"Define the functional-semantic type of speech of this passage," - such a task is often present in the exam in the Russian language. This article will be helpful in preparing for this exam. Also, several chapters will discuss the difference between this classification of texts and some others.
The main functional-semantic types of speech
As the name implies, this classification of texts is based on their intended use for one purpose or another.
The main functional-semantic types of speech: description, reasoning and narration. Each of them has its own distinctive features and, depending on the style of the text, may have certain expressive means.
It is worth remembering!
Sometimes in the variants of the answer to a similar question in the USE are present, along with really existing functional-semantic types of speech, and text styles. Therefore, you need to draw a line between these two concepts.
Types of speech characterize the text in terms of its functional purpose, and styles are systems of certain artistic language expressive means. The latter include such varieties of speech as scientific, journalistic, artistic, conversational, and some others. For clarity, each of these speech styles will be briefly discussed below.
Language of Science and Documents
As a rule, such texts are extremely squeezed, laconic expression of the author’s thought. For example, in scientific works, any subjective judgments are unacceptable, but on the contrary, their authors should strive for absolute objectivity, which is manifested in the proof of each controversial statement. Such writings usually lack emotionality. Therefore, reading them for a person who does not belong to certain circles is not a common thing.
In addition, the scientific style of literature implies the presence of numerous terms, most often having a foreign origin (most of these words came from Greek or Latin), each of which requires a separate consideration and interpretation. This is because in Europe the first scientific research was usually undertaken by Catholic monks, and the language of worship, which was considered the most acceptable also for all official literature, was Latin.
For this reason, studies at the first universities that were founded during the Middle Ages were conducted in this ancient language. In addition, the basis of the training course in any subject was the works of ancient Greek and Roman scholars, which were read by students in the original.
In addition to this style of speech, there is also a formal one, which is intended for the compilation of various official documents. He is an even more ordered variety of scientific style. Such texts, as a rule, are characterized by various cliches, the observance of which is a prerequisite for the compilation of business papers.
Such documents also lack any emotionality and opinions of the authors. And the creators of these texts themselves, as a rule, are not indicated. This style is the most impersonal of all.
The newspapers write ...
The journalistic style can be called an intermediate link between the artistic and the scientific. Here, as in the latter, there is a certain clarity and logic of the presentation of thoughts, the vocabulary characteristic of academic work is often used. Nevertheless, in journal and newspaper articles, as well as in brochures, there is much more freedom for the author. He can express his personal opinion about certain phenomena, use lexical means characteristic of colloquial speech, as well as rhetorical questions.
All this gives the press materials the necessary emotionality, which helps to attract the readership.
Literary and non-literary language
Novels, short stories, short stories, and other genres of literature are characterized by an artistic style of speech. It is the richest in terms of lexical diversity, as well as the presence of various means of expression, which are often used by the authors in order to make their works more vivid.
Literary works may also contain elements of all other speech styles. For example, to give the statements of a character more vitality and certainty, words characteristic of the spoken vocabulary are used.
This kind of speech is the least structured and logically structured. Here, elements of other styles can be mixed in one sentence.
Also, in such texts the phrase is often constructed according to a pattern that is not characteristic and is even considered erroneous in scientific fiction.
Text Assignment
Having examined the various styles characteristic of the language of certain works, you need to return directly to the topic of this article and characterize each of the functional-semantic types of speech. Since now readers of the article should not have problems distinguishing these classifications.
Item Feature
Functional-semantic types of speech, as already mentioned, include narration, description and reasoning. In this chapter the first of them will be considered. Description as a functional-semantic type of speech is their most static variety. In texts where it is required to characterize a particular subject or phenomenon, the description is used.
Moreover, the style of such literature can be anything: from scientific to colloquial, because in each area of ​​a person’s life a situation may arise when one person must transmit information about something to familiar or unfamiliar people.
The following structure is characteristic of this functional-semantic type of speech. The presentation of the material must necessarily include a reference to an object or phenomenon with the subsequent disclosure of its characteristic properties. If we turn to the formal style of speech, the description may be present, for example, in the instructions for use of household appliances and other equipment.
As a rule, such texts do not contain information about the author, are utterly impersonal. Their structure is quite clear. In such literature, as well as in scientific, the description includes exclusively confirmed information, which is logically proven. The properties of the objects and phenomena that are mentioned are only significant features.
