Pedagogical system

The pedagogical system is the interconnection of such components as the purpose of education, the learning side (teacher and student), the basis, methodology and form of the educational process and means. The key point of any teacher’s activity is the main task - the education of a person who is capable of rational actions and striving for the final result. The pedagogical goal includes the moral, aesthetic, philosophical and other aspects of the vision of the perfect person and helps to identify his purpose in public life.

The pedagogical system is a group of people who set educational tasks before themselves, and then solve them. They can be performed using various methods in educational, educational and training activities, which are aimed at achieving the main tasks in their creative work with children.

The pedagogical system includes a number of subsystems. These are all social institutions that perform educational functions and are combined into a single educational concept. The main subsystem in education is school. In the general education system, it consists of the following subsystems - a gymnasium, a lyceum, a college, etc. A direction has also been created for the training of teachers and educators for various kinds of educational institutions (special and higher).

All training methods are different in meaning and direction, they differ in organization and purpose. For example, pre-school education. Its main educational order is a kindergarten, and the subsystem is 24-hour kindergartens, specialized for weakened children, etc.

There are author's pedagogical systems that were developed by such leading educators as Y. Komensky, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Makarenko and V. Sukhomlinsky. These are classics teachers.

We examined systems and subsystems. What is their structure? The pedagogical system identifies four interconnected details: teachers, students, material base and means, and their close interaction as a result forms the pedagogical process. The main task of educational and methodological work is to realize the goals that society sets.

Professor V.P. Simonov said that there are nine components of the pedagogical system. They are interconnected and always interact with each other. These include goals, as well as those who manage pedagogical systems, and those who manage them, the “subject-subject-object” relationship, training and education activities and their methods, pedagogical techniques, organizational areas of learning and the result of all work.

Each pedagogical system must fulfill special functions and achieve the fulfillment of goals. There are governing and guided in the process of obtaining education. The former are educators and teachers, and the latter are those whom they educate. Each student is a person, he participates in the learning process, manifesting himself, and thereby personal formation and development.

The management of pedagogical systems includes a number of principles - this is consistency in the learning process, the link between justification and management, objective and reliable information, humane and democratic upbringing and education. The main attention is paid to publicity, as this is the basis of openness and obtaining accessible information, when each participant in the educational process is not only always up to date with school problems, but is also a member of their discussion and solution. Modern education is not a monologue, but a dialogue between managers and governed. This is the observance of the principle of democracy and the proper management of education.

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