Analysis of "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov in chapters and in parts

There are books that you must read. One of them is “Quiet Don” by Sholokhov. Analysis of the work gives a person the opportunity to recall the content of the novel, the main characteristics of the characters and the time in which they lived. Reflections will help to understand the main motivating idea that led the author to write this work, to plunge into the color of the unique atmosphere of the Don Cossacks.

analysis quiet don sholokhov

Writing a novel

The analysis of Sholokhov's “Quiet Flows the Don” is worth starting with the history of its creation. The author of the novel - a hereditary Cossack - decided to describe the real events that took place after the October Revolution in the south of central Russia. He was interested in the Kornilov rebellion, which broke out on the Don in 1917, which further split Russia into two halves - white and red. This tragedy affected not only the country, but also the villages, Cossack families, where the neighbor went against the neighbor, brother to brother.

But, having touched on this topic, the writer came to the conclusion that it is necessary to reveal the whole scale of the tragedy as deep as possible, and for this it is necessary to begin your narration from an earlier, pre-war time. This will help to reveal more deeply the character of the heroes, the relationship between the inhabitants of the village, members of the same family. In the novel, these are hereditary Cossacks - Melekhovs. This will allow the reader to explain who the Cossacks are, to show their way of life, centuries-old customs and traditions.

Mikhail Sholokhov

Sholokhov and his "Quiet Don"

The result was four volumes of the novel, covering the period from 1912 to 1922. Sholokhov began writing it in 1925. In the process, it was decided not to be limited only to rebellion. This led to the fact that the writer spent another whole year thinking about the concept of his work. He carefully collected materials, memories of fellow countrymen, reflecting on them and doing their analysis. "Quiet Don" Sholokhov saw the light in January 1928. The first three parts of it were printed on the pages of the journal Oktyabr (editor-in-chief A. Serafimovich), from May to October 1928, the 4th and 5th parts are printed here.

In addition, in May 1928, the first book of his novel was published, which was also published this year by The Newspaper. The success was tremendous. But in 1929, the first critical articles appeared in which Sholokhov was accused of portraying white people more vividly and voluminously, since the heroes related to the red ones were faded and inexpressive. To this is added the accusation of Sholokhov in plagiarism. According to some critics, such a young and lifeless man could not reveal the characters' characters so deeply. Having made an analysis of Sholokhov's “Quiet Flows the Don” in terms of his involvement in “proletarian writers”, the authors of some articles considered him sympathetic white. The last, 4th book was published in the Roman Newspaper and the New World in 1940. In the same year the full version of the book Quiet Don is published.

sholokhov quiet don analysis

The genre of the novel

A complete analysis of Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don” is impossible without determining the genre to which it belongs. This is an epic novel, rarely found in literature and representing a voluminous epic work, characterized by a complex narration, a huge number of fictional and real heroes, many events, both private and concerning the fate of the country. In the literary direction, this work belongs to socialist realism. The book reflects the real fate of the Don Cossacks in the period from 1912 to 1922.

The main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the novel are members of the Melekhov family living in the Tatar farm (Veshenskaya village), and their neighbors. It is not possible to make a full analysis of Sholokhov's “Quiet Flows the Don” without a brief description:

  • Grigory Panteleevich Melekhov - the main character, about whom the novel narrates. Outwardly, he looks like his father. Dark-haired, with slightly slanting eyes and a nose with a hump. Outwardly resembles a Turk. Tall, lean, but strong in bone. By nature, proud, wayward, hot, with a heightened sense of justice. This makes him rush about in search of truth and truth.
  • Peter Panteleevich Melekhov - brother of Gregory. Outwardly and in character - the exact opposite of the main character. He resembles a mother. Small stature, squat sturdy. He has blond hair, brown eyes, and a snub nose. It has a developed economic vein, seeks profit in everything. Kind, flexible, knows how to find a common language with his superiors.
  • Dunyasha Melekhova is the sister of Gregory. Like him, she looks like a father who loves her very much. Hardworking, quick-witted, able to be faithful.
  • Pantelei Prokopyevich Melekhov - father of Gregory. Black, hunchbacked, with an earring in his ear, lame, having seen a lot in his lifetime, but, as in his youth, hot and hot-tempered. He, an old soldier, is committed to the monarchy, the old foundations and traditions of the Cossacks.
  • Ilyinichna - mother of Gregory. It was once a beauty, but the hard work, treason and beating of her husband quickly made her older. The meaning of her life is caring for the house, children, unlimited love for them. She is wise, patient and submissive to life circumstances.
  • Natalia Melekhova is the wife of Gregory. A beautiful and stately woman with gray eyes and dark hair, possessing all the excellent feminine qualities: working, modest, obedient, with spiritual nobility. She loves her husband without memory, is hard going through his betrayals, but does not know how to forgive him, ruins herself and her unborn child.
  • Aksinya Astakhova - Gregory's love. Viciously beautiful, bright and burly woman. She has beautiful curly hair, dark expressive eyes. By nature affectionate, courageous and passionate. I’m ready to fight for my Gregory, but at the same time she’s cheating on him with Evgeny Listvytsky.
  • Daria Melekhova is the wife of Peter. She is a thin-boned and tall, beautiful woman. Unfaithful to her husband, untied, rude and frivolous. But very cheerful and not discouraged.
  • Mikhail Koshevoy is a friend of Gregory's youth. Beloved and at the end of the novel, the husband of Dunyasha Melekhova. He has dark eyes and golden hair. He himself is stocky and of a dense physique. An ardent Bolshevik who did not forgive Gregory for his throwing and became his sworn enemy. By nature, stubborn, hardworking.

