of the cutting edges touched the site;
  • the loosening elements rested on the ground with a point.

At the same time, the steam distributor of the traction equipment is installed in a neutral position. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the KPS-4 cultivator rack, pressure rods abut their heads against the inserts.

In cases where this does not happen, it is necessary, moving the rods closer to the leashes of the working elements and removing the adjusting pads, to achieve the desired position. After that, the angle of inclination of the cutting edges is determined. If the soil is soft, adjustment is not required. To handle heavy soils, the paws are attached with an adjustment screw inclined 2-3 degrees forward.

Features of a cultivator KPS-4

A feature of the presented equipment is its adaptability to any type of soil, except for fields with a large amount of large stubble and composed of coarse soil. With its help, you can prepare the area for sowing and carry out processing of the territory after harvest.

cultivator KPS 4 2
Another feature that the KPS-4 cultivator has is the price. On average, in Russia it is within 90 thousand rubles, which is disproportionately small for such reliable, powerful and productive equipment. The construction will pay off in one season.

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