How to manage a horse: rider's motive, necessary commands, body position, whip and spurs

Humanity throughout its existence is continuously associated with horses. Before the advent of specialized equipment and automobiles, these animals were used for hard work, transportation of goods and movement. Today, all this is entrusted to vehicles, and stallions are used for ordinary riding, equestrian sports and walking. Therefore, many people are interested in how to drive a horse on horseback. Let's look at this issue in more detail, so that even novice riders can quickly master this art.

General recommendations

How to drive a horse?

There are some tips that will make it easier to answer the question of how beginners manage a horse on horseback. Before riding a horse, you must first have a comfortable saddle. Undoubtedly, some nationalities can cope with a horse without it without problems, but a novice may experience very big problems. Even if the mare has a calm and complaisant disposition, it will be impossible to stay on it in an uncomfortable harness. In addition, you must master certain commands that are understandable to the animal. They will be described in detail a little later.

Preparatory Activities

So what are they? If you ask a professional how to manage a horse, he will answer that this lesson has many nuances and strict rules that must be followed. It is very important that the future rider has learned one thing: a steed is not a transport, therefore it should be treated accordingly. Each animal has its own characteristics of character and behavior, and if you do not take them into account, you will not be able to find a common language with the stallion or mare.

When you first interact with a horse, pay attention to how it reacts to your presence. First try to establish contact with the stallion so that he is not afraid of you, and only after that proceed to mount the ammunition. In this case, a coach must be present. Before saddling a horse, make sure that the harness is securely, but not tightened too much, otherwise it can pinch the chest of the animal, preventing it from breathing normally. Adjust the height of the stirrups so that you can sit comfortably in the saddle. And only after completing all the preparatory measures you can climb onto the back of your mustang. And about how to properly manage the horse, you will learn later in this article.

How to ride a horse?

Horse riding training

Let's dwell on this in more detail. In order for the animal to behave obediently and carry out all the commands of the rider, it must be harnessed to the harness.

To make it easier for you to cope with everything, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Carefully inspect the stallion so that its torso does not have dried dirt, scratches or open wounds. If even the slightest damage is detected, the equipment can hurt the mount, as a result of which it will throw you off your back.
  2. Lock the animal in one position using interchanges.
  3. Put on his back a special lining under the saddle, which is responsible for absorbing sweat and preventing chafing.
  4. Lay the saddle on top so that the front connecting bar is near the back of the mane.
  5. Tighten and lock the lower belts so that two fingers slip freely between them.
  6. Adjust the stirrups. If everything is done correctly, then they must be on a par with your forearm in a fit state.
  7. Install the bib and neck. They will fix the saddle, and it will be easier for you to stay in it.
  8. If you are a beginner rider and still do not know how to manage a horse without a bridle, then install it. This item of equipment will greatly simplify the riding process.

After all this has been done, the animal will be fully prepared to go on horseback riding on it.

How to stay in the saddle?

Girl on a horse

So what do you need to know about this? If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to learn how to control a horse, then you must first learn the basics of riding a horse. Otherwise, you can not resist and fall from the stallion to the ground.

When you climb a mustang, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Stand on the right side of the horse facing him, and then throw the reins over the neck.
  2. Holding on to the bow of the saddle and putting your left foot in the corresponding stirrup, quickly throw the second lower limb over his torso, thus seated in the saddle.

At the same time, you should be extremely careful not to touch the horse’s croup with your foot, since this is one of its most sensitive parts. The animal can react unpredictably even to a small blow and throw the rider from the back. When you climb into the saddle, relax and take a comfortable position.

It is worth noting that even if you get along with a stallion and ride it without problems, this does not mean that you will be able to ride it. If you don’t know how to steer a horse correctly, then it will simply not listen to you. The basics of this ancient craftsmanship will be discussed a bit later.

How to dismount?

After riding, you will need to get off the animal and not fall at the same time. In fact, you need to repeat the process described above in reverse order. The most important thing to remember is that it is forbidden to dismount right away. First of all, let the reins go a bit and take your legs out of the stirrups, after which you should jump to the ground. Next, you need to remove all the ammunition from the animal and take it to the stall.