Short story

It must be stated in the analysis of the work “Quiet Flows the Don” by Sholokhov briefly, the most important thing is to reflect the essence of the story. In total, the novel contains four books, which, in turn, are divided into parts. Each is dedicated to a specific event consisting of private episodes.

analysis quiet don sholokhov

Book 1. Part One

It tells about the appearance of the Melekhov family, introduces members of the family. Talks about their life at the time of 1912. Grandfather Gregory - Prokofiy Melekhov brings a Turkish wife from the Turkish war, who did not like the inhabitants of the Tatar farm. She was mistaken for a witch. The Cossacks lynched her, but she, dying, gave birth to a son Pantelei. He survived, rose to the rank of conscript, married his beautiful neighbor, who bore him two sons - Peter and Gregory - and daughter Dunyashka.

Performing the analysis of the work “Quiet Flows the Don” by Sholokhov in chapters and in parts, you see how the fates of the heroes are organically intertwined with the events taking place in the state. At the time of the description, the main character - a young unmarried Cossack - falls in love with his neighbor Astakhov Aksinya, whose husband Stepan is in the army. To break this connection, Gregory is married to the rich farmer Natalya Korshunova. He parted with Aksinya, but does not find happiness with his wife, whom he does not love.

Bathing a horse in the "Quiet Flows the Don" Sholokhov. Passage analysis

Sholokhov’s mastery is bewitching, forcing you to read the novel in one go. The first meeting of Aksigny and Gregory, which takes place on the banks of the Don during its descent for horse bathing, is symbolic. Aksinya easily carries buckets of water to meet him. Gregory, prancing on his horse, directed him to a neighbor. This meeting is full of feelings of suddenly flared up and growing love.

The transmitted inner sensations of the protagonist at this meeting are perceived as the words of the author, who himself experienced this. Aksinya, as a wife, understands perfectly well that you can’t hide from people on the farm, but she’s happy, and she, fearing, goes towards love. Gregory, following her, marks her fine figure, large shoulders, every movement. It is this unexpected meeting that will be the beginning of their difficult relationship, will predetermine their future fate.

Book 1. Part 2

The Rostov locksmith Joseph Shtokman arrived at the farm, who is gradually gathering a certain circle of Cossacks around him. This small episode symbolizes a future split. Disappointed in family life, Gregory leaves home and, together with Aksinya, settles in Yagodny - the Listnitsky estate. The eldest son of the owner Eugene begins to show attention to the Cossack. This caused jealousy on the part of Gregory. Left alone, Natalya cut her throat with a scythe. She survived and went to live with the Melekhovs, who loved her and considered her own.

analysis of the work of quiet don sholokhov in chapters and in parts

Book 1. Part 3

Gregory in the spring of 1914 was drafted into the army. He serves on the Austrian border in Radivilovo. Shtokman arrested at a farm. In the outbreak of World War I, Melekhov accepted his baptism of fire in battle near Leshnevo. Under Kamenka-Strumilov, he was seriously injured and was hospitalized. He is awarded the rank of officer and awarded the St. George Cross.

Aksinya's daughter is born in Berry, who later dies of scarlet fever. Aksinya agrees with the centurion Eugene Listnitsky. Returning after treatment, Gregory beats them with a whip and goes home to Natalia.

