Pill abortion, or medical termination of pregnancy is a fairly common way, which has several advantages. After all, this method does not require surgical intervention and has much fewer side effects.
Abortion pills: benefits of the method
To begin with, it is worth noting that such a procedure is possible only in the early stages of pregnancy and only under the supervision of a doctor. Medical interruption is a relatively new technique, which is distinguished by a number of advantages.
- Such a procedure, unlike surgical methods, rarely leads to infertility or problems with subsequent pregnancies.
- The risk of complications is also relatively low.
- Abortion with tablets allows you to avoid injuries of the endometrium and the uterine neck, which necessarily occur during the surgical procedure.
- Since there is no contact with blood, the risk of catching infections, hepatitis or HIV is also reduced to zero.
- For medical interruption, no anesthesia is required.
- There is practically no rehabilitation period - the patient may return to work and the usual way of life the very next day.
Abortion pills: how is the procedure?
As mentioned above, drug interruption is possible only in the early stages of pregnancy - no more than 49 days should pass from the day the last menstruation begins. In order to terminate pregnancy, steroid hormones are usually used. Taking such medications primarily leads to fetal death. In addition, the medication used increases the sensitivity of uterine tissues to the hormone oxytocin. As a result of this, active contractions of the uterine muscles begin, which leads to the removal of the embryo from the uterine cavity.
First, the doctor must carefully examine the woman. In addition, ultrasound diagnostics are needed, which will confirm the presence of pregnancy, the absence of contraindications and help determine the exact period. After that, it is necessary to find out if the woman has an allergy to any components of the drug.
If all studies give a normal result, the patient should take pills. As a rule, for the next three hours, she should remain under the supervision of a doctor. If no deviations are found, the woman can go home. Rejection of the ovum can occur both after a few hours, and after 1 - 2 days. This process is accompanied by bleeding. For another two weeks, the patient may notice the release of a certain amount of blood.
Two weeks later, the woman must visit the doctor again. The specialist must make sure that the embryo is completely removed and that there are no complications.
Abortion pills: consequences and possible complications
Despite the fact that today, medical interruption is considered one of the safest procedures, even here there is a risk of complications. In the first days after taking the drug, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen (they are caused by a reduction in the uterus), diarrhea, chills, fever, dizziness, and headaches may appear. In addition, there is a possibility of bleeding. In such cases, you should immediately contact your doctor. In addition, there is always a risk of hormonal imbalance.
In some cases, the fetal egg is not completely removed from the uterus. This is rare, but it does happen. In such cases, you need to curettage. Pregnancy persists after taking the drug in about 2% of cases.
Abortion pills: patient reviews
Reviews of women about the use of such drugs are completely different. Some patients say the interruption was quick and without any complications. Others, on the contrary, complain of poor health, heavy bleeding and other dangerous complications.
Take the drug only as prescribed by the doctor. In no case should you use the tablets without permission, since such medicines have a lot of contraindications and side effects.