Riding Basics

Horse contact

So, in fact, we came to the answer to the question of how to manage a horse. It may seem complicated, but it’s actually very simple. There are only three types of teams that horses respond to.

They are served using the following:

  1. The body of a rider.
  2. His feet.
  3. Reins.

It is immediately worth noting that any signals given by the rider can be understood exclusively by a specially trained horse. At the same time, not only separate teams are used during the ride, but they can also be combined so that the mare understands them better.

Additional controls to the steed are the whip and spurs. They are made of special materials, so they do absolutely no harm to the health of the stallion. A man controls a horse and uses them in order to strengthen the commands given. But you must be competent in calculating your strength, otherwise you can hurt the mustang.

How to use the body?

Horse riding

How to control a horse with a torso? It is quite simple if you are sitting in the saddle correctly. The center of gravity of the rider and the animal must coincide, so that they are as if one, and act in unison.

As for the main movements, they are as follows:

  • lean forward - order the horse to start moving;
  • tilt back - on the contrary, stop;
  • the shift of the center of gravity to either side is a turn.

All teams should be given exclusively in a sitting position and in the same rhythm. In no case should you lift in the saddle.

Work with legs and reins

How to drive a horse with a shankel and belts? Everything here is no more complicated than in the case of the rider’s torso, and with a little practice, you can do everything fully automatically.

The basic rules are as follows:

  • when giving commands to the lower limbs, do not tear them from the sides of the horse;
  • the severity of the stallion's response depends on the intensity and strength of the movement;
  • signaling with your feet is best in the area of ​​the back girth;
  • to indicate the mare to move forward, you need to give a command at the same time from both sides;
  • to turn, a command is sent with the schenkel from the side where the maneuver is needed.

It is worth noting that you should first give commands to the lower limbs, and only then - reins. But most often they are used in symbiosis.

In this case, the essence is completely similar:

  • slightly tighten the occasion - stop;
  • shake - moving forward;
  • pull on either side - turn.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to carry out movements with reins too much, since in this case there is a risk of damage to the animal’s lips with a metal mouthpiece of stirrups. Therefore, be sure to calculate the strength.

Main teams

This aspect needs special attention. We have already considered how to give signals to a horse, however, as mentioned earlier, each animal has its own personality and character, so contact is not always formed between him and the rider. How to drive a naughty horse, you ask? For this, the commands are shared. There is nothing complicated in this, so even a beginner can cope with everything.

To make the horse move forward, it is necessary to slightly release the tension of the reins, at the same time send a message on both sides with your feet and tilt the body slightly forward. If you want the mare to run faster, then in this case you need to tighten the belts, thereby lifting the head of the steed, then push with the schenkels and lean even more towards the horse’s head.

Horse riding

To make a turn, you need to pull the occasion on the side in which you want to perform the maneuver, and on the other hand, let it go. In this case, you also need to lightly press the foot on the side of the animal. In the same way, a complete turn is made both when standing in one place, and during movement.

To stop completely, the rider needs to pull the reins and lean back a little. If the animal refuses to obey, then signals are sent with the help of pendants on the sides of the stallion until the command is executed.

Here, in fact, are all the basic commands that are used while riding horses. Remember them, and having worked out a little, your body will do everything on an intuitive level.

General tips and tricks

We examined in detail how to drive a horse. However, horseback riding is a very dangerous activity, which is associated with a high risk of injury, so you should also talk about the basic safety rules.

In order not to fall off the horse and not break something for yourself, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to keep your back in a perfectly level position, and the whole body - relaxed. So it will be much easier for you to give commands, and you will feel much more confident in the saddle.
  2. Give orders to the steed mainly with reins and pendants to maintain a balance point.
  3. Do not apply too much force when tensioning the belts so as not to injure or hurt the mustang.

These simple tips will help you ride horses safely and minimize your risk of injury.


Girl with a horse

Learning to manage horses is very simple and will be absolutely possible for everyone. The main thing is not to forget at the same time that stallions are not cars, so they need careful handling. If you respect them, then they will always obediently behave.

A horse is a very sensitive animal that perceives absolutely all your emotions. Therefore, if you are going to saddle her in a bad mood, then it is better not to do this.

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