In a colloquial style of speech, the description may not contain mention of the subject of the conversation. For example, when two people communicate near a building, and one tells the other about which organizations are inside the building, then he does not have to name this object, but can use it as a subject pronoun, or simply indicate with a gesture the house, which is currently being discussed.
Most often, philologists classify the description as static functional-semantic types of speech, but it can also be produced in the process of development. For example, when the author describes how nature changes when the time of day changes.
In any case, most often speaking of any action, usually use imperfect verbs. For example, it didn’t do, but did, and so on. As a rule, a certain object is considered as something that exists at the moment. Therefore, there is no indication of its change over time, which means that the use of various supplements is minimized. Proposals are usually interconnected in parallel, that is, one of them is not a consequence of the other. All objects are described according to the "snowball" principle, that is, from the beginning of the story to its completion, the reader gradually receives more and more information about the topic of interest to him. In the end, he should get a fairly complete picture.
In fiction, this functional-semantic type of speech, as a rule, is found in the description of the appearance and inner world of the heroes of a work. In works built on the classical principle, such fragments are placed on display.
Language of memoirs and explanatory notes
The functional-semantic type of speech narration, in contrast to the type described in the previous chapter, is an integral attribute of texts in which it is necessary to display any process. For example, a person’s life - his growing up, a change in worldview - is often reflected in his memoirs. Typically, this genre of fiction is replete with verbs. They are necessary to describe the numerous actions that this or that character performed. Verbs here are often used in perfect form in order to show the sequence of what is happening. However, it is possible to use them in an imperfect way so that the reader has a sense of presence. It is achieved due to the fact that such a verb gives the story the effect of the duration of the action.
In addition to fiction, as well as description, the functional-semantic type of speech, narration can be used in any other styles.
For example, in a document unpleasant for all serving people, such as an explanatory note, a person sets out the reason for his unseemly act. He lists the events that prevented him from fulfilling his duties.
For these purposes, narrative is used. It can be both personally colored and depersonalized, depending on the characteristics of the text within which it exists. For example, in historical encyclopedias, the description of certain events, as a rule, does not contain their moral and political assessment. The narration in them is usually conducted from a third party. And in fiction, on the contrary, the author often acts as a narrator, placing a description of personal experiences and assessments in the work.
When to draw conclusions
Functional-semantic type of speech reasoning also deserves a detailed consideration. Texts of this kind are impossible without the presence of a subjective component in them. Such literary works, or samples of spoken language, always contain the author’s thoughts about certain circumstances or any subject.
Functional-semantic type of speech reasoning is one of the most regulated and structured types. If we consider it in a classical form, the scheme of such texts is usually as follows: introduction, thesis, proof, conclusions. The reader may notice that this principle is characteristic of scientific papers containing research elements. Indeed, in such works, as a rule, the relevance of the described problem is first described, the history of its study is given. All this relates to the introduction. Then the thesis is advanced. What is he like?
By this concept is meant the formulation of a question. When a problem is indicated, then ways to solve it are given, that is, an answer. All this is included in the concept of "thesis". Most of the volume of text written using such a functional-semantic type of speech is the part where the proof of the correctness of the selected answer occurs. It is worth noting that, instead of confirmation, the thesis can be refuted.
This part is usually followed by conclusions.
This scheme in a classical form is present only in scientific works and sometimes in fiction. In colloquial speech, such parts as introduction and conclusions, and sometimes the statement of thesis, are usually omitted. After all, the participants in the conversation may be aware in advance of the essence of the problem under consideration.
In contrast to the functional-semantic types of speech of description and narration, reasoning is divided into several subspecies. The main ones can be called clarification, proof and inference.
The first is a confirmation of a provision. As a rule, such a functional-semantic type of speech (the narration is inappropriate here) is just used in the scientific literature.
Clarifications include such fragments of speech in which one person introduces another person to the course of affairs.
This can happen in a colloquial situation, so all parts except the evidence part can be omitted here.
The conclusion, as a rule, contains not one thesis, but several used in a logical sequence.
In this article, such functional-semantic types of speech as reasoning, description and narration were considered. There are few works of literature that contain only one single species. But their individual passages can be characterized unambiguously. The article may be useful to students and schoolchildren in preparation for exams. It is known that one of the questions of the exam in the Russian language is often this: "The functional-semantic types of speech are ...". You need to choose the right ones from the proposed options. Or, for example, the task: "What is the functional-semantic type of speech in this passage?" The above material can help with this test.