Book 2. Part 4

Carrying out the analysis of the "Quiet Flows the Don" by M. A. Sholokhov, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that the theme of the attitude of different people towards the war is gradually being raised, exposing their most unexpected character traits. In 1916, at the front in Polesie, in a dugout, a conversation of officers takes place, in which coronet Bunchuk (Bolshevik) and Yesaul Listvytsky (nobleman), representing different classes of society, take part. The writer clearly outlined the ideological gulf between them, their intransigence.

Yesaul writes a denunciation to Bunchuk, he is deserting from the front. Gregory becomes the complete St. George Knight. In one of the battles, he rescues his enemy Stepan Astakhov, who is subsequently captured. Natalia gave birth to twins - Mishenka and Polenka. Listvytsky transferred to Petrograd to Kornilov, Bunchuk became a Bolshevik agitator. The October Revolution is taking place. Cossacks return to their native farm.

Mikhail Sholokhov Quiet Don Analysis

Book 2. Part 5

The Don Civil War begins. Making a brief analysis of “Quiet Flows the Don” by Sholokhov, one can notice that in this part Gregory's throwings begin. Part of the Cossacks went to Kaledin, who dreamed of building the Don Republic. The Reds are headed by someone who came from the center of Podtelkov. Gregory is also fighting in their ranks. After the defeat of the Don army, unable to withstand mass executions, the Cossacks capture Podtelkov and Bunchuk and sentenced them to death.

Book 3. Part 6

In the spring of 1918, a division of the Don Cossacks took place. Living poor in the upper reaches of the river spoke for the Bolsheviks. The more prosperous Cossacks from the lower reaches sided with the whites. The Germans occupied Millerovo. Pantelei Melekhov, like his eldest son, was on the side of the whites. Gregory returns and fights in submission to his brother in the White Army. Peter Melekhov is killed by the Bolshevik Mishka Kosheva. Gregory takes revenge for the death of Peter and fights fiercely. This is not in vain, he begins to drink. An analysis of The Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Sholokhov reveals the entire difficult military-political situation in southern Russia, the tough struggle between white and red. Here friends, villagers, members of the same family fought against each other.

sholokhov quiet don analysis briefly

Book 4. Part 7

Mitka Korshunov, who arrived at the farm at the head of the punitive detachment, kills Koshevoy’s mother with small children. The reason for this was the killing of his relatives. Gregory, having had typhoid fever, arrived at the farm. He again resumed communication with Aksinya. Daria fell ill with a “bad disease” and confessed this to Natalia, but in order not to suffer alone, she told her that Grigory and Aksinya were meeting again. A while later, she drowned in the Don. Natalia, pregnant by Gregory, had an abortion and died of infection.

Gregory, having buried his wife, went with the Cossacks to the whites. Pantelei Melekhov mobilized in the White Army, where he dies from typhoid. Gregory found him and buried him. He again becomes ill with typhus and returns to Tatar. After recovery, he again goes to the white, taking with him Aksinya, who also becomes ill with typhoid. He left her to good people for healing and rode on. In Novorossiysk, with his friend and adjutant, Prokhor observes the evacuation of whites. This serves as a turning point for Gregory. He is back with the Reds.

quiet don

Book 4. Part 8

Of the once large Korshunov family, only Ilyinichna, Dunyashka, and two children of Gregory, who fought in the Budenny Horse Army, remained. Aksinya and Teddy Bear come back. He lives at the Melekhov base, as his house was burned. He still loves Dunyasha, wants to get along with her. But Ilyinichna, who cannot forgive him the murder of Peter, opposed this. The Melekhovs' economy is completely ruined, and Kosheva, sick with malaria, helps them restore it. Ilyinichna, realizing that she could not wait for her Grishenka, yielded to her daughter's insistent request and blessed her for an alliance with him. After her, the daughter of Gregory dies. All around the world there are three Melekhovs: Gregory, his little son Mishenka and Dunyashka.

analysis of the work silent don sholokhov briefly the most important

Gregory returns, but he realizes that in the same house he cannot get along with his sworn enemy. Despite his service in the First Horse, Kosheva cannot forgive him for participating in the war on the side of the whites. Melekhov leaves and ends up in the Fomin gang, here he sees complete decomposition and realizes that he is tired of killing and living. He breaks out of the gang, secretly sneaks into the farm, takes Axinho and they leave. A stray bullet fired by one of the food detachment kills Axinho. Having buried her, Gregory throws weapons into the Don, goes to the Tatar farm and finds and hugs his son. He understands that this is the only one who still holds it on this earth.

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